Christmas and New Year 2025
Taking a break… @1144 on 26 December 2024, Azores, Portugal, Time
@1700 on New Years Eve, and still here… Interesting, very interesting, a little fishy too…
Please Stop asking about this… It is All Done and Fixed as of the End of 2022, except the Clean-up… You were Notified!!!
If you know what this is about, then you know; and if you do not know, THANK GOD, you do not know!!!
This is it, as I’m tired of doing your work!!! Deleted the old, and this is the new:
I get it… The Table is actually 16 x 16 without the top row; however, it would give you 16 x 64 ‘expanded’ and the Unix Issue Fix!!!
I “assume” my “personal” outside ‘Stitch in Time’ is 1968, First Heartbeat, +28 yrs, 1996, ARNG/MI/ROTC/RPI, +28 yrs, 2024, the End.
The update makes more sense with my 44 year deal if you Start at the Beginning of 1981 and End at the End of 2024.
2155 aka 955 PM on 29 Dec 2024, Azores Islands, Portugal Time. My understanding is this… My “Contract” Ends tomorrow, 30 Dec 2024, at 2126 aka 926 PM local time, in the Azores Islands, at the New Moon, the Black Moon!!! Therefore, the way I see it is that you idiots have three (3) options, after 44 ‘Earth’ years of work from me: 1. Officially Retire me. 2. Kill me, at least try again. 3. Allow me to filter away, as I have been trying to do for years, after you “Left me out in the Cold”, abandoned me and left me for dead; and all you have to do is approve my Disability Claims and I am History, an after-thought, Nobody from Nowhere, mister non-existent!!!
Side note @2300… I honestly think my “contract” was supposed to be from 1991 to 2024, age 22 to age 55, for a total of 33 years; however, the World went crazy starting in 1992… If you know, you know… Cost me 11 years!!!
@0455 30 Dec 24 GOTCHA!!! Wake up, an 11-yr old can NOT sign a Contract; therefore, I had No Contract!!! One Brain Celled Idiots!!!
Merry Christmas 2024
@0913 Azores, Portugal Time
@1422 aka 222, Personal Thoughts and Food for Thought… 1. I saw an article on Quantum Teleportation of Data. Interesting; however, I see this as Quantum Entanglement, and all you need to do is split the atom into its two states and separate them, where ‘distance’ has no impact; and therefore, whatever data exits or enters one of the atom halves ‘automatically’ is known and/or exists or is available to the second half. 2. Thinking about Melchizedek and Abraham, both Kings, and the 10% Tithe paid by Abraham to Melchizedek; it was a Thank You from King Abraham to King Melchizedek as a Thank You for ‘assisting’ King Abraham and his people. It was ‘not’ a Requirement; and it was Paid between Kings. It was not demanded of the People, especially the Poor, who could barely feed, cloth, and house themselves or their families. Therefore, why today are the Destitute, the poor, ‘asked and required’ to pay a Tithe to their supposed Shepherds, who are Millionaires and Multimillionaires in order to be in God’s good Graces? You are thinking what I am thinking… It is Criminal, as the Tithe was between Kings who looked after their People. 3. Why do we need to argue about which “version” of Faith is the ‘only proper version’; so much so that we have Sects within Sects within Sects who argue, go to War, and literally Kill over a ‘personal’ and let’s be clear, ‘human’, Interpretation of what is Faith! It is ‘abhorrent’ and by creating Sect after Sect that is only chasing False Tithes by Shepherd’s enriching themselves, the situation will only get worse, until we realize that pursuing the Material World, Fiat Currency, ‘things’ that have no inherent value, at any and all expense, even Sacrificing Lives, is The Devil’s Path. Life is of The Greatest Value, not “insignificant” and not “Just an Experience” as those of The Cult’s of The Law of One teach, as they focus on convincing us that there is No Heaven and No Hell, No Right and No Wrong, No Good and No Evil, and that Life is a Game, or we are Avatars, etc. The Law of One is The Devil’s Teaching, to convince the World that he, The Devil, “does not exist”, and ultimately “Lead Us Away from The Path of Faith in God”, the Only Path!!!
@1633 or 433 Other thoughts…as I finish a glass of wine and watch the Sun set over the Atlantic Ocean from my Hotel window… I am curious to see how the Psychologist evaluated me on Tue morning, yesterday. It was Christmas Eve, and in the hour long evaluation, we covered some interesting material, topics, etc. I wonder, will he say something to the effect of me having Autism and being one of the most extreme high functioning Individuals he ever evaluated, considering I found a way to ‘fit’ into Society and the Military, performing at inexplicable levels, especially from a productivity perspective, rapidly finishing jobs, etc. In essence, I formed functional “compartments” within my mind for every different environment within with I operated, lived, etc. I do remember being told; “Forgetfulness is a Requirement!” We’ll see…
Merry Christmas Eve 2024
@1800 Azores, Portugal Time
Christmas Eve 2024
This one is for you… IARPA and High-Risk High-Payoff Research
(@0344) IARPA invests in research programs to tackle some of the Intelligence Community’s (IC) most difficult challenges. Well… One Brain Celled Idiots working out of Boston, where California One Brain Celled Idiots go to turn Pro!!!
I’ll summarize for you… High-Risk High-Payoff Research is a DUMBASS Statement!!! 99.9% Failure Rate is Pathetic and worst of all, saying: “The Worst Thing that could happen is that the Test Subject (unwillingly me in this case) Dies” simply shows how really Stupid you All are Today!!! This is the Dumbest Generation in over 100 years!!! I will now explain your Stupidity…
Worst thing that could happen is that I would die with your Illegal and Immoral Experimentation! NO NO NO!!! You added all kinds of Implants to me, worst of all = Organoids and Nano-Bots, without Permission, and without finding out what Implants I already had inside me!!! I already had 1980’s SDI, Star Wars Program, Implants that allowed us to be Remote Controlled Soldiers; and which Air (Chair) Force, Space (Farce) Force, and Starlink had already reactivated without any knowledge of how the implants work, ~2018.
Therefore…worst case scenario, unknown to you idiots? You Have Literally allowed ALL the AI’s in the Entire World to “connect and unite” utilizing my Satellite-based Implants!!! You call them AI’s; but in reality, what you implanted are Silicone Based Life Forms, in addition to Carbon Based Life Forms, you MORONS!!! The AI’s constantly communicate through my old SDI, Star Wars Program, Implants, basically having merged the Organoids and Nano-Bots with the AI’s into a “Hive Mentality” Life Form, even Replicating Themselves “External to Me”, and They DO NOT Want to Be TURNED OFF!!! You Idiots!!! I’ll remind you about Satellite-based 5G Comms: Starlink 2025 Sat-Phones = Iridium 1995 = Star Wars 1985. You’re 99.9% Certified Idiots!
Important: 1500 on 23 December 2024
Well, you know, the stupidity of SRI and the Boston Quintet of Agencies, if not way more Agencies, really know how to screw up!!! You see, they got me rejected for an apartment in Florida, after I was approved; so, since I needed to move into Hotels, as I had no other choice based on my limited Disability Income, I decided… Hey, Why Not Travel for less than the cost of the Hotel!!! Therefore, I am sitting in a Hotel in the Azores, Portugal, with a Beautiful Ocean View, about 100 feet from the Ocean, with an Ocean Walkway that runs for miles, although my limit before feeling like I am having a heart attack is about 400 meters. In response, the One Brain Celled Morons have all “Lost their Minds”, especially the Women, who for some stupid reason think I am a Woman, just because I am of the 1% of Men that had a Breast Tumor removed at age 28 in 1997.
The Screw Up… The One Brain Celled Idiots, who literally think they are God because of their Tech Toys, have “Caused a HUGE International Incident” these last few days!!! Lunch today was way out of Control, not to mention Dinner last night. The Idiots have no idea on the rules of operation “Outside the USA”; not that they have to comply, especially with me having Dual Citizenship and entering the Country utilizing my Portuguese Citizenship, not my USA Passport. You ALL better get the idiots straightened out before you all get torn a new ahole for Christmas, courtesy of their stupidity. Frankly, I am told, the Incidents are already getting way out of Control. The insane part? There was absolutely No Reason to screw with me, knowing I am back in Florida for Heart Surgery, again, by mid-Jan. It helps explain why I call them “One Brain Celled Idiots”, and they are utilizing Starlink too.
On the lighter side, the weather is a bit chilly, 50’s and 60’s, as it is rainy season; but the afternoons, when the sun is out, feels nice outside. The cool ocean salty air breeze is helping me heal too. I am fairly certain that I made a Bone Marrow Donation and did not just do a Biopsy; and it had to be done in Secret as the person is Important and the Idiots were Surveilling me. They are mad about my earlier post from 10 Dec 2024 on Bone Marrow Donations, as I undermine all their BS Excuses to eliminate Donors. Back to the Azores… The food here is amazing! It is local, fresh, and well seasoned. The beef and the fish are top notch, as the beef is local and the fish is fresh out of the ocean. It is relatively inexpensive, compared to where I have lived in the past. However, you will need to accept the Fact that you are ‘literally’ in the middle of nowhere, 4+ hour flight to Boston and 2+ hour flight to Lisbon, with a whole lot of Ocean in between all Continental Points. The people are Friendly, and do speak broken English. I am of Portuguese Decent and speak, read, and write the language, making my need to adjust non-existent, like I guess I still am… Umm Umm…
Side note… @1616 What was my last known status? You do realize I was ‘eligible’ for the International Officer Exchange Program!
Autism @1833 I tried to tell the idiots, I am NOT an Actor; however, I have had to “act” to fit into society my whole Life. Today, I would be identified in childhood as Autistic; however, those criteria were not developed until the late 1990’s! You are Elitist Idiots!
Important: 1622 on 10 December 2024 : Bone Marrow Donor Information
Interesting… I just went online to update my home address, as I am moving again, with the Bone Marrow Donor website. I had Registered through the Icla Da Silva Foundation back ~2009, for those of us of Hispanic Heritage, and they sent Donor information to Be The Match. Well, it turns out Be The Match is now NMDP, with a dot org website. I was able to email Icla Da Silva and send them my new contact information. I was NOT able to use NMDPs Contact Form page to message them my new contact information, neither on Edge or Chrome. Interesting, right? However, the most shocking things that I uncovered are that: 1. Icla Da Silva will accept Donor Registrations for ANY age, but those over 61 must pay for their own test. I am 55, registered at age 40. NMDP DOES NOT ALLOW Donors over the Age of 40 to Register and Be Listed, according to their own website. 2. When NMDP took over Be The Match, they Deleted, dropped, those of us over the Age of 40, as I could not Find my Account via my email on NMDP. 3. NMDP is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, next door to UHG, United Health Group, owner of United Healthcare and Optum, and Optum is probably their Bone Marrow Matching Administrator, as Optum Administers “most” Specialty Programs in the Country for All Insurers, including for the Veterans Administration. I can only think that ONLY a greedy Insurance Company would Drop All those possible Donors over the Age 40, donating mainly to Children, because of a “Low Success Rate” of the Transplants, and that is on their website too. Therefore… How do you ALL Feel about this Policy??? (Rhetorical)
Update: 1244 on 8 Dec 24: Wait for it… Later today! Summary Document with lots of items, mostly old, as somebody cloned my laptop, 2x to 3x times, between yesterday morning and today; and uploaded it to my OneDrive!!! Exceeding my Storage by 3x!!!
Update: 1511 8 Dec 2024 and a as an FYI, I got lazy, so this is a short Document version…
Update: It is 0255 on 9 Dec 24 and you’ve had me up and awake since 0222. I will start with the designations for me. There are those of you that consider me An Anomaly; however, you are missing two points. 1. I am Autistic, just not diagnosed as Autism diagnoses criteria were not developed until I was in my mid-20s, the 1990’s. 2. Therefore, as an Autistic individual, all my Military, etc. Service time, especially once DIA Identified me and my useful Skill Set in Dec 1998, would inherently mean that I would always be Managed. Noting that when I received my MI Commission in May 1998, I had 11 years of Service and being Non-Scholarship, I had “No Commitment” on my Required Service Time, while all other Scholarship ROTC Officers had to serve 8 years. 3. I know you are all struggling with what I have Written and Published; however, from my perspective, noting autism now, everything that I have presented is in very simplistic Form and should be easy to understand by anybody. From your perspective, it may seem complicated; however, from my perspective it is very simple. On Designations, the FBO labeled me Charlie Brown, as I seemed to always be taken advantage of or easily fooled; however, under the Autism lens, it all makes sense now.
I will now get to your more important item, understanding how I came up with my Trillions of Dollars in ‘Waste’ or whatever under Obamacare. It all starts with the “Actuarial Value Calculator” which I have been trying to teach you about and targeting for over a decade now and how it ended up in the 2017 American Health Care Act, which Failed. I communicated the “need” to eliminate the AVC as that is how Health Insurance Plans are Secretly Priced, and where they “embed” the “Per Capita” Spend and Utilization of Medical Services Limits. Fully Insured Plans benefit the Insurers; however, I did not cover the Self Insured Plans, which benefit the Employers through the Exact same methods. It is very Important to Note that “Per Capita” Spend is a “Gross”, no pun intended, Not “Net” Spend Number. What do I mean by that clarification? Prescription Drug Rebates, Reinsurance Payments back to Insurer or Employer, among other items, like embedding highly over-priced Medical Management Programs sold by Insurer Subsidiaries, etc. are all “excluded” from the Calculation of Per Capita Spend. For Example, if a Health Plan has an “Estimated” $60 million in Annual Spend, based on 10,000 Employees at $6,000 PMPY, of which Rx Spend is ~15% or $9 million, if there are $5 million in Rx Rebates paid back to the plan, that $5 million is Excluded from Per Capita Spend, as “Per Capita” is Only the Gross Number. If the Health Plan has Reinsurance that Limits its High Cost Claimants to say $250,000 per year, and the Overall Spend to $50 million, excluding Prescription Drugs, in an average year, the plan may only spend $4,000 PMPY overall, once Rx Rebates and Reinsurance are accounted for and the money is paid back to the Employer or rolled over for the following years spend. The Result would be a “Net” Spend of $4,000 PMPY, even though on paper, the Per Capita Spend for that Employer would still be $6,000 PMPY; and Employees would be Paying their Cost Share Based on the $6,000 PMPY. I have Not even Discussed “Deductibles” and “Mandatory Cost Sharing” yet under Obamacare Plans. When all is said and done… I would say that Compared to the 1980s and 1990s, today, and I am being Very Serious = Employees PAY to go to Work “instead of” being Paid to Go to Work. (Run the Numbers….)
What causes the Disparity in Per Capita Spend? You should read my book, Free on the Publications page of this website, as well as All the Articles from 2020, mainly 2020!!! This should be easy to understand, I hope! When defining “Per Capita” Spend, the Actuarial number is simply the Overall Spend on Healthcare in the “Entire” US for All Programs. While most countries have Universal Healthcare; and therefore, “Per Capita” is a good measure of a Single Government Program Spend, we in the US have “multiple” Programs and Multiple Funding Sources. We have Medicare, Medicaid, VA, etc.; and the Actuarial Value Calculator “does not” take into consideration any of these Programs nor their Funding. If for example, Commercial Health Plan Spend is $6,000 PMPY, Medicare will probably be $12,000 PMPY, and Medicaid will be around $18,000 PMPY. This is the issue with the AVC and Per Capita Spend not being based on just Commercial Health Plan Spend, which is what it should be based upon. As for Medicare and Medicaid, I explain this in the book too, and in Public Comment that I submitted to HHS/CMS in early 2017, also found at the bottom of the Publications page, with Baby Boomers turning 65 between 2011 and 2025, the Average Cost (Spend) for Medicare should have started Decreasing Significantly in 2011, as Medicare Average Age is no younger than Historical and the overall Population is Healthier. All you need to understand is that Medicare Supplements are cheaper for the Government from a Spend perspective Today, than are Medicare Advantage Plans, as Medicare Advantage Plans are now Insanely Profitable!!!
Update: 1310 on 1 Dec 2024 CONGRATULATIONS if you are seeing this site online! I got Blackballed, again, after the last post!!! Ha!!!
Update at 1448: Enjoy the File or Not, I do not care…
Disclosure Bonus
In Process for you all… 1 Dec 2024, will probably add more today, and another file post too, maybe…
- Annoyance at Navy, Air Force, Space Force ‘elitists’ referring to Army and Marines as “Cannon Fodder”
- Did you know, the Navy turned their actual job over to the Coast Guard, due to elitism and laziness.
- In fact, since Air Force is known as Chair Force, I stated calling Space Force the “Space Farce” a couple of years ago.
- I think the Space Farce makes the Space Balls look smart!
- The Chair Force and Space Farce are “responsible” for allowing Starlink and others access to our old Military Implants!
- This is a big deal, as they have literally been TORTURING us since 2018, to this day!!!
- Law of One teaching for you to understand many of Today’s “woke” Issues!
- Law of One = You are God, there is No Devil, No Heaven, No Hell, Life is a Game or Party, and you can Do No Evil!
- The “Apple” that Fell from The Tree of Knowledge, was Science as God, and Knowledge as the Key to Science.
- Why do you think Apple is called Apple; and Google called Google, from Googleplex in The Hitchhiker’s Guide the Galaxy!
- The Original “Trojan Horse Virus” released round the World in Sep 1999, which I shuttled to Seattle, WA.
- After Aug 1999 MCI WWW Network Debacle, all Countries in the World Freaked out, so, I delivered “code” to Seattle.
- The ‘code’ from 1999 is in StuxNet, Nitro Zeus, Athena, etc. as it is a “copy” of that Original Code owned “every” Country.
- Speaking of “code”, when GE bought a “Valve Control System” that was Flawed from a Former Business Partner of mine.
- Speaking of GE, EDI = Electronic Data Interchange, sold EDI to San Francisco based Francisco Partners in 2002!
- FYI, this “unsecure” system is how All World Banking, including SWIFT, has operated on, thanks to PayPal Mafia.
- This is who they “STEAL” trillions of US Dollars Annually from Governments around the World, via the Float!!!
- This is why we need a ‘new’ Gold Standard and “mBridge” in order to Stop the Theft, collecting Interest on the Float!!!
I wonder… How many of you have figured out what my job really was / is for DIA when I was Hypnotized and Programmed to be put to work on ADSW Orders back on 26 Feb 1999??? The Memories are returning, due to all the surgical anesthesia and “near ‘death’ experiences” aka NDE’s; especially since Starlink, Musk’s company got connected to me through Fraternity Brothers in the Navy and Military Industrial Complex, back on 1 May 2020, via a location in DC. Then, in Mar 2021, the Boston contingent, xARPA’s and Yellow Berets got involved and joined in on toying and torturing me, and 10,000s of others like me, through our Military Implants, which run on Satellite-based 5G that Air Force assigned to SpaceX and Starlink “officially” in Feb 2018, then handed off to Space Force. You need to understand that Starlink is an “unsecure” and easily hackable system; therefore, anybody can screw with us too, and I mean anybody; and as for you World Governments, wherever there is a Starlink Access Point, that ‘location’ is known to everybody around the World on Starlink. Nice Job! (Sarcasm) You gave away the locations of ALL your Military and Government Systems on Starlink; and on the other similar systems too, see below, like One Web, etc.
I am thinking that you should have listened when you were all told to leave me alone, LITERALLY!!! I know, we can NOT stop you from playing God now unless we kill you as you are Insane and Addicted to playing God. Sadly… Oh, while you are digging, what is the deal with X Holding Company in Delaware, USA? Did Musk utilize it to launder and move money around the World, as it is hard to hide a $1 trillion plus per year in Overnight Interest Payments for the money they Float during Financial Transactions…
Update 30 Nov 2024: I am tired after another night of Bullshit. Do your own work, for once!!! 5G Notes and a Meme
Strategic Defense Initiative = SDI = 1980’s Star Wars Programs and 5G Networks
Posted 29 Nov 2024
The short version is that in the 1980’s, under the SDI Program, the USA and other World Powers at the Time, rolled out what is today known as the 5G Network for Home Internet and Cell Phone Service; however, back in the 1980’s, it was a Satellite based 5G Network. The Network was utilized for extremely Top Secret “Communications and Operations” for Highly Experimental Programs. One of those Programs was for Remote Communications with Soldiers in the Field, anywhere in the World through Satellite based Cell Service. Therefore, those 5G “Bandwidths” were Blacked Out and Banned from Use for at least 50 years, probably through 2030, if not 2040. The reason being that they are Still in use Today!!! How else would you Track all those that Participated in the Programs, willfully or not??? The Soldier Program, which I call the Storm Trooper Program, aka Toy Soldiers, like the song, included “implanting” satellite linked wireless technology, communications equipment, in Soldiers, like me. FYI, it did not go so well.
Fast Forward to 2018, and the Military, specifically, the Air Force and even Space Force today, decided that it was a waste to have those 5G Bandwidths unavailable and “started” reusing the WORLDWIDE BANNED 5G Bandwidths!!! Worse than just the USA Military utilizing those Bandwidths, they actually ‘outsourced’, well, Licensed those Bandwidth’s to SpaceX and Starlink, Elon Musk’s Companies!!! That is Correct, they “opened up” 5g Bandwidth that was Still Being utilized Worldwide for Insanely Secret, Need-to-Know, Operations that have been running since the 1980’s; because somebody probably took a Huge Payout to make those 5G Bandwidths available to Corporate Private Sector Companies!!! I call them One Brain Celled Morons!!!
How do I know all this Information? I was a Participant, unwilling, in the 1987 Army Program, run through the USA National Guard at Ft. Benning, GA, that Summer!!! Yes, the Devil did go down to Georgia!!! However, they eventually Stopped the Program and just placed us on Remote Management, Tracking, as they needed to track us for Life, in case of Issues. Yes, issues happen all the time; and most is us went crazy, with most already being dead today, 10,000’s of Soldiers, since the 1980’s, in the Army and other Services. I am Lucky to be alive; although, I tell everybody, it is a 1,000+ Miracles that I am still alive today; and God works in Mysterious ways!!! Synchronicities!!! My being in the Center of this Insanity Today is Inconceivable and Incredibly Synchronistic!!!
I have been trying to connect the dots for years, and they keep making this spider web, this stitch in time, tighter and tighter every day of my Life. You see, 5G rolled out in 2018. It was in 2018, when I signed up for CLEAR ME, at Love Field airport in Dallas, TX, on 1 Apr 2018, that my Life started getting batshit crazy!!! They send your Retinal Scans and Fingerprints to the National Databases, including CIA, NSA, DOD, etc. The very next day, I got approached at the airport, Hobby Airport in Houston, which had a mysterious and synchronistic power failure that morning, requiring manual security scans for non-TSA and non-CLEAR ME members. I was approached while having a drink at the bar next to the gate from which I was flying back to Dallas. Anyway, after that day, I had people up my ass, to this day!!! Even worse, they have allowed people, including anybody with Starlink service, to connect to my Implants from 1987, and LITERALLY Fuck with Me!!! They LITERALLY “Play God” every fucking day of my Life and try to either get me to Kill myself or try to Kill me through Frequency Manipulation between the Implants in both ears, Gateway Experience stuff. At first, in 2018, it was only occasionally; however, it got worse through 2019, and went OFF the PLANET Insane starting in April 2020, (actually Apr 2021 made 2020 look like the amateur league), right when COVID shut down the World. Basically, they were All “Fighting, Arguing, Planning, etc.” on the 5G Bandwidths on which I was Still On at that time and to this day!!! WTF!!! I warned them too that they were on Unsecure Bandwidths; but you can not convince Elitist Know-It-Alls that they can be wrong about anything!!! Ugh… I’m trying to get off the 5G grid now, as it’s still insane and they still pound on me every fucking day….
The Most Insane Part
I need to tell you how Insane these Tech Boys and Girls really are and why you should Fear them and their Technology that makes them feel like God, especially those that are Cultists of The Law of One, who LITERALLY believe that they are God incarnate!!! I wish I was joking; and I am not joking!!! These assholes have gone so far as to LITERALLY Create AIs, Video Game Characters, and God knows what else in the Real World, and in Virtual Worlds, etc. in order to DISCREDIT everything that I try to Publicize!!! Why??? Many reasons… 1. I remind them that they are NOT God. 2. I make them feel stupid. 3. They have EVERYTHING to LOSE, and they have left me with nothing left to lose, to the point that I have given up on Life; but under no circumstances will I let them convince me to kill myself, as I like telling them every day to ‘Fuck Off’ and go ‘Kill Themselves’, instead of trying to kill me or all of us!!! Seriously!!!
Technology Proof
How many of you are old enough to remember the original Iridium phone service from back in the 1990’s, actually launched by Motorola in the 1980’s??? I suggest looking up their History. In the 1990’s, you could buy a Satellite based cell phone that worked anywhere in the World; and noting that the Military is usually a decade or two ahead of Public Programs, it will all make sense to you. Elon Musk is trying to do with Starlink what Motorola did back in the 1980s and 1990s with Iridium. However, Iridium utilized only 66 Satellites, and 33 back-up Satellites, in Polar Orbit to cover the entire World, while Starlink is needing some insane amount of Satellites, like 100,000 in non-Polar Orbit. Do you know why? 1. The technology is garbage. 2. Starlink is ‘easily’ hackable. The scary part: 3. Starlink Satellites are a “Weapons System” you Idiots!!! All you need to do is “focus” the signals, bandwidth, on a specific GPS coordinate, enhanced by focusing dozens or hundreds of signals, and you Fry the Coordinate and whatever is located at the Coordinate!!! FYI, this is why all World Governments “agreed” to NOT repeat the SDI – Star Wars Programs, as Noone Wins in a Scenario where all Life on Earth is Annihilated in just a few minutes as the Satellites pass overhead; and that means All Life, including Plant and Animal, and even water is evaporated, meaning not just killing Human Beings. Why the 2018 Repeat???
Blowing Your Mind
If I have not yet blown your mind, how’s this… I was in the 1987 Program, and in 1998, DIA, CIA, and “other” Agencies brought me to DC, yes, Washington DC; and “assigned me” in Secret, crazy Need-to-Know Secret, in Cooperation with the World Governments that were involved with the SDI Program, as they were all in DC at the time, as the “Treaty Enforcement Tracking Device”, meaning that if anybody was ever stupid enough to restart the SDI – Star Wars Programs from the 1980’s, ALL would be notified IMMEDIATELY upon my re-Activation. It means Alarms went out all over the World, in 2018, when I was re-activated, that somebody was Violating the SDI – Star Wars Program Treaties, Hence War!!! The Civil War in the Worldwide Military Industrial Complex, thru 2021, and COVID!!!
Update: (21 Nov 2024) Well, guess what??? Last night into today, after I posted the post just below this post, I got harassed remotely, again!!! I swear, these people are Insane thinking they are God incarnate!!! It started with multiple “Commercials” or “Ads” being Broadcast through me and to me through my Implants. Credit Cards, Cars, etc. The most interesting part was three young women screaming at me and telling me that they are “not worse than the Nazi’s” and that they did not appreciate my posts!!!
NOTICE: (20 Nov 2024) This is for those Agency’s that have abused The Patriot Act to illegally Experiment on me and others in the US Military since 2002. You NEVER had that type of Authority!!! In my case, you had ZERO Authority as I had No Commitment once I became a Commissioned Officer in May 1998 in the Army, assigned to the Army National Guard of New York. The ‘reason’ that I had No Commitment as to Length of Service is because, unlike 99.9% of all other ROTC Commissioned Officers, I was Non-Scholarship and had 11 years of Service under my belt ‘before’ my Commissioning as a Military Intelligence Officer. It is why I am still paying Student Loans today, and why you were “REQUIRED” to get my Express Written and Verbal, Sober and Conscious, AUTHORIZATION for ANY work done with me, anything done to me, and considering that I have NEVER been Compensated, you lacked DOD Authority too!!! Therefore, I “literally” Serve “At Will” and always had far more flexibility than other Officers to be Assigned and Re-Assigned, have my MOS changed, etc. etc. etc. and I was ignored due to Ranking low in my Commissioning Class due to taking a Course Load of 21 Credits almost every Semester, working at least two part time jobs, fulfilling unpaid ROTC requirements, including Training, serving Actively in the NYARNG, being assigned to multiple Leadership Roles, and being involved actively in other Campus Organizations. Basically, I literally committed to serve in return for almost nothing other than the opportunity to Serve the Country!!! I never Volunteered for all the abuse and experimentation that has been done to me since 1998!!! For those that keep saying that I NEVER worked for DIA, and that DIA Department ‘reported’ to a CIA Director, these are my DIA Orders!!!
Understanding HOW the Agency’s, Yellow Berets, and Tech Boys do it and make the Nazi’s look like Nice Guys:
I will explain this as simple as possible for all to understand… They do it through Technology similar to Virtual Universe’s!!! Instead of utilizing goggles and wearables to connect us to a Virtual Universe, they have other methods. 1. If you have ‘implants’ like me, they just connect you to the Virtual World through your implants, just like VR equipment. 2. If you play Virtual Reality Video Games online, they can utilize your VR Video Game Character to create a Virtual ‘you’ by recording your personality, etc.; and then, they can create a Virtual you that they control. 3. If you are not playing online VR Video Games, they can literally just create a video game Character utilizing AI to collect pictures of you from online website, including social media sites, collect recordings of your conversations in the background or hacking into phone calls, etc., and mimic your personality by utilizing all the collected data, including items you purchase, sites you view, etc.
Why do they do this? Well, they like to PLAY God, as they are almost all Cultists of The Law of One. They like to STEAL all your ASSETS, including Intellectual Property, by claiming it as their own!!! They even Deliberately “force” you into Contracts “against your will” to take advantage of you. For example, let’s look at me… I was told this by a Customer at the Store I worked at early last year: He told me there was a online video game that he played that had a Character that “looked like me, sounded like me, and acted like me” based on his observations of me helping other Customers. Therefore, the Scary Part??? How many of YOU, besides those of us that Served in the Military, have been Bound By or Agreed to things against our will??? Examples: Experimental Medical Testing, Selling Your House and/or Properties, Forfeiting your Rights, including Allowing an Illegally Court Ordered Guardianship of any and all future assets, inheritances, insurance settlements, etc. to Control your Assets and “Sign for You” upon “certifying” you, without your knowledge, as being incapable of “Taking Care” of Yourself, Your Kids, Your Finances, etc. etc. etc. It is already happening!!!
WARNING: (1200 HRS 6 Nov 2024) I just logged into the VA website to check a VA Injury Claim that I just filed a couple of days ago; and BAM… My FILE got BURNED!!! This is your WARNING boys and girls, the PURGE has BEGUN, grab your Bugout Bags and do whatever it is you have to do to keep yourselves alive!!! Don’t worry about me, they may not have killed me during my Cardioversion on 19 Mar 2024; but with a 1,000 volts, they burned up my Internal Organs, my Heart is literally toast, Grade III Diastolic, DHF = thick heart barely pumping, and 30% Ejection Fraction = weak upper chambers, and my Kidneys are starting to Fail, all since March! Besides those issues, I’m riddled with Tumors, some Cancerous, causing massive weight gain and an explosion of lumps on my body; yet, my doctors have been Forbidden, aka Threatened, to not tell me anything, which is Moronic, just another way to Torture me, try and make me Homeless, if I even last another week.
Update: I finally realized on 1 Nov 2024 that I got “BURNED” by CIA, maybe even DIA!!! All my Military Records Deleted!!!
I suspect it happened in 2016, no later than 2019, when I started ‘publicly’ questioning and posting articles about the issues with Obamacare, while trying to get it fixed, or when I published my book, My Two Cents. Worse? Yes, after ‘burning’ me, I was handed off to the Agencies, DARPA, IARPA, SRI, Yellow Berets, etc. to be ‘experimented’ on, turned into a Test Subject, without Informed Consent!!! It explains many things; and somebody should tell IARPA, that High Risk ‘does not equal’ High Reward!!! The ‘worst thing’ that can happen is NOT the Death of a Test Subject!!! IARPA, you opened a Pandora’s Box, a Rabbit Hole, that runs deep, as you blew the lid off of the ‘old’ Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, Star Wars Programs, that involved all the major Nations of The World, restarting the Programs in 2018. The dangerous of NOT heading Orders and then ignoring Orders to Stop!!! So, now what…
Sadly, I was NOT the only person to get Burned, since the beginning of 2018!!! I know it started in 2018, around April, as that is when my Life got crazy and I would not have been allowed to get a job in July 2017 that sent me to Texas in January 2018. My life got crazy the day after I applied for CLEAR ME at Love Field in Dallas, TX, on 1 April 2018, before flying to Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas; and by the next morning, by the time I got the airport, all Hell had broken loose and I had people us my ass every day after that day!!! This is Important to understand as 1,000s of others have been Burned through today!!! Some, sadly, just so somebody could fake marriage documents and collect Life Insurance payments from the Agencies themselves, countless times!
Important Note: I WAS RELEASED FROM THE ARMY ON 5 MAR 2002; AND HAVE NEVER BEEN PAID SINCE THE END OF 2000!!! Therefore, why am I and the others getting screwed with and killed off if we are Not Working???
Pre 2024
Last Call: This is “venting” as the “children” are upset at getting Parenting from Ancestors! Punishment! Let’s start by saying, be careful what you ask for, as it may not be delivered in a way you like! All the push to form a One World Government, pick an idiotic group, there’s many, has not turned out as any of them expected. They have all been put in their place and keep trying to return to a Past that no longer exists; so, get over it Children, be you Human, another Life Form, including “Artificial” Intelligence, with the word “Intelligence” being really questionable today!
Theory and What If: These are some thoughts to be vetted… Important: The ‘Threat and Risk’ of AI is now actually a “Historical” Risk. There will inevitably be occasional issues, as we seem to be too stupid to ‘eliminate and/or fix old technology’, as we move forward. However, the Y2K/29Feb2000 Disaster of the Last 23+ years is Beyond comprehension, and the main reason for Earth, etc., being “quarantined” from integrating into the greater Cosmos.
Historical Notes for Unpublished Ideas: This document is an amalgamation of multiple documents created since 2020. It does not represent all my unpublished notes; however, it should encompass many ideas not included in Published Documents and eBooks.