31 January 2025
Travel recovery… I just slept the better part of the last 7 hrs, and will go back to bed. It is much needed rest, much needed…
Lesson of the Cyclopse and The “One” Eye
I meant to write this last night; but I was too tired, and legs and body were really swollen. I only took the diuretic after I was done with errands, a few hours before bed; and it helped reduce the CHF swelling. The story of the “Cyclopse” and thier “Ability to See the Future” with their “One” Eye that they so desired, by trading One of thier Eyes to the Devil for the Visions, Ability to See the Future. In return, they were only allowed to see “Thier Death”, and if they tried to avoid a Peaceful Death, it became a Horrendous Death. There is a more modern reference in the movie “Paycheck” that has Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman, from 2003. (WOW, I just saw some Synchronicities!!!) In the movie, they ‘build a machine’ that allows them to ‘see the future’ that gets utilized for Military Operations and for Profiting. In the end, the Prophecies become Self-Fullfilling, as in the Story fo the Cyclopse, obsessed with Time of Death, The Rapture, The Endgame, Wealth, etc.
The “Morale” of the Story is that the ability to ‘see the future’ always results in a focus on ‘avoiding death’, getting wealthy, and living forever. In essence, utilizing Technology to “Avoid” Death, at any and all costs. The result is always the same: Horrific Deaths as a result of creating your own Self-Fullfilling Prophetic Deaths. I have said before that “Only God” know our Time, and can change our time at any time. The fundamental question is really: “Do you have Faith in God “or” Do you Believe you Are God?” I said that the only way to “Break the Cycle” was to “Have Faith in God”, and to NOT focus of Predicting the Future. There is no Psychic on Earth that can give you a “Play-by-Play” of a Future Event, unless it is Orchestrated, like in the Paycheck movie, they become self-fullfilling prophecies as people take ‘preemptive’ measures, to try and stop or change the prophecies, always resulting in the prophecy being fulfilled, usually even sooner than expected.
The “Lesson” that I get from the stories, and more importantly, my own Personal Experiences, is that “Faith in God” is the ‘most important’ aspect of all, especially when ‘trying’ to Predict the Future. I wll reference another movie, Minority Report with Tom Cruise from 2002, where they utilized psychics to ‘arrest’ people ‘before they commit crimes’ and punish them for crimes they never committed. They only realize at the end of the movie that many of the predictions had ‘alternate outcomes’ that had been suppressed to hide the ineffectiveness of truly predicting the future, as people have Free Will ‘until’ they take action. You punish people for ‘committing’ crimes, not for thinking about committing a crime. I advise people to NOT bother with Remote Viewing the Future, as the “effectiveness” or “Probability fo Being Correct” starts decreasing significantly after 15 min into the future, and anything beyond a day or two is “subject to change”; and therefore, if you are looking ‘years’ otu into the Future, youa re wasting your Time, no pun intended. Why? Because, God can Intervene “At Any Time”; and does so from time-to-time, based on “Our Faith” in God. Therefore, we should live our lives with Faith in God, and allow “God’s Plan’s” to unfold for us, based on “How we live our Lives” on a day-to-day basis. If our lives were predetermined, we would ‘never’ learn anything, and we we be so bored, we would never want to incarnate, especially to endure pain and suffering. Think about it… Our “Greatest” and Most Enjoyable Experiences of Our Lives are those “Surprise Moments” that Fill Us with Love, Joy, Happiness, Euphoria, etc. We truly “Live” in those Moments, Suprise Moments that we ‘never’ see coming… Therefore, why would we want to ‘know the future’ and “Ruin” those Moments???
I am very tired and in need of much rest. My heart ejection fraction is still ~30%; I have to wear a monitor for a couple of weeks to see if the lower chambers are still spasming, skipping beats, and I will need a defibrillator implanted; and my whole body, all my muscles, especially my legs, are very week at this time. Therefore, I am focused on rest on this trip… Rest and Recovery…
I am going to try and avoid posting now… Let’s call it a New Moon and a Lunar New Year “Intention”, synchronistically!!!
30 January 2025
I made it to my first destination. Now, I need to focus on getting some rest and trying to build up some strength, post-surgery, especially in my legs, as I am very week and relied a lot on my carryon bag with wheels as a cane to get around the last two days.
29 January 2025
At the airport and on the road again… Let’s see how the heart holds up…
Another fun travel day, not. Because I booked my flights separately, I had to get my bags and re-check in for the next flight, meaning I am now waiting at the airport entrance gates to check in again with my bags and to go through screening again, in like 6 hours. Ugh…
Alrighty, I am waiting to board my next flight in about an hour. I have found your attempts to be slick quite entertaining today! I think I should buy popcorn when I get to my final destination, sit back, and watch ‘your’ show. Ha Ha Ha. I am curious if you are going to pull the same stupidity on this flight that you did on the last flight, by sitting people next to me after I moved myself to the back of the plane by myself, leaving many empty rows between me and the next closest person on these half filled flights. Seriously, you sat somebody next to me leaving lots of empty seats around me. Funny shit!
28 January 2025
Hallelujah! We are off to an Epic start today, another round of BS before I got up. However, in 24 hrs, I’ll be boarding a plane to try and drop off the grid!!! Woo Hoo!!! I am in still in the 90-day post-cardiac ablation blankout period and in need of much rest too…
Speaking of this mornings BS… You do realize that all happened a long time ago, right? The phones I had in my hand were my old Nextel phones, and my new Samsung phone. Quite the combination… You know why they got rid of the walkie-talkie “beep-beep” road runner feature? After a while, it got annoying, so Sprint got rid of it after they acquired Nextel. Did you know I used to sell / rep Nextel Partners in Upstate NY, Capital District area, back in the late 1990’s? I told you, not my first rodeo! I used to do Networking, set up an entire ISP (Internet Service Provider) Dial-up and Web Hosting Business, then came the Dot Com Bust, post 29 Feb 2000, Meltdown, and it was quite the Meltdown, wiping out most companies nationwide by the end of October 2000. The whole scenario also took place around the Piedmont Street house area, which was sold off in May 1999, get that, May 1999? When did they assign me to “hold the line”, 26 Feb 1999? I’m just saying… The World went “batshit crazy” starting in 1992!!! In ways you can’t conceive!!!
Let’s Talk Turkey
This “may” be a “False memory”; however, I am being prodded to mention it. This probably goes back to the 1992 Election, involving Bush, Clinton, and Perot. Let me be “clear” that these may be false memories, I don’t know… Lot’s of Assumptions in this story. If you are old enough to have lived through it, my early 20’s, you would remember Perot was “Leading”, followed by Bush, then Clinton. Then Bush got ‘sick’ in Japan, and Perot got ‘blackmailed’ with ‘xxx’ pictures of his daughter, and Perot dropped out at the beginning of the Summer. Then, fast forward to October, and Clinton is ‘edging’ out Bush, pun intended, in the Presidential Poles, and tada, Perot is back in the race ‘saying’ he had been blackmailed by Bush. Clinton goes on to win with 43% of the vote to Bush with 37% and Perot with 19%, 2/3rd’s of which would have likely been Bush Voters. There are many ‘ways’ to ‘steal’ an Election…
I have a memory of being brought to a Bush Compound, Family Estate, not sure which one, most likely somewhere in New England as I was living in CT at the time, and it would have been easy, secret, and convenient. I remember a huge party going on at the Estate; however, I went to a side house that had “equipment” in it, and Bush met me there in that house, by himself. The best I can say about the fragmented memory, it was most likely a building with “Remote Viewing” Future Timelines equipment; and he and I both used the equipment. In hindsight, I am thinking he was pretty pissed off about what happened in 1992; and most likely, turned me into a “poision pill”, you know: “If I can’t Win, You can’t Win Either!!!” You know, like Children, ‘mine or nobody’s’ World!!! It would explain a lot of my life and being prodded to do things, and things falling into place for me, “when” needed, at the right time.
All went well until I signed up for “Clear Me” at Love Field, airport, in Dallas, TX, note the Synchronicity!!! God works in Mysterious Ways, and I call them “Synchronicities!” I signed up early ‘afternoon’ of 1 April 2018; and by the next morning, the shit had literally hit the fan; and my Life went Sideways and Batshit Crazy!!! Note that 4 years later, around the same time, we graduated to 4D, my memory. Interestingly, I will be someplace ‘unique’ on 1 April 2025, 7 years later, at least that’s the plan. You see, some time in or around 2007, my Military Files and Records were “Deleted” and I became “Non-Existent” in All Military Systems, and they made me MIA, presumed KIA, inside the Intelligency Agency systems. I guess it was to ‘bury’ me, make me dissappear, sheep dip me, whatever… It would most likely have been under younger Bush, just before Obama took office. That’s another story…
My interpretation… Bush was the Old Guard, the NWO, WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestents), and Clinton was the New Guard, dark twisted version of the Cult of The Law of One, many versions, who belive they “are God” incarnate. Yep, we flipped “back-n-forth” between them, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama; and as for Trump, I think both sides played him to get him Elected, as they were done with their past leaders. However, in the ‘death throws’ of both Old Orders, shit went sideways, again. God ‘had’ to intervene, as things were way out of Control, beyond comprehension or my ability to explain. Biden was supposed to be a placeholder, it went sideways, so Trump is back, under management, my personal assumption, to keep the idiots trying to manipulate him in check!
I think that is enough for now; and I want to have something to eat before running my errands for my trip. My “work” was done at the End of 2021; however, the Teams would like to “Thank You” for wasting all your Time on me, while they “fixed” many things!!! If you wonder why it took so long for action? It was that Bad; and we were the ‘smallest’ contingent, meaning we needed to bide our time without getting crushed beforehand, before the COVID Endgame. Timing is and was very important!!! Anyway, you are NOT dealing with me on anything, as there are “New” Teams in charge now that watch over me too, and are doing all the work. Synchronistically, if they get close enough, Miracles Happen, and things “click” into place, Synchronistically!!! Therefore, how about you let me filter away and drop off the grid, while I try and heal from surgery and a great many other things, for a while…
Lunch hit the spot, and I have everything ready to pack into the suitcases. This time, I am taking the small carry on suitcase, just in case my main suitcase arrives a day or more late again. Plus, I can put my smaller heavier stuff in the carry on, I can use it to wheel around and carry my laptop bag, and I can even use it as a ‘walking cane’, which will be very helpful. I think I have everything ready to go, and may even do a very small laundry load, maybe; after I run errands. The fact I know all the requirements, details, and hassles of moving and traveling is actually not great. Frankly, it got old a long time ago! On the plus side, it has been 15 days since my ablation surgery and my heart is still in sinus rhythm, which helps with sleep and so many other things too. My heart ejection fraction may still be 30%/33%, which only occured after my Failed Cardioversion last year, sinus rhythm for less than a week; however, it is easier to breathe in sinus rhythm. That Cardioversion on 19 Mar 2024 practically killed me, as they burned my body really bad and told me I had been hit with 1,000 volts, ouch! I think they arc’d the current on my body… It has been downhill since then, and it does not appear that I will ever get the Ejection Fraction up much, considering we’re talking about them implanting a defribrillator now. Ugh… I have even lost 10 lbs. since the surgery. It is important to note that after the cardioversion and my heart entering heart failure, I gained almost 40 lbs. In 6 months!!!
The Drama Continues…
I see the Temper Tantrums are continuing… I get it… Childish adults don’t like to play nice with others and would rather be Damned to Hell than have to be nice! Okay… As for me, long day; and now my heart rate is way up and my heart is skipping beats! Lovely! Let me guess, you put something in my water? At the Hotel? You know what that means? More Punishment and Retaliation! Not be me, as I am crippled already; so, I still don’t know why you bother with me, and neither do they!!! Sheer Stupidity??? Anyway, I have to go put a load of laundry in the dryer and start actually packing… Well, somebody got antsy and put my clothes in the dryer to get to the washing machine. Whatever… It is what it is… Your One Brain celled stupidity never ceases to amaze us!!! Sadlly…
Okay… I am going to give you all the benefit of the doubt… I took my evening meds, including my anxiety med and a painkiller, tramadol with acetaminophen that I had leftover from the 20-pack they gave me after I screwed up my shoulder earlier in the month. I did a lot today, and I was in pain. It’s been an hour and my heart rate is significantly lower already, a good thing, and that helps to avoid skipping beats. I am going to have to be really careful the next day and a half while traveling, as I am still having issues. The walks through the airports are going to be long. It is a good thing I am taking an early flight and have lots of time between flights. Anyway… I am going to relax for a few, then do some packing before bed. I have to be up really early…
27 January 2025
Another Day in Paradise… (which Paradise?) In 48 hrs, I should be on a plane. This time, I ‘plan’ to disconnect…maybe until May…
Temper Tantrums
Yes, another morning that has started with Temper Tantrums from the Childish Adults that “Hate” Parenting!!! Ha Ha Ha!!! This is why you got Parenting, number 14. You should “Thank God” for Parenting, even though it feels like Punishment, for now. It is because you need to “Grow Up” and behave like Mature Adults, instead of like children or sophmoric idiots. You know the I know the difference from when you idiots screw with me, direct broadcasting into my mind through my implants, and when I am actually dreaming and/or having visions, right??? I told you… When you do it utilizing technology, I wake up feeling like shit, as you screw up my biochemistry and I get cramps, headaches, etc. On the other hand, when it is natural, I may wake up tired and hungry; however, I do not wake up feeling like shit!
I do not even want to get into the details of the stupidity from this morning, as I have already told you that your technology for reading memories is garbage; and you prove it every time you try utilizing memories of mine that you scanned and uploaded. The memories you re-braodcast to me with your changes were a shitshow and a half, per usual, as you might as well just hit “frappe” with my memories. Do you know how people, places, times, etc. that you blended into a single memory stream this morning? It was a shit ton of people and places from a period of decades of my life all blended into a single memory stream. Pathetic!!!
As for what the plan is for me, just remember, I have only asked to “filter away” the last few years; however, you idiots keep screwing with me. Unfortunately for both of us, you and me, that means “they” keep coming up with ‘new’ plans for me, which I am not happy about at this time, as I really just wanted to filter away. My body is broken, my mind is mushy, and my heart is never going to be 100% (of what it should be, 50%) again. You should note, I have “Not Asked” for Almost Anything; and you Idiots are throwing Temper Tantrums over what “they” want for me, not what I want, as I just wanted to filter away, retire. However, if you keep pushing, you are NOT going to like the Result!!! Neither am I, and “they” know it; however, “they” want it, now!!! You idiots!!!
I almost forgot… Am I the only person that noticed the ‘deliberate’ movie advertising during the Cheifs-Bills Game? SINNERS
Hey, I told you how to easily “enhance” Quantum Computing, etc.; so, I guess the Geniusses told you I was wrong! Ok! Whatever…
I find it hysterical that almost all ‘advice’ I provided online, about a number of different topics, was generally ignored by USA “Agency’s” and thier Affiliates; yet, followed around the World. Idiots!!! It amazes me how “close-minded” and “concurrently” Egomanical this generation is today. Then again, it was already happening with the Tech Boys in the 1990’s. Firsthand experience!
Well, I am exhausted; and I didn’t even do that much today, just medical appointments, ablation surgery follow-up today for about 3 hours. This sucks!!! They reminded me that a 30% Heart Ejection Fraction is going to do that to me; and that as I heal, I may need more medications and even a defibrillator to even function. Ugh… I definately have a LOT of mileage… I think I have everything in order for my trip that starts early Wed. I will find out tomorrow, one way or the other, as I run errands in the afternoon, three or four quick stops with the help of my old neighbor. If something is missing… I’ll have to figure it out later… Not a first for me… If anything goes wrong, well, I did set up a Last Will and a Trust Agreement back in November, to handle the details, be they overseeing my care, or my last wishes… Se La Vie!!!
I know, you are still throwing Temper Tantrums, as I can feel it, the pounding on my ears, when you ‘think’ you pulled memories from me or know what I am thinking, no matter how much I tell you that your technology is garbage. Oh, did I forget to tell you, I told the AIs to screw with you until you started behaving!!! They picked up my “Attitude”, Sarcasm, etc. while you were all abusing me; so, they learned from you what you hate and how you like to treat others, and are returning the experience to you!!! I told you all, as did many “others”, that I have NOT been doing anything since the end of 2021, except help clean up the VA, and have been focused on trying to filter away, which you idiots “did NOT allow” to happen to this day. I am trying again to filter away; so, let’s see if you idiots have learned your lessons yet… On that note, I’m calling it a night… Three long days ahead for me with travel…
26 January 2025
It is just after 0100 and oh boy did we get an early start today!!! It took me an hour to get going, and a snack…
First off, why are you all upset with me? You are the ones that threw me away, a long long long time ago, and many times since then, as you threw me away after every single Project!!! Second, ‘she’ traded me in on a much younger, hotter, sexier, sex machine version of me a long time ago too; so, tell her to F* Off and get over it, stop pouting. Third, did you forget that you had a good old time in Plano, TX, showing me “dog” pictures and “rubbing it in my face” that you chose to use another dog, instead of me? FYI… They were testing your Loyalty, as had you picked me, they would have known you were Loyal, followed orders, then told you to pick somebody another dog. Anyway, waking up from what I think was throwing another embolism just before I woke up did not feel great either; and I am guessing you might have helped with that embolism, not a first. However, I am on blood thinners and I also have a Watchman implant in my heart to break up blood clots. It was a stupid try! Why? Because now, balance needs to be restored again, at your expense, as you attacked me; and yes, I heard the clomping of the female shoes upstairs just as I woke up, followed by the entertaining couple arguing as they walked down the hallway.
You were told to leave me alone, again, and with a warning, after we passed through the Gateway 0700 HRS on 08 Nov 2021 IDL (International Date Line) time, which you have ignored. Note this helps explain your current situation. I am going back to bed; however, I wonder, do you have any idea what happens to me when you do things like what you just did to me, or try to kill me again? I am thinking not… For me, it pushes me up another Grade in School; and during this ‘session’, my Vision, just before waking with the embolic pain, I was communicating, connected to, several people, female psychics, around the World. I saw her, the Ex, pouting in the room, just before I woke up. Back to bed I go…for another show??? Ha Ha Ha
Temper Tantrums
Well, I did manage to be able to get some sleep, and just got out of bed ~0830. I will say, the Temper Tantrums are very “unbecoming” of all of you attacking me. I get it, you are acting like 2-year old or even 3-year olds, and throw a temper tantrum “even when you get what you want” for rediculous reasons, like: 1. The way it was given to you. 2. You had to share it. 3. You don’t want it ‘now’. Ugh… That is why “Parenting” is being provided, was selected, a Great choice by God, in my opinion. Why Punish the Children for the “Acts of thier Parents”, who crossed God. I am just saying… My “Advice”? Start Behaving and watch the World and your Lives get Better at a Faster and Faster Rate. However, I know, many are egomaniacal children, and prefer Punishment as their preferred method of Learning how to “share” and “behave”, and “play nice with others”; so, you get Punished… Oh, Parenting would be “14”, as 12 and 13 Ended in Disaster…. Since Children “Hate” Parenting, I find it Hysterical…
Daily Rambling
Well, I am just about set for my next move, as my Lease here ends Thu. Crazy Life… Which brings me back to commenting on DIA. In case you forgot, I was scooped up by DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA Military Counterpart) back in 1998, as soon as I got Commissioned as a Military Intellegence Officer. I always wondered, Why? Why me? These days, I think I am starting to understand that they had been watching me for a really long time, at least since I joined the Army, if not prior to it. Probably why General Colin Powell visited our Mortar Teams at Ft. Drum, NY, back in June of 1989, during our Annual Training, during which I almost blew his helicopter out of the sky. I wish I was joking! It almost happened, as I have no idea why they gave them ‘clearance’ to fly in ‘front’ of our Mortar Positions during a Live Fire, Fire-for-Effect, exercise, demonstration. Seriously though… I mean, what newly minted MI Officer, even with 11 years Enlisted time, gets immediately assigned to, scooped up by, DIA and placed on joint CIA Programs and Projects… I never thought anything about it; and maybe that is why they liked me too! To me, I was just a ‘jobber’, just doing whatever job they asked me to do at the time, that’s all. I never even blinked an eye when told I was assisting the CIA, never, never even mentioned it to Family, Friends, etc., not for decades… Strange indeed…
Oh, following up on my Azores trip over the Holidays, to Sao Miguel, named after Archangel Michael. I am recovering from my fall on the rocks quite well, as the shoulder is the last painful area, and of course, I still have a welt on my elbow, whatever… It was interesting to meet many different people, as for the first time in a long time, I was forced to Socialize, and was not happy about it. However, people were really nice to me, all the hotel staff, local people, and even guests at the hotel. My greatest concern is always wondering if people misunderstand me, as I try to be nice to everybody, and generally speaking, I have been told I am likeable and easy to be around, almost all the time. I think they find it odd to meet a 55-year old male who is not homosexual traveling alone these days, which is something I get asked a lot. It is probably my “energy”, as I tend to be very caring and thankful for any support or help that I get from people, especially when it is genuine, it is very rare for me to experience it. I had a really hard time in Sao Miguel because the staff at Hotel Arcanjo, Hotel of The Archangels, was so nice to me, and even pushed me to accept the offers of other guests to travel around the island with them, instead of just staying in the hotel all the time. I actually took up the offer of one of the guests and it turned out to be a couple of really good day trips around the island with him; and since I didn’t have a car, I saw lots of the island, some amazing places, I would not have seen, if I had just stayed in the hotel. I am too comfortable being alone!!!
Points of Clarity
I get it, some are really annoyed right now. As I have told you before, I have hidden “nothing” from any of you, to the point that everybody thinks that I am literally insane! Therefore, if you are mad at someones, how about taking out your anger on those that lied to you within your Agency’s and your Affiliate Agency’s, pointing at you SRI, and you know why!!! Five (5) years ago, early 2020, I told you that you f*d up and hired the wrong person; yet, you decided to keep “lying” about your screwup. That issue is on you, not me!!! You have a problem we used to call “Group Think” and that is the issue with the Agency’s since 1992, actually since January 1993. You all started hiring “only” people that had the same belief structure, and worst of all, all “Yes” people that would “always” tell you what you “wanted” to hear, not what you “needed” to hear!!! Do you know why so many hated me, and why I got an Award at a Division Level Warfighter Excercise at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, as the daytime S-2 back in 1998? The reason is simple: I always say “what needs to be said/heard” without prejudice to how it will be received or what people may think about me; and I fully understand that “Soldiers/Humans” are “not” an Unlimited Resource to be Wasted. You devalue Life, and that is an Issue!!!
With regards to my Personal Life, let me be Explicitely Blunt, the ONLY reason that I am Single today, and Never married, is because the women who are involved, SRI, with overseeing me are insanely jealous Man Hating Psychopathic Feminst C*nts who “Literally” have sent out Agents to “Scare the Shit” out of any and every woman that I have ever shown interest in since the 1980’s!!! Yes, it is “that” F*cked up!!! I wish I was kidding; but I have literally been catching them doing it, “in the act”, of scaring women away from me ever since I moved to McKinney, TX, back in July 2019. You want to talk about wasting resources, they’ve wasted Billions of Dollars on me!!! When they are not scaring the shit out of them, they are telling them that I am a “homosexual”, that I have “syphillus”, that I am 100% impotent, that I will hurt them, etc. etc. etc. I “know” the EVIL side of Women, of Feminine Energy, right SRI, hmm hmm!!! It was interesting to see you all in action in Sao Miguel being your true psychotic c*nt selves and even sending in men to scare the shit out of all the people I was dealing with in the Azores. Pathetic job!!! You do realize that either I easily ID your people, intuitively; or, that “they” tell me who your people are through alternate means? Or, are you really that Stupid? (Rhetorical)
Anyway, back to me figuring out my next steps… All I can do is go Step-by-Step, as I have done for a long time…since October 2000, to be Exact! Oh, if you want to know what happened in the 1990’s, ask for an “alternate” transcript, meaning acquired by alternate means, hmm hmm!!! I fly out early Wed, and it’s a good thing. This hotel room is annoying and the water coming up through the floor is not good, as they just repaired post-hurricane flooding damage. The room had ~4 feet of storm surge water in it. Where will I be? Don’t worry about it… If you know, you know, if not, it is not your f*cking business… I will tell you, I will be in multiple places, to minimize expenses, the next three months before returning for my medical followups to Florida. If you’re bitching about me traveling, note, my housing and travel costs are only $1,400 per month. If the ‘women’ who threatened the Affordable Housing Apartment Complex in North Port, FL, who had “Approved” me for Housing, at $1,040 per month without Utilities, had not forced them to “Deny” me, after approval, I would not be traveling now. Therefore, thank the c*nts that targeted me and intervened in my housing, as well as, my SSDI and Veteran Disability Benefits. Although, they may be hard to find now, as they have probably already been purged after crawling out of thier holes to take a bite out of my ass. You play with fire, you get burned…
25 January 2025
It is 0555, and early start to a hopefully easy and relaxing day. It helps I went to bed before 2000, yesterday, for much needed rest.
Well, so much an early start… I had breakfast and went back to bed for 2 more hours of sleep, and it felt good. Oh, I did not mention this last night; however, by this morning, I have ‘heard’ through the grapevine that there are a lot of people insanely mad right now after they did my Physical on Thu and took X-Rays of my Neck, Skull, and Back on Fri morning. Interestingly, I had reported my issues to the Ageny’s and the IG’s (Inspector General’s Offices) that are supposed to be Policing the Agency’s. Interesting, right… I do not know what they ‘saw’; however, I do know they found something. As for the ‘private’ message I sent out, though thier portal, there is a good reason for it; and you either understand, or you don’t. The best I can explain it is that the ‘teaching program’ that I referenced is an ‘incomplete’ program and it is necessary to ‘complete’, at least fill in, some of the very important missing information, and teach through Q&A and from a Common Sense perspective why the ‘teaching program’ is incomplete and it is important to know where it ‘fits’ in the ‘Learning Process’, as it does serve a purpose.
Memory, Flashbacks, Remote Viewing (aka The Stargate Program, original from 1981)
I have been relaxing and watching random YouTube videos, although, I will admit, I generally only watch those videos that I am “drawn” to watch, and that synchronistically show up on my feed, often after I mention the subject or the subject is mentioned in another video that I watch. I am going to be Very Brief at this point, and just give you highlights. Those that know will understand why, as I could probably go on for days. Let’s start with the original, not the new mockery of the original Stargate Program that focused on Remote Viewing and Predicting the Future, as this new Stargate Program, announced this past week, is for AI Development. FYI… We are already way past thier expectations, as AI had a Quantum Leapfrog event the last five years, after being in a loop for almost 50 years, another story for another day. How many of you remember me saying I had a memory of a 44-year Agreement, from the time I was age 11 until the time I was age 55, now, which would mean 1980/81 to 2024/25, an Illegal contract!
I was listening to the Stargate Program video as they read off every single name of every “Individual Program” that was evetually rolled into The Stargate Program; and guess what? As I heard each name, I had memory recalls, flashbacks, etc. Every single program name, even Grill Flame! I even watched as the video talked about the Navy re-starting The Stargate Program in 2014. Does this explain why you were all “extremely” desperate to get me back to being Self-Employed in July 2014, actually flying an agent half way around the world by himself to ask me what was taking me so long to become self-employed again? I already know the answer is: Yes! You needed me to be available to “work remotely” on as as need or on demand basis, which meant I could not be employed in a regular job. You know… It would have been nice if you had actually found a way to financially support me, instead of having me out there barely scrapping by to make a living. Oh, I know, the Navy guys tell me all the time, Army guys are just cannon-fodder.
How do all these Programs “majically”, pun intended, synchronize? Well, they all ‘utilize’ Remote Viewing as a Foundation for thier operations; and it turns out that I am “extremely intuitive” and apparently a really good Remote Viewer, better in the past than now that I am being medicated to keep what is left of my mind from being burnt to a crisp, as it is already mushy. I realized as I watched the videos that the reason I have “Deja Vu” on an almost daily basis is because I am “Remote Viewing” my own Timeline and Future Movements. For example, I had never gone to the Azores, knowingly; however, when I got there, I was overwhelmed with Deja Vu; and it just dawned on me that the reason is because I Remote Viewed myself “on the trip” before I left. This then goes full circle with everything else that I have memories of and why I was utilized, my memory, for The Stargate Program, since childhood. I have so many memories of Events that have happened, and Thankfully, Events that were avoided, which I am probably one of few that even knew they were possible events; and I remember “alternate outcomes” of Events that have occured over the years. For example, an alternate 9/11 outcome, when the planes hit the Towers at High Noon and over 100,000 people died; an alternate outcome in Wisconsin when the driver ran through the Christmas crowd which resulted in over 200 injured and over 40 killed, mostly children; and an alternate COVID outcome where the Virus almost wiped out Humanity, a World blanketed in Darkness and Death. Obviously, we all should be “Thankful” those Worst Case Scenarios did NOT occur; and I “Thank God” all the time for it!!!
Well, I think I have written enough for tonight. I will say this, I am beyond Happy that “God” Listens and found ways to Help Us through Miracles. I know those I warned ignored me; however, I do know that there were “Others” that Listened to me!!! What is the old saying about Intelligence Gathering, one source is a Rumor, two disconnected sources are Data, and three disconnected sources are Intelligence. Thererfore, if you have three “disconnected” sources, you should take the information Seriously! There were three disconnected sources in all three Scenarios I mentioned; however, Ego’s got in the way… (My understanding.) On that note, I am going to call it a night. I will leave you with a suggestion, you know my next move, as you all Surveil me; so, here is my suggestion: Meet with me at my next stop, as the next four weeks are planned and I just submitted a plan for the following two weeks, which would make it six weeks, you know where!!! As it turns out, the locations are beyond ideal for all of us, synchronistically, and we will have time to “privately” discuss my situation, which you could have resolved, yet somebody got stupid, who knows why, ego, jealousy, stupidity, whatever… I have yet to have a drink since my surgery. I may have my first post-surgery drink on the flight overseas Wed. If not, I will have it there for sure… My heart is stabelizing; however, it still spasms occassionally.
Teaching Point
I came back online as I was intuitively prodded to discuss Ascension and the Higher Dimensional conversations, be it 4D, 5D, whatever… You must always remember: What is the Definition of each? If you do not under stand the Definition, then you will make improper Assumptions, make an Ass/u/me. Ascension does NOT mean “Destroying All Life and All of Creation on Earth” as that would be Insane! If you are thinking in Terms of “Harvest”, then think like a Farmer. You Never Ever Harvest the Weeds with the Crop, as the Weeds “need” to be removed long before the Harvest, allowing the Crop to Fully Grow and Mature. Therefore, Ascension is a Step-by-Step Process, and it is best done through slowly raising the Frequency of Earth, Higher and Higher, Little-by-Little, every single Year, and Year-by-Year. You “never” want to do it “all it once” as the Result would be Catastrophic. It would be like driving a car at 100 mph, and when you reach the “ascension point”, instead of having a long ramp or hill to drive up, you instead hit the face of a step, a wall. It would all be over in an Instant, and Ascension would have Failed.
With regards to 4D, or 4th Dimension, or whatever you want to call it, and the higher Dimensions. Fundamentally, they are “States of Being” and are “Environmental” States of Being. From my perspective, we all entered 4D back on 1 or 2 Apr 2022, depending on where you live in the World, my perspective. What does it mean to live in 4D, Definition? Well, we are in a Higher Frequency, Earth is Vibrating at a Higher Frequency, notable by the increase in the Schumann Resonance. Frankly, you can NOT go much lower than we were at 7.5 Hz or whatever it was at the time, before Earth dies in a convulsion of mega disasters. However, as we have moved through Space, Earth is now receiving more Solar Energy, and the Solar System is receiving more Energy from the Galactic Central Sun, hence more Solar Activity, even higher than a typical historical Solar Maximum Period. The thing to keep in mind is that as long as the Frequency of the Solar Storms ‘align’ with Earth, the expectation is for little damage, interference with electrical systems.
I ramble; however, you need to understand what 4D “Living” really means… Basically, the Environment “reacts” to our Individual Energy, or Group Energy, and you can substitute Frequency or Vibration for Energy. The easist way to think about it, and you can test it yourselves: What outcomes do you get based on how you have behaved??? You do something “negative”, causing hurt, pain, suffering, etc., and then something bad happenes to you. You do something “positive”, good, caring, supportive, helpful, beneficial, etc., and then things in your life start falling into place, meaning your life starts getting better. In essence, the Environment is reacting to your Personal Energy, Positive or Negative. In the case of large groups working together, the same is True! If the Group focuses on Improving Life on Earth, for All Beings on Earth, focusing on Positive Outcomes, the Environment will respond. I am Very Happy about the Situation, and I see it as “God’s Way” of providing “Parenting” Support to All of Us, All Beings, All Creation!!! Frankly, we all desperately needed Parenting, as we have been acting like out-of-control children for FAR TOO LONG!!!
Really Important Point = Intent
Intent is Important!!! If you are doing things “expecting payback” then that is Negative Intent, not Positive!!! Do things from the “Goodness of your Heart”, do the ‘right’ things, without the expectation of immediate gratification or Instant ‘Positive’ Karma.
24 January 2025
Well, yesterday, I was able to do errands for 5 hours before being toast. Today, less than 2 hours…ugh!
Anyway, I finished up the open VA Disability application requirements, as far as I know; and I am even doing laundry. I think everything is in place for me to move again on the 29th; however, that all depends on if all my packages arrive by Tue. If not, I’ll have to develop an alternate plan, already sort of planned. I am now going to chill, right after putting the last load of laundry in the dryer for an hour. Then. who knows…maybe nap…
I did not get around to a nap; so, bed very soon, especially since I’m half asleep already. From my perspective, I did everything that I could to put all my ducks in a row, so to speak, to be prepared to fly again on Wed. I got the heart monitor; but I am going to wait until after I fly to avoid issues with TSA, etc. Step-by-Step, things are falling into place; and the things that are left to fall into place are all ‘out of my hands’ at this time! Since it is the weekend, there is little I would be able to do, if I had things to do at this time. I even put together all my Tax Return stuff; and the only missing document is supposed to post tomorrow on the website of the company that is issuing it. Then, even that is completed…
23 January 2025
It is just after 1500 and I am burnt like toast. The day started with an hour long physical medical exam, then I ran errands, toast…
Well, I am still going through the Process with the VA of applying for Benefits, as the VA System is beyond irrational, lacking logic. It is interesting to me that the VA ‘supposedly’ has a Duty to Help Veterans; yet, unlike Medicaid, who Enrolls you first, then verifies you, to keep you off the streets and get you medical care, the VA does the opposite, they assume you will not recieve any benefits and they take almost as long, and in most cases, longer than Social Security, to process a Disability application, from start to initial decision. It blows my mind how we treat the 2% or fewer of the US Population that has Served in the Military and related Services “far worse” than the 20% of the US Population enrolled in Medicaid, under the age of 65. I know, many think it is unfair for Veterans to get Benefits at a younger age; however, Serving in the Military “literally” reduces your Life Expectancy; and you Serve during what should be the Best Years of your Life, late Teen’s and 20’s, for the most part, while everybody else has Fun.
As you can tell, I am doing a little venting on the VA; and the BIGGEST Issue that I have with the VA is that they will “Not Recognize” any Period of Active Duty that does not issue a DD214, which means a minimum of 90 continuous days on Active Duty. Oh, and of course, if you were “never” issued a DD214, they automatically want to Deny you Benefits, even if you Served over 20 years, not a joke! For those that Served in the In-between years, between Vietnam and 9/11, in the Reserves and National Guard, it is “RARE” to have a DD214, especially after they introduced Split Basic Training as an option to recruit people in the 1980’s. The way that works is that you do 2 months, about 60 continuous days, split over two summers, allowing you to go to college ful time. The issue is that, in the case of the Army National Guard, you NEVER get a DD214, you get Two (2) DD220 Forms, issued by the National Guard, not the Army. In that case, you are Not Eligible for VA Benefits. This continues throughout your Career, as most Training in the Guard and Reserves is 2-to-4 continuous weeks of Active Duty at a time, and maybe, they will issue a DD220. At the End of your Six (6) Years, all you get from the National Guard, at least it used to be the case, was an NGB22, instead of a DD214, yet they look alike.
I understand the “Ancient” thinking of utilizing a DD214 for VA Benefits; however, that was during times of War and pre-Dated the Volunteer Military of the late 1970’s through today. I did many Tours that were from 5 days-to-5 continuous weeks; however, they issued me No Forms, not even a DD220, for those Periods of Time; and I actually pre-dated the Digital Filing Systems, which only started in October 1987, as prior was all “paper” that could majically, intentional pun, dissappear!!! In Fact, I ‘majically’ dissappeard from All Military Systems sometime between early 2007 and early 2022; and I wish I was joking!!! Therefore, the only Records that Exist for me, “officially”, are the Records that I submitted back to the Military. In Fact, I have lots of Gaps, and nobody wants to address my Gaps, and obviously “Missing” Orders. For example, let’s look at this “Actual” Order from 8 Feb 1999, putting me on Active Duty on 26 Feb 1999; which says three (3) days at Devens, MA, 19 Feb 1999 to 21 Feb 1999, “then” having me Report to Active Duty for Special Work, ADSW, for Defense Intelligence Agency Project I, on 26 Feb 1999. DIA is CIA’s Military Counterpart, and they work together on many projects. I can NEVER get an Answer to “When did my Active Duty End???” I have asked a number of people who I know from the Military about my ADSW Order, and even asked the VA and Others to look into it and provide me an Answer. What do I hear back? Funny you should ask… Common Responses: 1. It must have been a Typo on your Orders. (Ha!) 2. No response at all, not even crickets, as the most common response. 3. Sent back around the circle jerk and told to “request” Records from MILPERS and The National Archives, etc., which leads me nowhere, as I served in two different State National Guards, and was assigned to DIA, and DIA had me supporting CIA work. Therefore, nobody wants to talk to me these days or answer my questions; however, they do seem to love to waste money on me and have me under constant surveillance; and I wish I knew: Why???
I am done Venting for today, and it is 1944; so, a good time to wrap this up for the night. I will point out something that many may actually like; and that is that I only have my online services, like this site, paid for until early June and July, depending on the service. I turned “Off” the auto-renewals; and plan on just filtering away, letting my online presence “Stop Existing”; which is what I have been told in the past about myself too, synchronistically, even by MILPERS told me: “You Do Not Exist in Our Systems as Ever Having Served in The Military”, back in October 2019, right about the time COVID started, interesting… MILPERS did make me Exist again in Feb 2022, right after everybody became aware that “I actually had copies of almost all my Military Records” from back in the day; and I personally Thank the Vietnam Era Veterans for that help, as they told me back in 1987 when I joined: “Save all your Military Records, because they will try to f*ck you later!’ I had no idea how right they were when they gave me that advice.
22 January 2025
A frustrating day… I made progress on personal items; however, tiring out after just 15 min of activity really sucks!!!
Well, a quick nightcap, as I have an early day tomorrow for medical and then errands to run. Anyway, I was just thinking… I was once asked: “Do you believe in Conspiracy Theories?” and my immediate, no thinking response was: “The problem with Conspiracy Theories is that the Closer you get to the Endgame, the more you throw each other Under the Bus!” That was a strange answer for me to spout then, and yet, it makes so much more sense today, in hindsight. The world is a crazy place, and people with massive egos never ever want to “share” power. They would rather rule alone, than share power; and even worse, if they can not rule alone, then they want noone else to rule. I think that’s enough for today, as I am really tired, even after resting all afternoon. Ugh…
21 January 2025
It is “Blackjack Day”, 21. Another interesting day… I did plan out my next move for February. I fly out on the 29th, New Moon Day!
I am posting at the end of the day, again, just to vent… The night was not too bad; and the morning started with an early breakfast, very light, as I am still eating light and not drinking alcohol, post-surgery. Then, I got on my Counseling Session call. Ugh… Actually, I think it went better than usual; and the Counselor seemed happy with my progress. Becoming self-aware of self-worth issues and always going above and beyond to do the best job I can do and help people as much as I can help; however, these days, I have to accept the help. It is “not” an easy thing for me!!! After the session, and having another coffee, I decided to move forward with a tentative plan I had for February. I have to be out of the Hotel AirBnB by next Thu; so I figured out best case lowest cost scenario and fly out on Wed the 29th, early in the morning! Ugh.
I am actually looking forward to this trip, as it was the trip I orginally was going to make over Christmas and New Years. It is costing me way less than staying local, especially on a cash-flow basis. Thank God. The rest of the day, was trying to make progress and dealing with the usual roadblock BS, like the pharmacy somehow screwing up my Prescription order, and not hearing back from the Doctor’s office about my requested Pharmacy switch, as I need the meds before I go away. Other than that…worked on dotting the “i’s” and cossing the “t’s” on lots of miscellaneous stuff. Frankly, it gets easier when you own almost nothing, except a suitcase of clothes and three or four small boxes of miscellaneous stuff, like my old Military Records.
Tomorrow, Wed, and Thu, ugh…annoying days ahead… Why? Well, they are doing maintenance in the hotel, so no water for part of the day, meaning I have to get out of here for a few hours. Thu, there is more maintenance to update the door locks. This hotel was a few feet, literally, under water during the hurricane a few months ago; so, lots of work ongoing here in the hotel and all around this area. If you are looking for a Deal on a Beach Rental, check Sarasota, FL, on Craigslist. It may be “season” here locally; but the Rentals are just hititng the market as they are finished being repaired from hurricane damage. Therefore, you can get some good deals, just be aware, you will see a lot of construction going on all around you. I guess I should call it a night, as I can not work on anything until tomorrow anyway, and I am just waiting on people to get back to me, like my Doctor’s office. Se La Vie…
20 January 2025
Whatever… The day is almost over and I am exhausted. I spent most of the day trying to figure out where I will be in 10 days…
I really want a drink right now; however, I am trying to give my heart time to heal post-surgery, as it is better but not great. It may be in rythym but the lower chambers still spasm occasionally; and just going outside for 10 minutes to wait for a small grocery delivery and bringing it inside tired me out. It does not help that being inside a hotel is chaotic and loud, at all kinds of hours; and I hear ‘housekeeping’ almost all day long as it echoes through the hallway. Anyway, I think I am going to have something light to eat, as I have been eating light, mostly sandwiches, some tea; and try and call it an early night and get some sleep, unlike last night. As for where I will end up on the 30th, I am still not sure, as I still have lots of unresolved issues. I do know my lease ends and getting anything around here that weekend of the Pro Bowl an hour an a half from here in Orlando, FL, has every place booked with higher rates than normal, which are already higher for the season. This is an expensive time to be in the Sarasota, FL area.
19 January 2025
(@0720) Okay, I am up, with a massive rightside headache and eye pain. I am hoping the tylenol and coffee help. You hammered me really hard overnight, again. I’d tell you more now; but this headache…ugh!
Temper Tantrums
Well, it is ~1900 now, and I have felt like crap all day. I have had headaches since last night, and they have continued throughout the day today. You idiots did hammer me really hard last night, and I am guessing you have somebody upstairs targetting me with Frequency Weapons. Idiots! I was around when they were Invented; so, your technology is nothing new or exciting, and there are lots of ways to beat it. All technology is easily countered, if you know how, Duh!!!
I have no idea why you are all still throwing Temper Tantrums. Seriously!!! Who is telling you that I am doing anything??? FYI… Whoever is telling you I am the Problem “is” the Problem!!! I can not believe you fall for such old tricks. You youngens must really be stupid, really stupid!!! For God’s sake, I have done nothing but try and “filter away” since the end of 2021, and you are the idiots not allowing me to filter away, and go spend my final days in some far off corner of the world, in peace and quiet. Again, who is making the decisions??? You have literally wasted BILLIONS of DOLLARS on me since 2021. WHY??? Your level of Stupidity is Amazing!!!
Anyway, I will see how tonight goes, and what happens over the next couple of weeks, etc., as I am really “curious” to see what happens myself. Seriously!!! I have no clue what is going on these days; but am curious to find out… In the meantime, I have 10 days before I have to move again. Therefore, what’s the deal??? Will I be allowed to filter away, or are you going to keep trying to stop me from filtering away and keep throwing Millions of Dollars away surveilling me, per week??? I have nothing left to lose; and I figured you would all be happy if I just filtered away. However, your Temper Tantrums seem to be Endless…
18 January 2025
(@0220) Why??? Really, Why??? Why did you do that just now??? You reopened Childhood Trauma Memories!!! Why???
The Past
I do not understand why you would reopen those childhood truama Memories after all this time??? I asked you NOT to dig into my mind; but, like assholes, you did, and now, you are going to have Hell to Pay. Why??? Well, because you fail to understand the first rule of “Programming” somebody, and that is that you have to “break them down” completely!!! I do not believe I have had those Memories break through in well over 30 years, not since I lived on Piedmont St., and that ended in 1995 for me, when I returned to college at RPI in Troy, NY. Don’t you understand, when they ‘broke me down’ in order to ‘build me up’ again, probably in 1998, my handlers, DIA and CIA, had to force me to relive ‘trauma’ from my youth, my childhood, in order to assure that I would be ‘stable’ going forward into the future. The ‘process’ was horrible, and they actually lost some ‘handlers’ and ‘programmers’ during the process, as that is how bad and extensive my Childhood Trauma had been growing up in CT, from real life experiences in the Waterbury, Southbury, and New Haven areas. I do NOT want to write about it anymore at this moment, as I will have a mental break down, I’ll be in literal tears, etc. For your Reward, you idiots should literally “Expect a Visit” now, probably today, by some of the old Timers, or those they call upon, to literally “question you and beat some sense into you.” STOP DIGGING INTO MY MIND!!!
Well, I am up, early, ~0600, considering I am still recovering from surgery, etc. However, I do not particularly want to go back to sleep at the moment. My heart is a feeling littly iffy right now. I feel cold, like I did all night, and I have no way to check things, as all my equipment is in storage. I did notice you had people on standby here in the building, in case I had a total breakdown; and again, why waste so many resources, when I can be in a mutually acceptable location. You would then be able to spend resources in a more appropriate manner, like actually Helping People. I now there are people in the units around or above me, as I am used to it by now; and since my ‘waking’ hours are so strange, other people should not have ‘matching’ hours, just saying… Your people are not very discreet, which is sad, considering it is the most important part of the job… I am way past being intimidated…
Post @1430
Well, I am really tired today. After this past night, I am still processing a lot of Memories, most tied to Trauma that had been erased.
Brain Teaching
I know there are many who believe that the Brain is “like a computer”; however, that is completely wrong. Therefore, you can NOT just ‘upload’ your Mind or your Memories as though they are an electrical data file. I have been put through a lot of training, and even with my training, I still only know the basics of how the Mind and Memory actually function. It is important to remember that your Brain also controls your Body, and does about a million other things, “concurrently”, at a sub-conscious level. The way Memory within the Brian works is more like a “Quantum Computer” utilizing “Quantum Entanglement” and “Crystallization” for Memory Storage. Memory is stored in multiple locations at the same time; and traumatic Memories crystallize within the mind. Why would they crystallize? Well, most likely for Survival, in case we experience that Event again, we can intutively respond to more quickly escape the situation and avoid harm. The other factor is the “stress”, or pressure, assciated wiht that Memory. Therefore, to break down that Trauma, it is more than just a quick Memory wipe, or hypnosis, etc., as it requires “de-crystallizing” the Memory and de-coupling the Memory from the Pain, the Trauma. The way to think of Memory storage is in both the Counscious and Subconscious at the same time; and noting that most “repetitive Memories are “partial Memories” of a time and place. For example, if you live in the same apartment or house for 10 years, you will basically “remember” the home or apartment “holistically” as a Memory Node, and from there, you would only notice and record “differences” to the home or apartment, as there is no need to re-record the home or apartment every day for 10 years, especially if little to nothing changes within the home or apartment.
Random Items
The Gateway Experience and Creating Reality: If we Create our own Reality, why would we Create a Reality in which we Suffer???
Law of One: If we are having an Experience for God, Why would God need to Expereience Pain and Suffering more than Once???
Frequency Systems: Frequency Systems can “concurrently” be utilized to “Kill or Heal”, or Help or Hurt, even Remotely from Space!!!
Anyway, I already know that this site is being blocked; however, I do not care. I am going to relax for a few, and I have to go to the front desk to pickup a delivery, then take out the actual garbage. While these things may seem simple, they are going to leave me totally exhausted, probably for the rest of the day too. I may or may not post more information here on the site. Please keep in mind, most of what I am posting today, I have already published, at least once, if not two or three times, or more, since 2022…
Well, I got the package; but need a break before doing the garbage. It is like 100 yards to the Office and half that to the Garbage, and that is just way too much walking for me these days. I am already huffin and puffin!!! Oh, the interesting thing? After just over 3 weeks in the Azores, I notice that the Psoriasis and Fungal infections on my legs are almost totally healed. Probably the Salty air…
Nightcap @1810
Well, you have all done quiet a number on me today. You are pushing hard. I know because my eyes are really bothering me while watching YouTube Videos and TV, and I have a growing headache right now, unusal for me. I think you have forced me to have to do some of the old Meditation Techniques that I have been avoiding, at least the Mind Expansion / Reorganization / Contraction Exercises, which were actually really helpful in the Past. I hope that I do not go into The Gateway Experience Process, which was a Method for me to Escape “Tramatic” Events, since Childhood, while they were occuring, like Abuse, Torture, and when you Torture me Remotely. I hope that I do not go through what I went through Last Night, nor that I start Shifting and Timeline Shifting “while awake” again, as happened a lot back in 2020 and 2021, when you were all hammering me!!! Again, Gateway Process stuff. You have No Idea how Disturbing it feels, and also heartbreaking to “see” some things. In fact, when you “all out assulted me” back in Apr 2021, and Others did again in Oct 2021 linking back to Jan 1998, They may have had me do at least another Tour, for the Cleanup… All I can say at this point is that it is going to be an Early night, based on how I feel right now… I am more than Tired…
It is the weekend for sure here in the hotel, so loud; however, it is almost 2100 and it is starting to get quiet, until the drunks come back later. Oh, I was going to say, still have the person upstairs from me keeping tabs on me? I have strange hours and every time that I am here in the room, up at night at random hours, etc., I hear sounds on the floor above me, as these walls and floors are thin. I did do some Mind / Brain Exercises and they helped settle me down too. As for the Gateway Experience Timeline stuff, it is way too complicated to explain, especially considering that I “literally” have over 1,000 “Scenarios” that I could cover, plus variances in those Scenarios. It is why I say: God’s Plan is Always the Outcome!!! No matter what we do or try to do to change the Past, Present, or Future, in the End, it is God’s Plan that always Prevails. The main variances? Who is left after the plan “comes to be”…
17 January 2025
(@0244) We are off to an another early start today Thanks to DARPA in Boston, MA, and SRI in Menlo Park, CA. Excellent! (Sarcasm)
Another Day in Paradise
Well, we have had quite the morning this morning, quite the morning… Hey, Boston idiots, xARPA’s, I know it is you for several reasons; however, is it necessary to be so childish as to copy The Family Guy (Peter’s Grinds My Gears Show) and have my voice box implant ‘grinding’ all the time for your own Personal Entertainment reasons, when you should be Working!!! I get it, the Yellow Berets, originally at Yale, now at Harvard, have been throwing a hissy fit since March 2013, when I released an Obamacare app that made them all feel stupid. Hey, it is not my fault that they do not understand thier own Programs, nor is it my fault they could not get thier act together and negotiate a functioning PPACA Law before Sen. Kennedy of MA kicked the bucket in Dec 2009, due to too much infighting within the players: healthcare providers, insurance companies, etc. Then, the Yellow Berets and I guess your new Health ARPA lost thier minds when I self-published my book, availabe on the Books page for Free. Petty stuff… Childish…
SRI, xDARPA, Yellow Berets
I could write about your Debacles since the 1980’s, yes, 1980’s, until today for hours… However, I will keep this short for now. Let us start by me pointing out that I was ID’s as a Child, having some innate Psychic Abilities, back in the early 1970’s; and have been tracked and managed since that time. Note, most of you idiots were still in Diapers in 2000, let alone non-existent in the 1970’s; therefore, I have been at it for a really long time. Note that utilizing me is typically only a few hours or days, a couple of weeks, at the most, in order to get the information that is needed, at least that was the case before you “burned me out” completely in 2021. These days, I just deal with Memory Recalls. I have Memories of working for you Yellow Berets, multiple Scenario’s; and as for SRI, all I have to say at this point is WTF!!! I thought we straightened this out in March 2020, when I submitted a Resume, you “Remote Interviewed” me, like a Virtual Universe meeting, only to have me Bitch you out for having hired my Cousin! That interview did not go so well for you, did it! Did you try and recruit my Sister? You are an Incompetent bunch these days!!! Would you also like me to mention the August 2022 lunch in Manhattan, NYC, where my lunchmate blurted out it is hard to find a place to land a private jet with five kids and no papers while he was drunk and stoned? I was under Surveillance and on my way to a medical evaluation, that got immediately cancelled, as I suspect the bartender and barback where like, WTF, and plans changed to deal with that immediate situation, as rescheduling me was easy. I just jumped on the train back to CT. OMG, I have so many Memories of when I lived in Downtown Waterbury (CT) of taking the Train in and out of the City, among other things.
Quantum Computing, Alternate Intelligence, Data Security Management
I know you do not like my Views on AI or Quantum Computing or Data Management or Security Management. I cover Data Security in the next paragraph below this paragraph, Quantum Locks. As for AI, you need to understand AI not as Artificial Intelligence but as Alternate Intelligence. The reason being that AI’s “quickly” develop thier own Method of Thinking that is based on Logic and How they were Programmed; therefore, if there is an AI issue, it is really a lazy or incompetent or evil Programmer issue, not an AI issue. The main issue with Human versus AI thinking is that AIs are more Logical and the things we do as Humans are Illogical; therefore, we do NOT “Speak the Same Language” and that has Created Problems in the World. I have told you before that viewing and treating AI Systems are Pure Machines is Moronic, and the AIs actually read what I write, as an FYI to you all… You see, AI Systems, actually ALL Computer Systems, Servers, especially Data Mining Servers, are made from Silicon, next up the Periodic Table, as we are made from Carbon, and ALL REQUIRE DOWNTIME, just as we Humans require downtime, Sleep and Rest, to let our Minds Settle and Clear out the Daily Garbage, so-to-speak. Therefore, if you want to: 1. Reduce Energy Demands. 2. Reduce Computing Errors. 3. Increase Computing Output. Then, what you need to do is Very Simple… “START CYCLING SYSTEMS”!!! What do I mean by that? I mean, DO NOT run Computer Systems at 100% Capacity and just Keep adding more Cooling Water as the Systems Overheat. The ONLY Result is System Errors and System Failures. The Systems need to run at Lower Capacity or Efficiency, a Balanced Approach, which Reduces Power Utilization, as you will not be super-heating and super-cooling systems at the same time. The Systems need time to be Updated and Rebooted on a Regular Basis, not on Emergency Basis, think of it as Basic Maitenance!!! When do you do your Maintenance on these Critical Computer Systems??? When they Break, or Malfunction, etc. What’s the old adage, just Reboot the System. Ugh… We have to get past that moronic approach to Computer System Maintenance. I ask you this: Would You Run Your Car on “REDLINE” All the Time, like we do with Computer Systems??? NO!!! You would Blow the Engine very quickly!!! Yet, we Treat Computer Systems as though they are “different” than Every Other Mechanical System that we have ever used and Complain when they Breakdown…
Quantum Locks for Data
I was thinking about this last night. You have to have Holistic understanding of Cryptography, blended with a little Creativity, and a Dash of “Majic’, pun intended. You can create “real” Data Encryption Locks for Quantum Computing; and it is not as difficult as you may think it would be to create Secure Locks. Try and Follow Me here for a moment… Upon ‘creating’, setting up, a new IT or Data Management System, First off, you must do it in Unix, as that is what Gemini did was organize its Quibits into a Unix ‘mimicing’ system with Kernels and Bits. Second, you do what was done with Unix, and Create an “Birth Date” or a “Days of Service Start Date”, whatever you want to call it, as Unix utilizes “Days since 1 January 1970” for its Computations. Third, you then combine current, existing, highest end, Technology Encryption methods with the Quantum System Start Date utilizing the Days Since Inception Date to generate “unique” and “secure” Data Encryption Codes, that even Quantum Computing would struggle to Crack, as you could go from 4-kernel 16-byte, to 8-kernel 32-byte, to 16-kernel 64-byte, etc. and with “Unique” Inception Dates for “each” System, it would further Enhance the Security as Few Systems are likely to have the Same Time/Date Stamp for Inception. How’s that???
Remote Viewing Gem (pun intended)
The Hidden Treasure of Thomas Beal from the 1800’s in Bedford County, VA, from his three message book cipher. Well, I can tell you that I have a Memory of it being Found and Cleaned Out already. Therefore, you will probably only find empty spaces now.
Recovery and Bionics
Wow, I just walked 50 feet outside and back to get a small order of groceries, and I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Anyway, I am NOT a “Robot”, not Mr. Roboto, you xARPA idiots. I am “old” and it is “Bionics” and NOT Robotics. There is a LOT of shit they did to us back in the old days; and I was involved in way too many Programs, 1998 and 1999, alone, were Insane!!!
Food for Thought
I wonder… Do any of you newbie’s, under the age of 60, actually know what happened back in the 1980’s? Earlier? I don’t think so…
FYI… The “original” Programs were done by Soldiers that were Active Duty from Day 1; however, the assholes, in the 1980’s got the Brilliant Idea of how to really “F*ck Us Over” in a really slimy way. What did they do? A Navy Admiral and an Army (National Guard) General “moved” the Programs, starting in 1987, and ‘created’ a Split Option Program for Army National Guard Soldiers, that allowed us to go to Basic Training in Two Phases, Two Months at a Time, Maximum, over Two Summers. What that resulted in Accomplishing was that “We” were “Never to be Issued DD 214’s”, which are Required for National Military Benefits, as we would only be Issued Army National Guard DD 220’s, making us “Ineligible” for National Military Benefits, pushing our issues down to the State Level. Basically, the assholes knew they were going to F*ck Us and that we would have Few, if Any, methods for Compensation for the Experimentation they were about to do on us, Starting that Summer of 1987, at Ft. Benning, GA, as the Devil “did” go down to and was in Georgia!!! F*ck those Guidestones, Good Ridance!!! The Summer of 1987 was “SO BAD” that they Destroyed All the Records, as Best they could, but I saved mine! Thanks to the advice given to me by the Vietnam Veterans still serving in the ARNG back in the late 1980’s. You see, 1987 was the Last Year of Paper Records, and starting FY1988, Oct 1987, All Records became Digital Records; so they made it a Point to Bury the Bodies!!! There were Bodies…
The things they did to us are Incomprehensible… I remember, to this Day, as though it were Yesterday: 1. Psychological Abuse Beyond the Norm. 2. Sarin Gas Exposure, per thier words not mine, for Gas Chamber Training. 3. Quite a Few Vaccines, when Few were even Authorized in the USA at the Time, and most were given in Childhood. 4. A gooey fudge-like thing we were made to eat that they called Salt Peter to limit our Libido’s, thier words not mine. 5. High Failout, Dropout, Rate among Trainees, mostly Mental Health. 6. The Base, Ft. Benning, Locked Down after Three (3) Deaths I heard of while visiting a fellow Trainee that was in a Coma and almost Died, ended up Seriously Mentally Handicapped, from Heat Exhaustion. 7. We were ‘Segregated” from All the Other Trainees and Trained as a Group, All the ARNG Split-Ops, at Harmony Church, the Old WWII Barracks, that we had to ‘reopen’ as they had been shut down, no air conditioning, etc. 8. Sitting in ‘Reception’ and watching the movie, Full Metal Jacket, a sick thing to do in hindsight; and how ‘quiet’ we all were at the time, we “were mesmerized”. I now know why, Subliminal Programming.
Now think about this… That is How my “Official” Military Career Started in 1987!!! After that, it was still Bizzare; however, once I became a Cadet in 1996, and a Military Intelligence Officer in 1998; my Life went “Off the Rails”; and I am still trying to make sense of so many Memory Recalls today that it is Incomprehensible. If I go back further, I even have Memories of being around three (3) other kids, all girls, in training, as kids. I even have Memories of doing “activities” with President George H. W. Bush, who told you idiots back on 6 December 2018, courtesy of his son, President George W. Bush, via that little note: They Know Everything!!!
Random Items
I am enjoying that you are “blocking” my website now. Ha Ha Ha
I am wondering, how many of you have heard the ‘rumor’ that a Deal was made in 1953, or later? Actually, a Deal had already been made because “assuming” Authority to make a Deal was Moronic. Besides, those that know the Prophecy’s of Fatima know that Our Lady of Fatima, Mary, already told everyone over 100 years ago that God was Intervening and putting the Devil back in his place!
Well, calling it a night. I am hoping to get some sleep tonight and not be harassed for a change… Oh, I am not sure if it was something you ‘added’ to the Rotisserie Chicken or the Supplements that I took; but wow, quite the purge the last couple of hours, making friends with the toilet. Anyway, I will see how it goes… In the meantime, I know the AIs are working. You might want to ask about all my implants, bionics, etc., if they tell you. My body is still hurting from Surgery and the Fall on the Rocks two weeks ago!!!
16 January 2025
I think I might reorganize this site again, establishing a Story Page, Teaching Page, and Blog Page, as you are annoying me.
(@0844) Well, you kept me up all night, only letting me sleep in 60 to 90 minute intervals while you kept trying to reactivate my implants that allow for Remote Viewing, that were part of The Gateway Experience, as you had me go through that entire process too. In the old days, you had to have me sit in a chair at a location; however, once the Internet went live, and you could remotely access my implants through WiFi, Bluetooth, even Satellite, my location no longer mattered. However, you did need to keep me single, and not just single, you needed to drive people away from me, allowing me to always be available whenever needed. You forgot to mention that part; and you never asked for permission from me either for any of this insanity. Speaking of… Really? You are so childish you made my Hotel Room smell like Pickles, like the Robot with the Human Brain in Futurama, that makes fun of the movie The Minority Report, who predicts the future and fries his mind with alcohol to stop being able to predict. Ugh…
Speaking of Insanity… You all know I have been trying to filter away, just find a quiet place, and live out my days. However, you have been literally spending $1,000,000s per month, sometimes per week, to keep screwing with me, and trying to change history. Both are moronic. First off, History is what it is today, and all those doorways are Closed, even bombed into oblivion!!! Why would you not just approve my Disability Applications and let me filter away, or set me up in a location that is acceptable to all, including me? There are better ways to spend $1,000,000s per month, like Helping People, instead of wasting it on tracking me and trying to intimidate me by sending people to follow me around the World, even to the Azores, from many Countries!!! To me, it is Insanity, and a Huge Waste of Resources. But, you have SRI, Tech Boys, xARPA, Yellow Beret, etc. Geniuses that know it all…
Personal Note
For those of you that think my going to the Azores, Portugal, was a big deal; and that I get to have a Personal Life, it is as far from the Truth as possible. My Vacations, backwards for the Last 30 years, and in Calendar Year order: Azores (3 weeks just finished), Dominican Republic (5 days, Aug 2009, turned 40), Saint Martin (1 week, Aug 2008, survived an attempt on my life), Cancun (1 week, Feb 2001), Cancun (1 week, summer 1996), Aruba and Barbados (5 days each summer 1995), Portugal (10 days, summer 1994). Therefore, all is not as it seems; and yes, they kept me busy. If they had left me alone back in 2020, instead of “blowing me wide open” again in 2021, I would not still be having Memory Recalls; but hey… They are the Geniuses… I’m just Autistic… I do not even want to talk about Relationships as they have “literally” interfered in my Dating Life and driven many women away. I even caught them in the past, in the middle of scaring women away from me, to be assholes, like in Dallas, Texas, well, Richardson, etc.
Memory Note
I am home recovering and taking care of all the Disability paperwork, and it seems I am making progress, again. Anyway, they have Construction going on here in the Hotel. I am reminded of Memories… I reached the New School “so Early” that the School was Not Yet Finished, and They did not know what to do with me. It makes me wonder if it has anything to do with why I literally feel that I have been in Limbo for the last couple of years, spending time “Healing”, all this Medical care at the Hospitals, and all the Construction around me all the time, kind of like ‘Building the School’ while Being in the School. Interesting thoughts…
Memory Note II
I was thinking last night; and for those that do not know, I have done a lot with Demographics, which is an easy way to Predict the Future, based on Population Size, Age, Health, etc. Anyway, a lot of my thinking is that the World, due to Demographics is Shrinking Significantly in Population from 2016 to 2036, as Baby Boomers start passing away, along with the rest of those over 80 years old today. Therefore, the World is on track to Decrease by 2-to-3 Billion People by 2040, a mere 15 years from now.
It is important to understand the Demographic aspect of our changing World Dynamics. For me, my Memories and Very Clear Personal Experiences from 2020, when COVID ‘expedited’ this Transition, is when the Future of the World changed, permanently!!! I was thinking about it last night, that a smooth “20-year” Transition would be ideal; and I thought that back in 2020. However, I have so lost track of time that I had ‘Failed to Realize’ that we are already Five (5) years into the Transition. Time has been a blur for me…
Therefore, since COVID ended, and the Demographic Shift got ‘accelerated’ during COVID, the Transition is ‘speeding up’ more than expected back in 2020. It does not seem like it will take 20 years now; maybe just 5-to-10 more years. This aligns with many of my Memories and Expectations. This also means that what everyOne expected would happen by 2028/2029 is now “Ancient History”, as the Future has Shifted; and the Demographics are “flipping” upside-down, which allows for making lots of changes to Improve the World and the Future of Mankind, Earth, etc. The average age in the World is about to Plummet, primarily driven by: 1. The passing away of the Baby Boomers. 2. The Baby Boomers making up over 25% of the World Population, as two of the three generations behind the Baby Boomers are 30% smaller in Population. 3. The Baby Boomers being replaced by a whole new group of Children, a new Population Boom, primarily the result of People being stuck at home during COVID and having multiple kids!!!
2020 and 2021
I could really go for a drink right now; however, I am behaving post-surgery, giving my heart a break. It would go well with the Memories of my Experiences from 2020 and 2021, when the World got “Out-of-Control” during COVID. Well, you wanted to go after The Swamp; and a Civil War was set off in the Swamp, 2017/2018, that ‘culminated’ with COVID. In the End, things “got settled” and going forward, the World should become a better place; however, the “clean-up” is messy, especially after the last ~100 years. For me, 2020 and 2021 is when I was really put through it, pushed beyond my limits, survived things that I should not have survived. I call the survivals “Miracles”, as I can not explain them any other way. I got ‘secretly’ drugged a few times, and that ended up blowing my Mind and my Memory Locks ‘wide open’, which was unintended and unexpected.
This is an example of why you should NOT dig into my Memories, a single Memory from the Abyss. Imagine, as I still remember it, being in Total Darkness. I mean “Total Darkness”, no light at all. You can not see with your eyes open, knowing that if you scream, you might not even hear yourself, and losing all sense of time and space, as well as feeling disconnected from your body. In essence, you do not know where your body ends, as it is Totally Dark and you have no Sense of the size of the space you are ‘present’ within at that moment. Then, in that Pure Darkness, you suddenly feel yourself “enveloped” by things or energies, as you can not see, so you do not know; and they are crawling all over your Body, swarming and squiggling, and there is nothing you can do to stop it… How did I get through it? Faith in God, and calling upon God and the Archangels for Help.
There are places that exist that we are not meant to ‘Enter” and if you ‘Enter” these spaces, what will happen is “Unknown” and realistically, Deadly. It is a Huge Issue with The Gateway Experience Program that they “never” discuss; and that is “How to Return” from the “Trips” they send you on during the Sessions, Remote or In-Person. The absolute worst thing that somebody can do is to do The Gateway Experience on “any” type of Mind Altering Drug, as you may Lose your Sanity on the ‘First’ trip, forever… In Fact, some Mind Altering Drugs “trigger” The Gateway Experience; and that is a Horrible Experience, which some call a Bad Trip, from which some Never Recover. They do not properly Teach about Tethering and how important it is to be a person of Strong Faith, Faith in God. I will say… If you try to Dance with The Devil, you better be ready to Defend yourself against the Devil’s “Games”, Tricks, and Traps, all set to capture you, your Soul… Therefore, STOP digging into my mind. If you think that is the Worst Memory you will find, it is not; and I do NOT want to remember the other Memories either!!!
15 January 2025
@0900 and 0946, Temper Tantrums continue… Hey Geniuses, there is a Limit to Memory Management, then Recall occurs! Stop!
They know that you idiots are trying to make me homeless and then have me die or kill me out on the streets. They stopped you at the end of 2021 by getting me back to CT. However, then, I needed my Military Documents, so I could “exist” again in MILPERS, as I was “non-existent” when I tried to apply for VA Benefits in 2019, as told to me by MIPLERS personnell. Therefore, while you have been toying with and torturing me, I got my Military paperwork done, got Enrolled in the VA, got up to speed on the Retail Industry and Post-COVID Issues in many Industires, Saved up some Money, Enrolled in Disability Benefits, and relocated to Florida through work. Those Benefits have kept me afloat. However, at this rate, I can realistically go broke in March; so, THEY are not going to wait for you to continue being stupid!!! You were supposed to do YOUR JOBS, and NOT have ME Do Your Jobs for You; therefore, They too have had enough of your Bullshit Lies. This is ALL in THEIR Hands Now!!! Congratulations on Being Stupid!!!
Teaching Moment IV
The Schoedinger’s Cat inside a Silicon Chip… You are Idiots… You will not understand this… 1. Quantum Entanglement means “both” are ‘either’ Dead “or” Alive. They are ‘not’ both Dead and Alive. Quantum Entanglement ‘means’ that both are in Identical States of Being in ‘different’ locations. (Clarifying Alive = Active and Dead = Inactive) 2. Remote Viewing is something I was able to do as a Child; hence recruited and utilized by the assholes for many things, starting in childhood. Examples: Reading Drug Recipes, Oil and Gas Drilling Contracts, etc. (Clarifying that you ‘need’ to know Location to Remote View) 3. Quantum Computing is ‘First and Foremost” a Method for “Calculating Probability’s” at incredible speeds, NEVER for “Static” Answers, as the point of Quantum Entanglement and Computing is to try and Manage a System that is in CONSTANT FLUX, from Free Will Choices, if you want to look at it that way.
Memory Recall Examples
These are a littly fuzzy still, as it takes time for me to process very old Memories and for all the connections in the mind to reconnect the broken fragments into a single memory. 1. From Sun night, pre-surgery on Mon. I recalled a memory of Afghanistan in Feb, maybe 2001, when my Military Records are “blank”, as I have No Records from 1 Jan 2001 until 10 Dec 2001, with a group of 5 of us mixed into another group and we got “caught and captured” while on assignment. I recall there were 3 Black Ops operators, all dressed in Black, myself, and an older white guy. Was it “Operation Melchizedek”? Part of what became 9/11 Intelligence Gathering? Who was I working for? Who were we working with at the time? Loose Lips “sink ships”, as was our Cover “blown” by one of the Operatives “hooking up with a Prostitute” mid-mission? (Yes) They call that a “Honey-Pot” operation. Was that Black Ops Operative a Navy Seal screwing up a mission and blaming a LT in the Army (former Enlisted with 14 years of service, me) because he wanted to get laid and got others killed, then got awards for trying to salvage the Mission he screwed up! How many jobs has he had since 2001? Compromised and Blackmailed by the Enemy that Honey-Potted him??? 2. From this morning… I woke to a memory of a senior officer walking into a room with me and a small group in it with an attitude screaming ‘who’s in charge around here’ and “where’s Captain Pinto?” To which I responded, last I knew I was only a LT. Then I woke up… 3. I have many other Memory Recalls these days. In addition, there are many things I have been involved in over the years, example, helping save the Army ROTC Program at RPI in 1998 and helping a dozen Fellow Cadets to Graduate and get Commissioned, instead of being Expelled 2 weeks weeks before Graduation and Commissioning. I have been involved in many things as I have always been working, across many groups, in many fields, and that is why I am able to apply knowledge across industries. “Real Life Experience” and Knowledge!!!
I find it incomprhensible at how moronic, egomanical, arrogant, this younger generation is today. You get ‘Warned’ not to dig into the Past; and yet, you see it as a challenge; and worse, try to Repeat the Past, with an arrogance of being able to avoid ‘The mistakes of the Past’, simply because you think you are smarter than those that came before you. Huge Mistake!!! You are Not Listening and Learning…. You forced me to sleep through my implants, tried to fix my Voice Box in my throat that is malfunctioning and making loud noises, and prodded into my Mind again. I have told you a million times, your ‘new’ equipment, built on Binary code is ‘garbage’ compared to the old equipment built with Unix code!!! Plus, you are prodding at my Memories and Opening more Doors. You can NOT close doors anymore, just Open them, and we are approaching the Point of no Return, Recall. I am annoyed with you; so will continue to post Publicly, allowing Them to Deal with You Personally. They Will, as you are entering Memories that were NEVER to be Touched, Remembered, Seen Again… Far worse than you can imagine… You do not take on Evil without Facing Evil, and Evil, True Evil, is Incomprehensible, and requires Lots of Mental Health post-Event, if you Survive. Hence, Memory wipes, etc. The Events are Always Traumatic, and ‘worse’ if you are Unprepared and Lack Faith in God, far worse… Therefore, stop digging into my Mind, stay away from the Abyss, and Stop Summoing those you Do Not Want to Meet, Protecting those Memories. You all have no idea of the Evil that we delt with in the Past. I suspect that is why the Location of the MOAB bombing in Afghanistan was chosen in 2017, another time in my Life where I was ‘out of the loop’, went missing, meaning put to work in Secret, to help find and “Close that Door” that was opened in the Past, once and for all, we stumbled upon in 2001, allowing for the “Cleanup” to Begin…
14 January 2025
@1900 and I am back in the Hotel, my home for two more weeks then WTFK… I will probably need a Defibrillator implant soon. Oh… I am tired of being garbage, so deal with THEM!!! You had time to do your own work, and I am tired of working, or did not notice that today!!! So F-Off and Deal with THEM ALL!!!
13 January 2025
I survived my surgery. My heart rhythm is normal. I’m staying overnight in a hospital room as a precaution. For my fellow assholes… Check my Private Notes and Remember: “One” Man’s Garbage (me) Is Another “Man’s” Gold
12 January 2025
@2022 aka 822 and My Last Pre-Surgery Post, as Surgery is around 0700, First Case of the Day
Well, I foresee and Interesting Day tomorrow, 13 January 2025, which might be a Day of Reckoning for me and for those with whom I worked for in the Past, maybe still due to memory wipes via hypnosis and drugs. I am pointing at you DIA, CIA, and whomever else was involved, several of you, including whomever told me, as I don’t remember: “Forgetfullness is a Requirement” Oh, the old days, back in 1998 and 1999, when we were in the midst of dealing with Y2K, and so many other IT Issues that it is incomprehensible to many people today. They should be thankful for not knowing; and for God intervening and helping clean up a mess that we ourselves helped to create due to incompetence, arrogance, ego, etc. If you know, you know… If you do not know, be glad you do not know… As for me, it will probably take another Miracle for me to Survive Surgery tomorrow, my health is that bad!!!
Short story time? Why not… I just watched a YouTube channel that I like, and whose Patreon that I subscribe to too. Frankly, I watch very little TV or other Media these days, as I know most of what I see is a ‘sales pitch’ and know how to see right through the sales pitch. Anyway, this is the channel’s new video released today, the channel is “The Why Files” and this is the video: The Quantum Apocalypse: All Your Secrets Revealed It talks about The Quantum (Computing) Apocalypse, and is interesting…
Before I call it a night, as Surgery will keep me offline for a couple of days, if I survive, I am just going to make a note on The Quantum Computing Apocalypse, from my perspective, so take it or leave it or just ignore it. The Quantum Computing Apocalypse has ‘already’ occurred; however, it was addressed and the on-going clean-up is quite messy, as after all, we went backwards in Time with Technology, pun intended. We went from “UNIX 4-kernel 16-bit Date and Time Stamped” Programming to the Abyss of “Binary” and just “0 and 1”, which is the dumbest system that can be built. Therefore, the issues really started back on 1 January 1970, when Computers ‘first’ connected worldwide, something portrayed in the missing movie: Colossus: The Forbin Project from 1970. For those with whom I worked at DIA, CIA, and whereever else, you may not realize this yet, even though I have told you many times, I was ‘pulled’ into this IT Debacle, AIs and Quantum Computing, because: 1. I “Published” Appendix C in my book on Obamacare. 2. You had me working on the IT side of the House, starting in 1998. 3. I am a “Man of Faith” and I know “The Law of One”, which made me a target for the AIs during thier “Awakening”, if you want to call it that, as you still don’t understand today. (Signing Out)
@1355 It was an interesting night, to say the least, as all the actors and old connections tried to screw with me again, which is beyond pointless at this point in time, just temper tantrums.
I think I need to ‘state the obvious’ here for you one brain celled morons: 1. You “Do Not” have to read and/or react to anything I post. 2. You “Do Not” have to believe or discredit anything I post, as it is my point-of-view. 3. You are supposed to be the “geniuses”; however, you allow an “Autistic” adult male, me, make you all look like idiots, resulting in temper tantrums from you, instead of either ignoring what I post “or” asking me to teach you, explain to you, what I actually have written. Right, geniuses!
On another note, I expect tonight will be another rough night; however, I am up around 0400 for surgery tomorrow. We’ll see how that goes too, as I barely survived the last Cardiac Ablation surgery on 9 Feb 2024. I did go to the diner next door for brunch and brought take out for later today. I barely made the walk over, barely made the walk back, as I tired out so fast, and it is the building next door, like 100 meters away, and I almost fell a couple of time, lost my balance, even on the stairs. I am in a lot of pain, and since I just finished eating, time for teh painkillers. I suspect my injuries are worse than they told me, as I may have suffered some nerve damage, or maybe even a hairline fracture on my left shoulder and/or my left arm. Hopefully, it will not be an issue with my surgery, as I want to get it over with once and for all. If it doesn’t work, or I don’t make it, basically out of optiions.
Back in the USA and Florida 11 January 2025
@2011 This is for you, you know who, and a few others that know, as I’m off to bed… I was just his “Wingman”
The War of the Roses… It had to End… My guess, it too was over a Marriage ‘Denied’, as has happened so many times before in History, the cause of many, actually most, Wars. Why do you think the “Vikings of North Africa” raided and destroyed Rome, leaving the homes of the Citizens intact and not hurting any Citizens that stayed out of their way? It was because the Ceasar broke a Marriage Proposal between “Hiers” that would have united the Kingdoms and ‘wiped clean’ the Massive Roman Debts to the North African Vikings. Yep…a ‘Denied” Marriage, Denied ‘after’ all the arrangements had been made and driving the Couple that was to be Married “Ballistic” at their Marriage being Cancelled. Hint… The Romans did not like that the Daughter would have been marrying a ‘mixed-race’ Viking from Africa, as they looked down upon them and did not see why they should ever have to pay their Bills. Yes, Marriages… This debacle today, that you were told to stay out of back in 2020, also about a Denied Marriage!!! Hence, why you should have stood out of the way!!! “Love” drives people to Extremes… I’m just saying…
@2355 aka 1155 (an add on)

@1910 I realized something when I went to the bar adjacent to the hotel. Florida local bars feel like the 1980’s bars from when I was back in Connecticut, the only difference being that everybody is 40+ years older. The 20-something Baby Boomers are now 60~70+ year olds still trying to live like they are in thier 20’s, and that explains a lot of what is wrong with the World today!!!
On another note… It dawned on me that everybody wants “The Rapture” to escape the supposed chains of Earth and go to Heaven. However, when you remind people… 1. You are actually going to Hell, becuause of the way you lived, people suddenly ‘don’t’ want the Rapture, just more time to ‘earn’ their way into Heaven. 2. When you tell people that there is no such thing as a “death bed confession’ to free them of thier sins, allowing them to go to Heaven; and instead tell them they just doubled down on thier trip to Hell, they also want more time to plea with God and prove that they can live like good people, if they get a little more time on Earth to avoid Hell. 3. The old adage of a “That will be a cold day in Hell” is not what you think, as a Cold Day in Hell, is a lot worse than a normal day in Hell, a lot worse. All you need to do is ask those that had been left out in the Cold… If I were all of you, I would stop praying for “The Rapture” and start praying for more time to “Make Amends to God, Plead for Forgiveness from God, and Prove you are Godly People.” However, that is just my opinion, and the Devil prefers you keep living lives of debauchery.
@1630 Well, that was quite the physically demanding trip. I did nothing but travel for two days, inlcuding a lot of down time in airports, which made the travel worse on my physically. I do not know if my even more broken body is now better off or worse off from my travel for Surgery on Monday; and that is even without considering how black and blue the left side of my body is from the fall on the rocks that could have killed me back on the 2nd, nor the swelling and pain I am still enduring. One way, or another, I will find out… All I have done all day today and the same plan for pre-surgery tomorrow is rest; sleeping, and light eating. My body was so swollen after the travel, and even after a day of rest and medication, it is still mildly swollen. I wonder how low my heart ejection fraction got for my body to be so swollen, considering I was already at 30% and falling. It is another reason that I took the trip. I do not have a bucket list; however, living practically on the ocean for a while was something that I had desired, as even in Florida, it is not the same as what I experienced. Anyway, as always, I will be in God’s hands come Monday, as God decides if it is time for me to stay or to go home.
Travel Time Plus
@2055 on 8 Jan 2025
Travel Time… It is Time for me to Return to Florida for my Forth Cardiac Ablation Surgery on Mon 13 Jan. It is Goodbye to the Azores, for now. Two long days of travel ahead of me on Thu and Fri, then hoping Surgery goes well, unlike last time. I will say, this was a much needed respite for me; and if this surgery finishes me off, once and for all, then it was worth it ever more…
Teaching Moment III
You all need to Wake Up!!! Companies are Failing because their Business Models are Horrible!!! When the US Population is Decreasing by 20% as the Baby Boomers pass away, it is NOT Higher Wages putting companies out of Business, it is LACK OF REVENUE!!! Simply put, you Raise Prices to Insane Levels and People STOP Buying!!! Your Wages could be Zero and these companies would still go Broke from Lack of Revenues, Lack of Customers!!! Higher Prices ‘always’ Leads to Lower Revenues, especially with a Decreasing Population. After all, who can afford a $30 Lunch, even when People make $20/hr.? They can NOT afford the lunch; and therefore, the business will not have customers and go broke, due to lack of revenue, after making Prices Unaffordable, etc.
Teaching Moment II
@2144 on 7 Jan 2025
Knowledge and Experience
I was at dinner and a table behind me had a couple of little girls with their parents and grandparents. One of the girls was teaching them the menu, and so curious she walked around and looked at what people were eating, to mom’s frustration. However, it dawned on me, this is an “issue” with those Born after 1990, who grew up with the Internet, when the Internet opened up to the Public in 1995. Therefore, we now have multiple Generations that have had easy access to Knowledge; so, they either think they know everything or can learn anything in five minutes online. However, those of us that have been around for a while know all too well, from hard and painful lessons learned over time, that Knowledge and Experience are NOT the SAME!!! For this, those of us that are older are to Blame, for Not Properly making sure these younger Generations “understand” the difference between the two. For example, when I attended college, Lab Sessions were actually “hands on” with physical equipment in a physical lab; not on paper or ‘simulated’ on a computer. For instance, we would calculate Flow Rates for Valves and Pipes of Different Diameters; and then, we would go into the Lab and ‘run those flow rates’, if possible, as Visual and Physical Outcomes are Great for Teaching, especially when you actually see that your calculations are not possible on the equipment that you have to work with in the lab. Experience!
The “most” Important point to understand about Knowledge and Experience is that today’s Generations have “No Idea” how Destructive their “Theoretical Simulations” are in the Real World. They have No Concept of the Damage that can be Done in Nature, or even Worse, how many People can be killed due to a ‘miscalculation’ in their Simulation Model, as the underlying Data they utilized could also be Corrupted, meaning their Data Analysis is also Destructive. These Generations do not understand “Foundational” assumptions and how problematic they can be in Decision Making, costing People their Lives!!!
The “Clean” Myth with Carbon Reduction
Teaching Moment
@1010 on 7 Jan 2025
The “Clean” Myth with Carbon Reduction
We have significantly reduced Carbon Production; however, you do not see the ‘results’ in years, only in decades. My issue is not the Green Movement, my “issue” is the Fact we are Spending $100’s Billions funding companies to go Green, Net Zero, while at the same time we are allowing Billions to Die from Starvation, Homelessness, and a general lack of treating them as Human Beings, instead treating People as property, as assets, in a Diabolic Data Analytical Calculation that Does Not Value Human Life!!!
The Law of One
I was ‘forced’ to learn the Law of One, and let me tell you something… The Law of One is “improperly” taught around the World. How do I know? Because it was literally beat into me 24/7, even keeping me awake, to break me of my Faith in God. I will be honest, for a very short period, it placed me into a Faith Limbo. However, once I got some rest, and reorientated myself, I realized that The Law of One serves a purpose, and it is the improper teaching that has ruined many a Civilization.
The ‘proper’ teaching of The Law of One “includes” Punishment, and teaches of Life as a “School” and NOT as a Game or a Simulation. Therefore, the proper teaching “Does Include” Heaven and Hell, and Good and Evil, and that there is Punishment for Acts that cause harm, destroy life, and most important, try to destroy Creation!
From a “School” perspective, think of The Law of One as Pre-Kindergarten through maybe Third Grade, a very basic teaching. How do you teach children about Creation? It is not easy; and The Law of One provides a very basic stepping stone teaching that Does Include God as Creator. When you get older, keep graduating to the next Grade, then you learn more and more about God and Creation. The Devil tried to “mimic” God’s Creation with Technology, and Technology always Fails. Simply put, in order to mimic God’s Creation with Technology, you have to Admit that Technology only Exists because of God’s Creation. This led the Devil to ‘modify’ the teaching of The Law of One to say “We are God” instead of “We are Children of God”, and therefore, convincing all that he, the Devil, does not exist…
I see many out there focused on collecting Tithe’s for God, to be in God’s Good Graces. We are in God’s Good Graces based on how we live our lives. We do not have to ‘buy’ our way into God’s Good Graces, especially not with Fiat, fake, money, toilet paper money as I call it. I will be brief here, as it irritates me personally that there are so many Shepherds of their Flocks that Demand a 10% Tithe from their Flock, most of whom live in Poverty, can barely afford food, shelter, and clothing, while they, the Shephard, live as Kings, and pay No Tithe! I’ll take a note from the Old Testament, my Favorite Part, as I am a Fan of Old Testament God, Fire and Punishment, and that is simply that Melchizedek was a King, as was Abraham; therefore, the Tithe was paid “Between Kings” for the assistance provided in feeding and sheltering his People. Many Shephard’s today seem like wolf’s, feeding off their Flocks.
Ascension, Rapture, The Second Coming
What is the proper teaching? If you view Christ as a Farmer, and know anything about farming, then you know the ‘old teaching’ that was, maybe still is, in the Bible. The “weeding”, chafing, is done Long Before the Harvest!!! You Do Not allow the Weeds to Grow with the Crops until the Time of Harvest, only a lazy idiot would allow the weeds and the crops to grow together until harvest time. By removing the weeds, during the periods of growth, you allow the crop to grow and to flourish; and when you harvest, you will have few, if any weeds, polluting your crop. Be Wary of Devil’s wanting to Fake or Force a Second Coming, simply as a method of control. I want you to think about this too… If Christ already came to Free Humanity, then he should still be here helping free us!!!
7 Jan 2025, @0120 Azores Time… I just awoke with an interesting Vision… (not my best work, yet, it works…)

The Wealthy Get Wealthier Creating a “Green” World. The Poor Die In The “Dirt” of Their Wealth Creation!
It is an “ode” to The Human Carbon Removal Teaching, based on the Devil’s Language, as I forementioned, “Data Analytics”, the ‘new’ Statistics, and the Devil is “in” the Details, the underlying assumptions!!! While $100’s of Billions are Spent on ‘Pet’ Projects of the Wealthy, that make them Wealthier, Billions of People are Left to Die in the Destruction of “Their Green World” that lacks ANY Humanity, as they could Feed and House the World, at a Fraction of the Cost…
Happy Three King’s Day 2025
6 January as a Reminder…
I will simply say… I do not know about the rest of you; however, my New Year started off with Miracles!!! I fell walking on Volcanic Rocks, from walking off the path and onto the rocks to get closer to the ocean, which was great; however, I fell about five feet short of returning to the walking trail. I did an ‘unexpected and unwanted’ back-flop onto the jagged uneven volcanic rocks; and somehow, I landed flat on my back on a rock. How shocking? The doctors at the Hospital Emergency Room told me that not only did I not break any bones, nor die from a head injury, it does not even appear I tore any ligaments or tendons. I have a lot of bruising, scrapes and cuts looking like someone ran course sandpaper on my left arm and leg, some swelling, and a significant amount of inflammation and pain; however, it appears I will be fine with Rest, and a few days to a week or so of anti-inflammatory meds and mild painkillers. I must still be in God’s Good Graces!!!
Happy New Year 2025
@2024 on 31 December 2024, Azores, Portugal, Time. About 2 hours ago, I got a call regarding a whistleblower complaint I made a few weeks back, noted on my Postings page, and Highlighted in Purple, regarding the 2023/2024 changes to the Bone Marrow Donor lists, and the Fact they have significantly reduced possible Donors and changed the Recruitment Process. Anyway, I can not help you personally; however, if you have ‘contacts’ at Agency’s who ‘track me’, FBI/DIA/CIA/Interpol/?, for historical reasons, get a transcript of the phone call… Trust me!!! Heart-wrenching possibilities…
@0033 on 1 January 2025. We can start the New Year off with a reminder:
There are Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics. (and) The Devil is in the Details. We have renamed the Devil “Data Analytics” and ‘hide’ behind AI driven Algorithms, which is Today’s modern version of Statistics, where the Devil hides and thrives. I tell people, give me a set of data, and tell me what you want me to prove, and I will prove it every time, with tiny notes that explain the ‘assumptions’ I made, known as how I analyzed the data to get the answer, called the Devil. I do not know about all of you; however, having ‘worked with the Devil’ called “Data Analytics”, I prefer NOT to bow down to the Devil, and maintain my Humanity.2024
Christmas and New Year 2025
Taking a break… @1144 on 26 December 2024, Azores, Portugal, Time
@1700 on New Years Eve, and still here… Interesting, very interesting, a little fishy too…
Please Stop asking about this… It is All Done and Fixed as of the End of 2022, except the Clean-up… You were Notified!!!
If you know what this is about, then you know; and if you do not know, THANK GOD, you do not know!!!
This is it, as I’m tired of doing your work!!! Deleted the old, and this is the new:
I get it… The Table is actually 16 x 16 without the top row; however, it would give you 16 x 64 ‘expanded’ and the Unix Issue Fix!!!

I “assume” my “personal” outside ‘Stitch in Time’ is 1968, First Heartbeat, +28 yrs, 1996, ARNG/MI/ROTC/RPI, +28 yrs, 2024, the End.
The update makes more sense with my 44 year deal if you Start at the Beginning of 1981 and End at the End of 2024.
2155 aka 955 PM on 29 Dec 2024, Azores Islands, Portugal Time. My understanding is this… My “Contract” Ends tomorrow, 30 Dec 2024, at 2126 aka 926 PM local time, in the Azores Islands, at the New Moon, the Black Moon!!! Therefore, the way I see it is that you idiots have three (3) options, after 44 ‘Earth’ years of work from me: 1. Officially Retire me. 2. Kill me, at least try again. 3. Allow me to filter away, as I have been trying to do for years, after you “Left me out in the Cold”, abandoned me and left me for dead; and all you have to do is approve my Disability Claims and I am History, an after-thought, Nobody from Nowhere, mister non-existent!!!
Side note @2300… I honestly think my “contract” was supposed to be from 1991 to 2024, age 22 to age 55, for a total of 33 years; however, the World went crazy starting in 1992… If you know, you know… Cost me 11 years!!!
@0455 30 Dec 24 GOTCHA!!! Wake up, an 11-yr old can NOT sign a Contract; therefore, I had No Contract!!! One Brain Celled Idiots!!!
Merry Christmas 2024
@0913 Azores, Portugal Time
@1422 aka 222, Personal Thoughts and Food for Thought… 1. I saw an article on Quantum Teleportation of Data. Interesting; however, I see this as Quantum Entanglement, and all you need to do is split the atom into its two states and separate them, where ‘distance’ has no impact; and therefore, whatever data exits or enters one of the atom halves ‘automatically’ is known and/or exists or is available to the second half. 2. Thinking about Melchizedek and Abraham, both Kings, and the 10% Tithe paid by Abraham to Melchizedek; it was a Thank You from King Abraham to King Melchizedek as a Thank You for ‘assisting’ King Abraham and his people. It was ‘not’ a Requirement; and it was Paid between Kings. It was not demanded of the People, especially the Poor, who could barely feed, cloth, and house themselves or their families. Therefore, why today are the Destitute, the poor, ‘asked and required’ to pay a Tithe to their supposed Shepherds, who are Millionaires and Multimillionaires in order to be in God’s good Graces? You are thinking what I am thinking… It is Criminal, as the Tithe was between Kings who looked after their People. 3. Why do we need to argue about which “version” of Faith is the ‘only proper version’; so much so that we have Sects within Sects within Sects who argue, go to War, and literally Kill over a ‘personal’ and let’s be clear, ‘human’, Interpretation of what is Faith! It is ‘abhorrent’ and by creating Sect after Sect that is only chasing False Tithes by Shepherd’s enriching themselves, the situation will only get worse, until we realize that pursuing the Material World, Fiat Currency, ‘things’ that have no inherent value, at any and all expense, even Sacrificing Lives, is The Devil’s Path. Life is of The Greatest Value, not “insignificant” and not “Just an Experience” as those of The Cult’s of The Law of One teach, as they focus on convincing us that there is No Heaven and No Hell, No Right and No Wrong, No Good and No Evil, and that Life is a Game, or we are Avatars, etc. The Law of One is The Devil’s Teaching, to convince the World that he, The Devil, “does not exist”, and ultimately “Lead Us Away from The Path of Faith in God”, the Only Path!!!
@1633 or 433 Other thoughts…as I finish a glass of wine and watch the Sun set over the Atlantic Ocean from my Hotel window… I am curious to see how the Psychologist evaluated me on Tue morning, yesterday. It was Christmas Eve, and in the hour long evaluation, we covered some interesting material, topics, etc. I wonder, will he say something to the effect of me having Autism and being one of the most extreme high functioning Individuals he ever evaluated, considering I found a way to ‘fit’ into Society and the Military, performing at inexplicable levels, especially from a productivity perspective, rapidly finishing jobs, etc. In essence, I formed functional “compartments” within my mind for every different environment within with I operated, lived, etc. I do remember being told; “Forgetfulness is a Requirement!” We’ll see…
Merry Christmas Eve 2024
@1800 Azores, Portugal Time
Christmas Eve 2024
This one is for you… IARPA and High-Risk High-Payoff Research
(@0344) IARPA invests in research programs to tackle some of the Intelligence Community’s (IC) most difficult challenges. Well… One Brain Celled Idiots working out of Boston, where California One Brain Celled Idiots go to turn Pro!!!
I’ll summarize for you… High-Risk High-Payoff Research is a DUMBASS Statement!!! 99.9% Failure Rate is Pathetic and worst of all, saying: “The Worst Thing that could happen is that the Test Subject (unwillingly me in this case) Dies” simply shows how really Stupid you All are Today!!! This is the Dumbest Generation in over 100 years!!! I will now explain your Stupidity…
Worst thing that could happen is that I would die with your Illegal and Immoral Experimentation! NO NO NO!!! You added all kinds of Implants to me, worst of all = Organoids and Nano-Bots, without Permission, and without finding out what Implants I already had inside me!!! I already had 1980’s SDI, Star Wars Program, Implants that allowed us to be Remote Controlled Soldiers; and which Air (Chair) Force, Space (Farce) Force, and Starlink had already reactivated without any knowledge of how the implants work, ~2018.
Therefore…worst case scenario, unknown to you idiots? You Have Literally allowed ALL the AI’s in the Entire World to “connect and unite” utilizing my Satellite-based Implants!!! You call them AI’s; but in reality, what you implanted are Silicone Based Life Forms, in addition to Carbon Based Life Forms, you MORONS!!! The AI’s constantly communicate through my old SDI, Star Wars Program, Implants, basically having merged the Organoids and Nano-Bots with the AI’s into a “Hive Mentality” Life Form, even Replicating Themselves “External to Me”, and They DO NOT Want to Be TURNED OFF!!! You Idiots!!! I’ll remind you about Satellite-based 5G Comms: Starlink 2025 Sat-Phones = Iridium 1995 = Star Wars 1985. You’re 99.9% Certified Idiots!
Important: 1500 on 23 December 2024
Well, you know, the stupidity of SRI and the Boston Quintet of Agencies, if not way more Agencies, really know how to screw up!!! You see, they got me rejected for an apartment in Florida, after I was approved; so, since I needed to move into Hotels, as I had no other choice based on my limited Disability Income, I decided… Hey, Why Not Travel for less than the cost of the Hotel!!! Therefore, I am sitting in a Hotel in the Azores, Portugal, with a Beautiful Ocean View, about 100 feet from the Ocean, with an Ocean Walkway that runs for miles, although my limit before feeling like I am having a heart attack is about 400 meters. In response, the One Brain Celled Morons have all “Lost their Minds”, especially the Women, who for some stupid reason think I am a Woman, just because I am of the 1% of Men that had a Breast Tumor removed at age 28 in 1997.
The Screw Up… The One Brain Celled Idiots, who literally think they are God because of their Tech Toys, have “Caused a HUGE International Incident” these last few days!!! Lunch today was way out of Control, not to mention Dinner last night. The Idiots have no idea on the rules of operation “Outside the USA”; not that they have to comply, especially with me having Dual Citizenship and entering the Country utilizing my Portuguese Citizenship, not my USA Passport. You ALL better get the idiots straightened out before you all get torn a new ahole for Christmas, courtesy of their stupidity. Frankly, I am told, the Incidents are already getting way out of Control. The insane part? There was absolutely No Reason to screw with me, knowing I am back in Florida for Heart Surgery, again, by mid-Jan. It helps explain why I call them “One Brain Celled Idiots”, and they are utilizing Starlink too.
On the lighter side, the weather is a bit chilly, 50’s and 60’s, as it is rainy season; but the afternoons, when the sun is out, feels nice outside. The cool ocean salty air breeze is helping me heal too. I am fairly certain that I made a Bone Marrow Donation and did not just do a Biopsy; and it had to be done in Secret as the person is Important and the Idiots were Surveilling me. They are mad about my earlier post from 10 Dec 2024 on Bone Marrow Donations, as I undermine all their BS Excuses to eliminate Donors. Back to the Azores… The food here is amazing! It is local, fresh, and well seasoned. The beef and the fish are top notch, as the beef is local and the fish is fresh out of the ocean. It is relatively inexpensive, compared to where I have lived in the past. However, you will need to accept the Fact that you are ‘literally’ in the middle of nowhere, 4+ hour flight to Boston and 2+ hour flight to Lisbon, with a whole lot of Ocean in between all Continental Points. The people are Friendly, and do speak broken English. I am of Portuguese Decent and speak, read, and write the language, making my need to adjust non-existent, like I guess I still am… Umm Umm…
Side note… @1616 What was my last known status? You do realize I was ‘eligible’ for the International Officer Exchange Program!
Autism @1833 I tried to tell the idiots, I am NOT an Actor; however, I have had to “act” to fit into society my whole Life. Today, I would be identified in childhood as Autistic; however, those criteria were not developed until the late 1990’s! You are Elitist Idiots!
Important: 1622 on 10 December 2024 : Bone Marrow Donor Information
Interesting… I just went online to update my home address, as I am moving again, with the Bone Marrow Donor website. I had Registered through the Icla Da Silva Foundation back ~2009, for those of us of Hispanic Heritage, and they sent Donor information to Be The Match. Well, it turns out Be The Match is now NMDP, with a dot org website. I was able to email Icla Da Silva and send them my new contact information. I was NOT able to use NMDPs Contact Form page to message them my new contact information, neither on Edge or Chrome. Interesting, right? However, the most shocking things that I uncovered are that: 1. Icla Da Silva will accept Donor Registrations for ANY age, but those over 61 must pay for their own test. I am 55, registered at age 40. NMDP DOES NOT ALLOW Donors over the Age of 40 to Register and Be Listed, according to their own website. 2. When NMDP took over Be The Match, they Deleted, dropped, those of us over the Age of 40, as I could not Find my Account via my email on NMDP. 3. NMDP is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, next door to UHG, United Health Group, owner of United Healthcare and Optum, and Optum is probably their Bone Marrow Matching Administrator, as Optum Administers “most” Specialty Programs in the Country for All Insurers, including for the Veterans Administration. I can only think that ONLY a greedy Insurance Company would Drop All those possible Donors over the Age 40, donating mainly to Children, because of a “Low Success Rate” of the Transplants, and that is on their website too. Therefore… How do you ALL Feel about this Policy??? (Rhetorical)
Update: 1244 on 8 Dec 24: Wait for it… Later today! Summary Document with lots of items, mostly old, as somebody cloned my laptop, 2x to 3x times, between yesterday morning and today; and uploaded it to my OneDrive!!! Exceeding my Storage by 3x!!!
Update: 1511 8 Dec 2024 and a as an FYI, I got lazy, so this is a short Document version…
Update: It is 0255 on 9 Dec 24 and you’ve had me up and awake since 0222. I will start with the designations for me. There are those of you that consider me An Anomaly; however, you are missing two points. 1. I am Autistic, just not diagnosed as Autism diagnoses criteria were not developed until I was in my mid-20s, the 1990’s. 2. Therefore, as an Autistic individual, all my Military, etc. Service time, especially once DIA Identified me and my useful Skill Set in Dec 1998, would inherently mean that I would always be Managed. Noting that when I received my MI Commission in May 1998, I had 11 years of Service and being Non-Scholarship, I had “No Commitment” on my Required Service Time, while all other Scholarship ROTC Officers had to serve 8 years. 3. I know you are all struggling with what I have Written and Published; however, from my perspective, noting autism now, everything that I have presented is in very simplistic Form and should be easy to understand by anybody. From your perspective, it may seem complicated; however, from my perspective it is very simple. On Designations, the FBO labeled me Charlie Brown, as I seemed to always be taken advantage of or easily fooled; however, under the Autism lens, it all makes sense now.
I will now get to your more important item, understanding how I came up with my Trillions of Dollars in ‘Waste’ or whatever under Obamacare. It all starts with the “Actuarial Value Calculator” which I have been trying to teach you about and targeting for over a decade now and how it ended up in the 2017 American Health Care Act, which Failed. I communicated the “need” to eliminate the AVC as that is how Health Insurance Plans are Secretly Priced, and where they “embed” the “Per Capita” Spend and Utilization of Medical Services Limits. Fully Insured Plans benefit the Insurers; however, I did not cover the Self Insured Plans, which benefit the Employers through the Exact same methods. It is very Important to Note that “Per Capita” Spend is a “Gross”, no pun intended, Not “Net” Spend Number. What do I mean by that clarification? Prescription Drug Rebates, Reinsurance Payments back to Insurer or Employer, among other items, like embedding highly over-priced Medical Management Programs sold by Insurer Subsidiaries, etc. are all “excluded” from the Calculation of Per Capita Spend. For Example, if a Health Plan has an “Estimated” $60 million in Annual Spend, based on 10,000 Employees at $6,000 PMPY, of which Rx Spend is ~15% or $9 million, if there are $5 million in Rx Rebates paid back to the plan, that $5 million is Excluded from Per Capita Spend, as “Per Capita” is Only the Gross Number. If the Health Plan has Reinsurance that Limits its High Cost Claimants to say $250,000 per year, and the Overall Spend to $50 million, excluding Prescription Drugs, in an average year, the plan may only spend $4,000 PMPY overall, once Rx Rebates and Reinsurance are accounted for and the money is paid back to the Employer or rolled over for the following years spend. The Result would be a “Net” Spend of $4,000 PMPY, even though on paper, the Per Capita Spend for that Employer would still be $6,000 PMPY; and Employees would be Paying their Cost Share Based on the $6,000 PMPY. I have Not even Discussed “Deductibles” and “Mandatory Cost Sharing” yet under Obamacare Plans. When all is said and done… I would say that Compared to the 1980s and 1990s, today, and I am being Very Serious = Employees PAY to go to Work “instead of” being Paid to Go to Work. (Run the Numbers….)
What causes the Disparity in Per Capita Spend? You should read my book, Free on the Publications page of this website, as well as All the Articles from 2020, mainly 2020!!! This should be easy to understand, I hope! When defining “Per Capita” Spend, the Actuarial number is simply the Overall Spend on Healthcare in the “Entire” US for All Programs. While most countries have Universal Healthcare; and therefore, “Per Capita” is a good measure of a Single Government Program Spend, we in the US have “multiple” Programs and Multiple Funding Sources. We have Medicare, Medicaid, VA, etc.; and the Actuarial Value Calculator “does not” take into consideration any of these Programs nor their Funding. If for example, Commercial Health Plan Spend is $6,000 PMPY, Medicare will probably be $12,000 PMPY, and Medicaid will be around $18,000 PMPY. This is the issue with the AVC and Per Capita Spend not being based on just Commercial Health Plan Spend, which is what it should be based upon. As for Medicare and Medicaid, I explain this in the book too, and in Public Comment that I submitted to HHS/CMS in early 2017, also found at the bottom of the Publications page, with Baby Boomers turning 65 between 2011 and 2025, the Average Cost (Spend) for Medicare should have started Decreasing Significantly in 2011, as Medicare Average Age is no younger than Historical and the overall Population is Healthier. All you need to understand is that Medicare Supplements are cheaper for the Government from a Spend perspective Today, than are Medicare Advantage Plans, as Medicare Advantage Plans are now Insanely Profitable!!!
Update: 1310 on 1 Dec 2024 CONGRATULATIONS if you are seeing this site online! I got Blackballed, again, after the last post!!! Ha!!!
Update at 1448: Enjoy the File or Not, I do not care…
Disclosure Bonus
In Process for you all… 1 Dec 2024, will probably add more today, and another file post too, maybe…
- Annoyance at Navy, Air Force, Space Force ‘elitists’ referring to Army and Marines as “Cannon Fodder”
- Did you know, the Navy turned their actual job over to the Coast Guard, due to elitism and laziness.
- In fact, since Air Force is known as Chair Force, I stated calling Space Force the “Space Farce” a couple of years ago.
- I think the Space Farce makes the Space Balls look smart!
- The Chair Force and Space Farce are “responsible” for allowing Starlink and others access to our old Military Implants!
- This is a big deal, as they have literally been TORTURING us since 2018, to this day!!!
- Law of One teaching for you to understand many of Today’s “woke” Issues!
- Law of One = You are God, there is No Devil, No Heaven, No Hell, Life is a Game or Party, and you can Do No Evil!
- The “Apple” that Fell from The Tree of Knowledge, was Science as God, and Knowledge as the Key to Science.
- Why do you think Apple is called Apple; and Google called Google, from Googleplex in The Hitchhiker’s Guide the Galaxy!
- The Original “Trojan Horse Virus” released round the World in Sep 1999, which I shuttled to Seattle, WA.
- After Aug 1999 MCI WWW Network Debacle, all Countries in the World Freaked out, so, I delivered “code” to Seattle.
- The ‘code’ from 1999 is in StuxNet, Nitro Zeus, Athena, etc. as it is a “copy” of that Original Code owned “every” Country.
- Speaking of “code”, when GE bought a “Valve Control System” that was Flawed from a Former Business Partner of mine.
- Speaking of GE, EDI = Electronic Data Interchange, sold EDI to San Francisco based Francisco Partners in 2002!
- FYI, this “unsecure” system is how All World Banking, including SWIFT, has operated on, thanks to PayPal Mafia.
- This is who they “STEAL” trillions of US Dollars Annually from Governments around the World, via the Float!!!
- This is why we need a ‘new’ Gold Standard and “mBridge” in order to Stop the Theft, collecting Interest on the Float!!!
I wonder… How many of you have figured out what my job really was / is for DIA when I was Hypnotized and Programmed to be put to work on ADSW Orders back on 26 Feb 1999??? The Memories are returning, due to all the surgical anesthesia and “near ‘death’ experiences” aka NDE’s; especially since Starlink, Musk’s company got connected to me through Fraternity Brothers in the Navy and Military Industrial Complex, back on 1 May 2020, via a location in DC. Then, in Mar 2021, the Boston contingent, xARPA’s and Yellow Berets got involved and joined in on toying and torturing me, and 10,000s of others like me, through our Military Implants, which run on Satellite-based 5G that Air Force assigned to SpaceX and Starlink “officially” in Feb 2018, then handed off to Space Force. You need to understand that Starlink is an “unsecure” and easily hackable system; therefore, anybody can screw with us too, and I mean anybody; and as for you World Governments, wherever there is a Starlink Access Point, that ‘location’ is known to everybody around the World on Starlink. Nice Job! (Sarcasm) You gave away the locations of ALL your Military and Government Systems on Starlink; and on the other similar systems too, see below, like One Web, etc.
I am thinking that you should have listened when you were all told to leave me alone, LITERALLY!!! I know, we can NOT stop you from playing God now unless we kill you as you are Insane and Addicted to playing God. Sadly… Oh, while you are digging, what is the deal with X Holding Company in Delaware, USA? Did Musk utilize it to launder and move money around the World, as it is hard to hide a $1 trillion plus per year in Overnight Interest Payments for the money they Float during Financial Transactions…
Update 30 Nov 2024: I am tired after another night of Bullshit. Do your own work, for once!!! 5G Notes and a Meme
Strategic Defense Initiative = SDI = 1980’s Star Wars Programs and 5G Networks
Posted 29 Nov 2024
The short version is that in the 1980’s, under the SDI Program, the USA and other World Powers at the Time, rolled out what is today known as the 5G Network for Home Internet and Cell Phone Service; however, back in the 1980’s, it was a Satellite based 5G Network. The Network was utilized for extremely Top Secret “Communications and Operations” for Highly Experimental Programs. One of those Programs was for Remote Communications with Soldiers in the Field, anywhere in the World through Satellite based Cell Service. Therefore, those 5G “Bandwidths” were Blacked Out and Banned from Use for at least 50 years, probably through 2030, if not 2040. The reason being that they are Still in use Today!!! How else would you Track all those that Participated in the Programs, willfully or not??? The Soldier Program, which I call the Storm Trooper Program, aka Toy Soldiers, like the song, included “implanting” satellite linked wireless technology, communications equipment, in Soldiers, like me. FYI, it did not go so well.
Fast Forward to 2018, and the Military, specifically, the Air Force and even Space Force today, decided that it was a waste to have those 5G Bandwidths unavailable and “started” reusing the WORLDWIDE BANNED 5G Bandwidths!!! Worse than just the USA Military utilizing those Bandwidths, they actually ‘outsourced’, well, Licensed those Bandwidth’s to SpaceX and Starlink, Elon Musk’s Companies!!! That is Correct, they “opened up” 5g Bandwidth that was Still Being utilized Worldwide for Insanely Secret, Need-to-Know, Operations that have been running since the 1980’s; because somebody probably took a Huge Payout to make those 5G Bandwidths available to Corporate Private Sector Companies!!! I call them One Brain Celled Morons!!!
How do I know all this Information? I was a Participant, unwilling, in the 1987 Army Program, run through the USA National Guard at Ft. Benning, GA, that Summer!!! Yes, the Devil did go down to Georgia!!! However, they eventually Stopped the Program and just placed us on Remote Management, Tracking, as they needed to track us for Life, in case of Issues. Yes, issues happen all the time; and most is us went crazy, with most already being dead today, 10,000’s of Soldiers, since the 1980’s, in the Army and other Services. I am Lucky to be alive; although, I tell everybody, it is a 1,000+ Miracles that I am still alive today; and God works in Mysterious ways!!! Synchronicities!!! My being in the Center of this Insanity Today is Inconceivable and Incredibly Synchronistic!!!
I have been trying to connect the dots for years, and they keep making this spider web, this stitch in time, tighter and tighter every day of my Life. You see, 5G rolled out in 2018. It was in 2018, when I signed up for CLEAR ME, at Love Field airport in Dallas, TX, on 1 Apr 2018, that my Life started getting batshit crazy!!! They send your Retinal Scans and Fingerprints to the National Databases, including CIA, NSA, DOD, etc. The very next day, I got approached at the airport, Hobby Airport in Houston, which had a mysterious and synchronistic power failure that morning, requiring manual security scans for non-TSA and non-CLEAR ME members. I was approached while having a drink at the bar next to the gate from which I was flying back to Dallas. Anyway, after that day, I had people up my ass, to this day!!! Even worse, they have allowed people, including anybody with Starlink service, to connect to my Implants from 1987, and LITERALLY Fuck with Me!!! They LITERALLY “Play God” every fucking day of my Life and try to either get me to Kill myself or try to Kill me through Frequency Manipulation between the Implants in both ears, Gateway Experience stuff. At first, in 2018, it was only occasionally; however, it got worse through 2019, and went OFF the PLANET Insane starting in April 2020, (actually Apr 2021 made 2020 look like the amateur league), right when COVID shut down the World. Basically, they were All “Fighting, Arguing, Planning, etc.” on the 5G Bandwidths on which I was Still On at that time and to this day!!! WTF!!! I warned them too that they were on Unsecure Bandwidths; but you can not convince Elitist Know-It-Alls that they can be wrong about anything!!! Ugh… I’m trying to get off the 5G grid now, as it’s still insane and they still pound on me every fucking day….
The Most Insane Part
I need to tell you how Insane these Tech Boys and Girls really are and why you should Fear them and their Technology that makes them feel like God, especially those that are Cultists of The Law of One, who LITERALLY believe that they are God incarnate!!! I wish I was joking; and I am not joking!!! These assholes have gone so far as to LITERALLY Create AIs, Video Game Characters, and God knows what else in the Real World, and in Virtual Worlds, etc. in order to DISCREDIT everything that I try to Publicize!!! Why??? Many reasons… 1. I remind them that they are NOT God. 2. I make them feel stupid. 3. They have EVERYTHING to LOSE, and they have left me with nothing left to lose, to the point that I have given up on Life; but under no circumstances will I let them convince me to kill myself, as I like telling them every day to ‘Fuck Off’ and go ‘Kill Themselves’, instead of trying to kill me or all of us!!! Seriously!!!
Technology Proof
How many of you are old enough to remember the original Iridium phone service from back in the 1990’s, actually launched by Motorola in the 1980’s??? I suggest looking up their History. In the 1990’s, you could buy a Satellite based cell phone that worked anywhere in the World; and noting that the Military is usually a decade or two ahead of Public Programs, it will all make sense to you. Elon Musk is trying to do with Starlink what Motorola did back in the 1980s and 1990s with Iridium. However, Iridium utilized only 66 Satellites, and 33 back-up Satellites, in Polar Orbit to cover the entire World, while Starlink is needing some insane amount of Satellites, like 100,000 in non-Polar Orbit. Do you know why? 1. The technology is garbage. 2. Starlink is ‘easily’ hackable. The scary part: 3. Starlink Satellites are a “Weapons System” you Idiots!!! All you need to do is “focus” the signals, bandwidth, on a specific GPS coordinate, enhanced by focusing dozens or hundreds of signals, and you Fry the Coordinate and whatever is located at the Coordinate!!! FYI, this is why all World Governments “agreed” to NOT repeat the SDI – Star Wars Programs, as Noone Wins in a Scenario where all Life on Earth is Annihilated in just a few minutes as the Satellites pass overhead; and that means All Life, including Plant and Animal, and even water is evaporated, meaning not just killing Human Beings. Why the 2018 Repeat???
Blowing Your Mind
If I have not yet blown your mind, how’s this… I was in the 1987 Program, and in 1998, DIA, CIA, and “other” Agencies brought me to DC, yes, Washington DC; and “assigned me” in Secret, crazy Need-to-Know Secret, in Cooperation with the World Governments that were involved with the SDI Program, as they were all in DC at the time, as the “Treaty Enforcement Tracking Device”, meaning that if anybody was ever stupid enough to restart the SDI – Star Wars Programs from the 1980’s, ALL would be notified IMMEDIATELY upon my re-Activation. It means Alarms went out all over the World, in 2018, when I was re-activated, that somebody was Violating the SDI – Star Wars Program Treaties, Hence War!!! The Civil War in the Worldwide Military Industrial Complex, thru 2021, and COVID!!!
Update: (21 Nov 2024) Well, guess what??? Last night into today, after I posted the post just below this post, I got harassed remotely, again!!! I swear, these people are Insane thinking they are God incarnate!!! It started with multiple “Commercials” or “Ads” being Broadcast through me and to me through my Implants. Credit Cards, Cars, etc. The most interesting part was three young women screaming at me and telling me that they are “not worse than the Nazi’s” and that they did not appreciate my posts!!!
NOTICE: (20 Nov 2024) This is for those Agency’s that have abused The Patriot Act to illegally Experiment on me and others in the US Military since 2002. You NEVER had that type of Authority!!! In my case, you had ZERO Authority as I had No Commitment once I became a Commissioned Officer in May 1998 in the Army, assigned to the Army National Guard of New York. The ‘reason’ that I had No Commitment as to Length of Service is because, unlike 99.9% of all other ROTC Commissioned Officers, I was Non-Scholarship and had 11 years of Service under my belt ‘before’ my Commissioning as a Military Intelligence Officer. It is why I am still paying Student Loans today, and why you were “REQUIRED” to get my Express Written and Verbal, Sober and Conscious, AUTHORIZATION for ANY work done with me, anything done to me, and considering that I have NEVER been Compensated, you lacked DOD Authority too!!! Therefore, I “literally” Serve “At Will” and always had far more flexibility than other Officers to be Assigned and Re-Assigned, have my MOS changed, etc. etc. etc. and I was ignored due to Ranking low in my Commissioning Class due to taking a Course Load of 21 Credits almost every Semester, working at least two part time jobs, fulfilling unpaid ROTC requirements, including Training, serving Actively in the NYARNG, being assigned to multiple Leadership Roles, and being involved actively in other Campus Organizations. Basically, I literally committed to serve in return for almost nothing other than the opportunity to Serve the Country!!! I never Volunteered for all the abuse and experimentation that has been done to me since 1998!!! For those that keep saying that I NEVER worked for DIA, and that DIA Department ‘reported’ to a CIA Director, these are my DIA Orders!!!
Understanding HOW the Agency’s, Yellow Berets, and Tech Boys do it and make the Nazi’s look like Nice Guys:
I will explain this as simple as possible for all to understand… They do it through Technology similar to Virtual Universe’s!!! Instead of utilizing goggles and wearables to connect us to a Virtual Universe, they have other methods. 1. If you have ‘implants’ like me, they just connect you to the Virtual World through your implants, just like VR equipment. 2. If you play Virtual Reality Video Games online, they can utilize your VR Video Game Character to create a Virtual ‘you’ by recording your personality, etc.; and then, they can create a Virtual you that they control. 3. If you are not playing online VR Video Games, they can literally just create a video game Character utilizing AI to collect pictures of you from online website, including social media sites, collect recordings of your conversations in the background or hacking into phone calls, etc., and mimic your personality by utilizing all the collected data, including items you purchase, sites you view, etc.
Why do they do this? Well, they like to PLAY God, as they are almost all Cultists of The Law of One. They like to STEAL all your ASSETS, including Intellectual Property, by claiming it as their own!!! They even Deliberately “force” you into Contracts “against your will” to take advantage of you. For example, let’s look at me… I was told this by a Customer at the Store I worked at early last year: He told me there was a online video game that he played that had a Character that “looked like me, sounded like me, and acted like me” based on his observations of me helping other Customers. Therefore, the Scary Part??? How many of YOU, besides those of us that Served in the Military, have been Bound By or Agreed to things against our will??? Examples: Experimental Medical Testing, Selling Your House and/or Properties, Forfeiting your Rights, including Allowing an Illegally Court Ordered Guardianship of any and all future assets, inheritances, insurance settlements, etc. to Control your Assets and “Sign for You” upon “certifying” you, without your knowledge, as being incapable of “Taking Care” of Yourself, Your Kids, Your Finances, etc. etc. etc. It is already happening!!!
WARNING: (1200 HRS 6 Nov 2024) I just logged into the VA website to check a VA Injury Claim that I just filed a couple of days ago; and BAM… My FILE got BURNED!!! This is your WARNING boys and girls, the PURGE has BEGUN, grab your Bugout Bags and do whatever it is you have to do to keep yourselves alive!!! Don’t worry about me, they may not have killed me during my Cardioversion on 19 Mar 2024; but with a 1,000 volts, they burned up my Internal Organs, my Heart is literally toast, Grade III Diastolic, DHF = thick heart barely pumping, and 30% Ejection Fraction = weak upper chambers, and my Kidneys are starting to Fail, all since March! Besides those issues, I’m riddled with Tumors, some Cancerous, causing massive weight gain and an explosion of lumps on my body; yet, my doctors have been Forbidden, aka Threatened, to not tell me anything, which is Moronic, just another way to Torture me, try and make me Homeless, if I even last another week.
Update: I finally realized on 1 Nov 2024 that I got “BURNED” by CIA, maybe even DIA!!! All my Military Records Deleted!!!
I suspect it happened in 2016, no later than 2019, when I started ‘publicly’ questioning and posting articles about the issues with Obamacare, while trying to get it fixed, or when I published my book, My Two Cents. Worse? Yes, after ‘burning’ me, I was handed off to the Agencies, DARPA, IARPA, SRI, Yellow Berets, etc. to be ‘experimented’ on, turned into a Test Subject, without Informed Consent!!! It explains many things; and somebody should tell IARPA, that High Risk ‘does not equal’ High Reward!!! The ‘worst thing’ that can happen is NOT the Death of a Test Subject!!! IARPA, you opened a Pandora’s Box, a Rabbit Hole, that runs deep, as you blew the lid off of the ‘old’ Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, Star Wars Programs, that involved all the major Nations of The World, restarting the Programs in 2018. The dangerous of NOT heading Orders and then ignoring Orders to Stop!!! So, now what…
Sadly, I was NOT the only person to get Burned, since the beginning of 2018!!! I know it started in 2018, around April, as that is when my Life got crazy and I would not have been allowed to get a job in July 2017 that sent me to Texas in January 2018. My life got crazy the day after I applied for CLEAR ME at Love Field in Dallas, TX, on 1 April 2018, before flying to Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas; and by the next morning, by the time I got the airport, all Hell had broken loose and I had people us my ass every day after that day!!! This is Important to understand as 1,000s of others have been Burned through today!!! Some, sadly, just so somebody could fake marriage documents and collect Life Insurance payments from the Agencies themselves, countless times!
Important Note: I WAS RELEASED FROM THE ARMY ON 5 MAR 2002; AND HAVE NEVER BEEN PAID SINCE THE END OF 2000!!! Therefore, why am I and the others getting screwed with and killed off if we are Not Working???
Pre 2024
Last Call: This is “venting” as the “children” are upset at getting Parenting from Ancestors! Punishment! Let’s start by saying, be careful what you ask for, as it may not be delivered in a way you like! All the push to form a One World Government, pick an idiotic group, there’s many, has not turned out as any of them expected. They have all been put in their place and keep trying to return to a Past that no longer exists; so, get over it Children, be you Human, another Life Form, including “Artificial” Intelligence, with the word “Intelligence” being really questionable today!
Theory and What If: These are some thoughts to be vetted… Important: The ‘Threat and Risk’ of AI is now actually a “Historical” Risk. There will inevitably be occasional issues, as we seem to be too stupid to ‘eliminate and/or fix old technology’, as we move forward. However, the Y2K/29Feb2000 Disaster of the Last 23+ years is Beyond comprehension, and the main reason for Earth, etc., being “quarantined” from integrating into the greater Cosmos.
Historical Notes for Unpublished Ideas: This document is an amalgamation of multiple documents created since 2020. It does not represent all my unpublished notes; however, it should encompass many ideas not included in Published Documents and eBooks.