Books, Books and more Books
I have placed the Free eBook versions of my current and past books on this page. Enjoy!
My Two Cents: Taking the Care Out of Health Care (2019)
The book includes over a dozen ideas on fixing and improving Obamacare! Ideas to lower premiums, lower deductibles, and even to address Prescription drug pricing and availability, and the hospital system closure crisis! The book is an insider’s view that describes the powerful potential and broken promises of Obamacare, offering a realistic, actionable, and solution-oriented plan to address the affordability of health insurance plans and affordable access to the health care system.
ISBNs: Paperback (9781642378795), Hardcover (9781642378948)
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This is for Adobe reader My Two Cents EPUB file; and this is the Kindle version My Two Cents MOBI file. Enjoy!
The eBook is Free to help planners and people to better understand health insurance and health care. We should all keep in mind that today there are many senior politicians in the Democratic Party admitting that Obamacare is failing the American people and that Obamacare needs updating! However, one should note that there are easy fixes that have been available for many years. I think many that read through the book will find it insightful.
These are some of my older books…
Top 5 Ideas for Improving Obamacare Health Insurance Plans – 2019 Ideas for 2020 Health Plans
This is an opinion booklet on ways to improve Obamacare Health Insurance plans before March of 2019, as 2020 options will be finalized by March 2019. Brief explanations for the reasoning are included in the booklet.
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PPACA Handbook: Obamacare Individual & Family Guide
This book on Obamacare, health care reform, is designed to be a self-help educational and teaching guide for individuals and families. The information provided here is educational and does not focus on whether or not one agrees with the program. It also includes a shopping guide and a history and description of health care within the US. (2013)
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PPACA Handbook: Business Guide
This book on Obamacare, health care reform, is designed to be a self-help educational and teaching guide for small business owners. The information provided here is educational and does not focus on whether or not one agrees with the program. It also includes a shopping guide and a history and description of health care within the US. (2013)
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The Health Insurance Handbook: Understanding & Shopping for Health Insurance
This health insurance book was published in 2007, before PPACA – Obamacare was passed into Law in 2010. There are portions of the book that still apply; however, much has been superseded since PPACA took effect in 2014. The book was released as a Self-Help Guide for Individuals and Small Business Owners related to understanding health insurance options when looking to buy a health insurance plan.