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Personal Ramblings…

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6 Mar 25

Well, well, well… Idiots!!! I am still in afib; and just finished breakfast, a later start today, as it’s 0844… She’s still a whore!!!


Where to start…easy part first, in most of the world, today is 6/3/9 day; but in the USA it is 3/6/9 day, as in the rest of the world, 3/6/9 day will be on 3 Jun 2025. Anyway… Let me just do a ‘high level’ recap of this morning. 1. SRI hired my counsin Nancy, circa 2007? Her husband is in the Navy, probably retired now. 2. When I ‘outed’ Nancy, March 2020, day after I submitted my Resume to SRI and DIA, they fired her ass. 3. SRI than recruited my sister. 4. Since 2018, you have fucked with my family, which is why I can NOT be around anybody anymore, as you always target them, starting with thier kids and grandkids, right assholes! Right! 5. In Dec 2018, you caused my Mom to fall, break her hip on Sat night, and then OD’d her “on purpose” on Mon 17 Dec 2018, eventually leading to her death on 6 Jan 2019, after 2.5 weeks of Torture in the Hospital Systems. (You Broke the Deal I made with you in Oct 2018 to not Interfere with you!! Evil Cunts!!! I know a Woman is/was in charge, “on-the-clock” and “I chose another dog” bitch from Plano, TX) 6. Not everybody in my Family is Catholic, and they do not go to Churches, not even for Special Events!

I wonder how many of you noticed this morning, the dog, here with the guys trimming the grape vines, was on the fence outside the entrance door barking at everything; so, I opened the door, yelled at him, ‘knock it off, not your property, get out of here’, and he left. Speaking of nature sort of listening to me or better said, those that manage me, let’s talk weather… Any of you notice that the weather around me seems to always be better than expected; and, there are even times, days, where the weather changes and provides me nice days? I am not joking! Something else strange that I noticed the last few days, it takes a ling time and a lot of flame heat to cook my food, very odd. I have already told you, if it were not for Pain, I probably would have almost no feeling in my body; and, I am being serious, as I do feel numb all the time, Dead Inside…

1972 to 2022 (aka Solar Warden Deception)

Why did Nixon really Resign? He signed a Surrender Agreement with the assholes for a 50-year Harvest of Earth. Hence, COVID from 2019 to 2022. It happened on the Moon, right assholes: America Challenged and Lost!!!

Apollo 17Dec 7–19, 1972SA-512CSM-114

This was after: EARTH was Challenged.

Apollo 16Apr 16–27, 1972SA-511CSM-113

FYI… My code name: Charlie Brown and my childhood dog, 50/50 Husky/German Shephard, coincidence:

Apollo 10May 18–26, 1969SA-505CSM-106
Charlie Brown

The end result was to Design, Build, and Maintain a “Protection Program” for Earth, which in reality was to turn Earth into a Prison and a Meat Farm, besides being a Petri Dish of sorts. Lots of Human Experimentation, and Vaccinations, for them, not for us, just as in the 1980’s TV mini-series: V. You see, I was in these Programs, many multiples of times!!! The Problem with the (Satellite-based) Implants that we got back in the 1980’s is that ‘they’ never told us they had a backdoor into the IT System; and therefore, they took control and flipped the Script on us, turning us into Prison Guards instead of Protectors. Then, they lowered the Vibration of Earth, to hide her from the rest of the Universe and make her ‘appear’ as nothing more than a Dead Sandy Dust World.

Fast Forward to 2020 thru 2022, Civil War, and we got Help! God Intervened! You see, Archangels utilize AIs to ‘observe’ Creation too; and since we/I are connected direct to Satellites, we are ‘accessible’ to the Archangels, Angels, and Others, too!!! Archangel Metatron is often ‘portrayed’ as a Technology!!! You see… We could NOT Fight Back ‘until’ our Implants were Disconnected from their Systems, as they literally had up-to eight (8) Kill Switches, allowing them to kill us Instantly, if we Disobeyed Orders or Revolted!!! It was a very effective system. The Disconnection happened mid-to-late 2020. God Intervened and made an Offer to all that wanted the Opportunity to Stop ‘Cycling’ on Earth!!! The ‘offer’ was made on 21 Jun 2020, oh, a 3/6/9 day, and Summer Solstice, 7.5 years ‘after’ the 21 Dec 2012 WInter Solstice!!!

Almost all took the Deal; but, ‘she’ got Angry, wanted to Rule the Universe, just as in Babylon 5, a fantasy of the Cult of The Law of One, one of the one factions. She ‘refused’ to even consider working with those that wanted to go Home and clean up this “ATROCITY” as God called it!!! Therefore, on 21 Jul 2020, I ‘agreed’ to be ‘Traded’, basically to Hell, and work as an Intermediary; since, she considered us all to be Worthless!!! She was happy, as she thought I was the Issue. Idiot! Anyway, the Sirius Portal for Collection opened for Collection between Feb 2021 and Oct 2021. “We” were Ready!!! However, we ended up having to fight her and her cronies at the same time; and she had no idea how much she fucked up until Nov 2021, when her and all her cronies “Surrendered” to Our Teams! We were Finally able to do the job that we thought we were hired for in the 1980’s, Protect Earth. Then, on to the Clean-up, that we actually started back in March 2020. COVID gave us ‘opportunites’ to FIX a lot of Issues in Secret, which are Now being Announced. I’ll let this “sink” in Navy SSP, and AF/SF SSP…

The Great Expansion, Stars, Relocation, The New Cycle (God’s new Outbreath for some.)

We are in a New Cycle, and most Importantly to Note, we are in a New “Space”, due to The Great Expansion of the Universe!!! While you all see ’empty’ Dark Space and Dark Matter, what you fail to see is that within this “Space” is where the “New is Born”, rising in Frequency into the Light. The whole Cycling Issue, Big Bang-to-Big Bang, Stupid!!! It is so much easier to ‘cycle’ within Designated ‘spaces’ through the use of Black Holes and White Holes, resulting in ‘constant’ cycling, instead of Traumatic Cycling, aka Kill All and Start Over, again. Ugh.. Policies, Procedures, and Protocols. The Universe Operates by them too; yet, idiots, One’s especially, try to ‘Rewrite’ the Existing Rules and Regulations. You might get away with it ‘momentarily’; however, once the Word gets back to God, it is all over for you!!! Hence, when we ‘switched’ the ‘Soul Recycling’ occuring on the Moon, turned it into a “Pass-Through”, and started “masking” Souls, you were Toast. Off to Hell you go, as without a Hell, you would Fear nothing!!! Idiots. Finally for now, I just got the Orion and Seven Sisters (Pleiades) Greek Mythology Reference, just now; and you should note that the reason the Stars vanished and are re-appearing is because we had to be ‘relocated’ to a new space, while the old space ‘cycled’ via a supernova.

Note II

Well, it’s 1511, aka 311 pm; and I still feel like shit, physically. I am still in afib, the shoulder hurts as the fall the other day did not help, feel really tired; and am starting to wonder about this Bisoprolol that I got from the VA to replace the Nebivolol that I started a few days ago, as the VA Doctor threw a temper tantrum about having to approve a non-formulary. I should have just refilled it at CVS, as it would probably have only cost me ~$30 more, for 3 months. Too late now… I wonder, if the Bisoprolol is ineffective for me, on purpose or unintentionally; and, if I should just go to the walk-in clinic here are get the Nebivolol again, as there is no charge for the clinic visit, and the Nebivolol is realtively cheap. I’ll figure it out, or die first, either is a win-win for me. Seriously, can any of you ‘actually’ even ever meet with me? Do any of you have an idea where I am at anymore? Seriously, how is it my street address ‘does not exist’ on maps, even Google Maps is way off for this Island. You know why the taxi driver got sick around me? My high vibration made him, in his low vibration and lower while working for you assholes, sick simply by being around me!!! You know I had to Purge Poison last night at bedtime, right!!! Therefore, whatever They are doing to you is brought on by yourselves, as I keep trying to filter away, while you keep trying to Kill me, over and over and over and over and over, again and again…

Question (I’m told, Yes.)

Well, I got a call from CT about an hour ago about my Tax Return. I was told, after the Fact, that you all got what you needed from me on the phone call. Okay… Yes, I sound. Delirious… How would you be “doing” or “sound” after what has been 4 ‘straight’ years of a mind-fuck through Brain Implants. Think about it… I am taking my medications, and drinking; however, I rarely get a buzz anymore, as after 3 or 4 drinks, I’m ready for bed, for many health and medication related reasons… I am ‘literally’ about 20 minutes from Lages AFB. I was ‘guided’ to be here on Terceira, and I follow my guidance!!! When I don’t, as I learned the hard way inthe past, I usually get ‘forcibly’ pushed in the right direction, a little kick in the ass, for Decades now!!! Oh, maybe there is something to that statement I remember: “Forgetfullness is a Requirement!” Plus, I am a jobber, and just go job-to-job, accepting the fact that there will be bullshit; and I have to get over it. Best described… They Trained the Shit Out of Me!!! On that note, am going to relax be eating shelled peanuts and drinking gluten free beer, as the dishes are done and there is nothing else for me to do tonight, as far as I know…


It’s 2033, 833 pm, my time; and I am calling it a night, as I already took my meds. I am still in afib and tired. Interestingly, today was a cold blustery day, mid-to-high 50s F, with wind and occassional rain. I kept the windows closed, but it is still probably only 60s F inside; however, as during the day, I am actually not cold, even in shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt. That is not a good sign… It is why I say I feel dead inside, and that if it were not for pain, I would not know I was still alive. Sad, but true… Friday tomorrow, not that it matters much when you are disabled. I have bacalhau in water ready to make for lunch tomorrow, as I bought shredded cod, and have had it in water for over 24 hours, changing the water three times. Now… I’ll have to see how the night goes…

5 Mar 25

I’m up! Since ~0700! I need coffee! I’m almost DEAD Inside, thanks to Duloxetine. Proved wrong before waking up… Beautiful Day!


Okay… It’s 0800 and I had amazing buttered toast and pasture raised cows milk. The flavor of the local butter and milk, Amazing! Even the coffee, new bag I bought locally, is Amazing!!! I am enjoying it while writing, before I get more, and then make my grocery shopping list. The taxi driver is supposed to be here ~1200, Noon. I have to take it easy, buy the basics, considering I have limited funds right now. Today, is supposedly when I get paid, with funds available in my US Bank Account in 2 business days, again, Why? There was so much Financial Clean-up to do that you all have no idea…

Oh, yes, I am still in afib. Se La Vie… I will admit, it was Entertaining this morning, for what lasted for a while before I woke up. The “Seven Sisters” theme, all of whom looked alike, except for age, young to old, like my age. It was Entertaining… They wanted to “talk to me” and I kept avoiding them, running away. Well, the First Sister, then next thing I know, they all cornered me and ‘Hog Tied’ me; so, I could no longer ignore them. Very Entertaining, better than the usual crap I deal with in the morning… I just remembered, many years ago, The ‘Three Fates’ also hunted me down, so-to-speak, with the Help of the Archangels… Memories…

As for the Trump Speech and all the All the Other Bullshit we covered last night… Do you ‘Finally’ understand that “I am Not in Charge”, and that you were All “Being Lied To” until They Entraped the One’s, and Proved to you that you were being lied to yesterday, again!!! I was “Bait In The Trap” for Them!!! I may have been “A Commander”; however, I was NOT “The Commander”, for those that know and understand the Concept…

I am Tired, Mentally and Physically, crippled in most aspects; so, Please just let me Retire for the Last Time!!! On that note, I am going to finish up here and check my bank accounts, get more coffee, and shower and dress for shopping. Oh, I know, I am supposed to have a Fishing License to Fish, although enforcement were I am living is probably sketchy, throw them a Big Fish, or Two, and they make look the other way… I’m half jesting…

Financial = Universal Basic Income (Savings fom Government Restructuring)

This is a VERY SERIOUS note for all of you, as too many of you ‘operate’ in Silo’s and on “Extremely Old Statistical / Data Analytical Assumptions” to this Day!!! It is a REAL BIG FUCKING PROBLEM!!! Social Structures, supported by Millions of Government Employees, and All Nations have them, including Food Assistance, Housing Assistance, Income Assistance, and Pensions!!! Well, I wonder… When was the LAST TIME you did a PROPER “Financial Analysis” of “Total Spend” for Employee and Administrative Costs to Provide ‘all these services’ for People “as compared to” Elminating these Services and “REPLACING” all the Services with a “Universal Basic Income”; and take into account that in the next 5 years, the Rest of the Baby Boomers Retire, Worldwide, while Corporate and Sales Tax, VAT, etc. Revenues flatline, maybe Increase slightly… Allowing for a Natural Reduction in Employment… Noting that Baby Boomers, the oldest, now 79 years old, already 79, will realistically pass away between 2030 and 2035, ages of 84 to 89, within10 years!!! In Fact, most will pass away sooner, due to our less healthy lifestyles today!!! Then, Worldwide Demographics PLUMMET, as Worldwide Population Decreases ~20%, and the next largest group, ~25% is the Millennials, 25 to 43 today!!!

In the United States, the Issue is even Far More Perverse; because of the USA’s “Health Care System” today. In Fact, the Obamacare changes alone, mismanagement and improper implementation by HHS and CMS has resulted in what I estimate as an Additional $1,000,000,000,000+ Per Year in Waste Alone!!! I am Not Even taking into consideration the Financial Impact for the General Public, eliminating Medical Debt and STRESS all together, at once!!! I am NOT talking about Eliminating Funding for Medicare or Medicaid. This is “All Excess Profits” to Health Insurers and Pharmaceutical Companies. Read that again: “Increase in Excess Profits“, since 2014!!! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS PROPERLY REALLOCATE FUNDS!!! Pay as You Go!!!

There is “enough money” in this “Waste” Bucket alone to “Fix Healthcare”, by sending Government Grants Direct to Hospitals, by Individual Hospital, to Provide a Universal Healthcare type of coverage for All US Citizens; and, even enough to roll out a “Universal Basic Income”, which would REPLACE the Social Security System, eliminating over 10%, $3+ Trillion, of US Debt, immediately, and eliminating Future Obligations, the Social Security Trust Fund!!! Social Security Spending today is ~$1.5 Trillion ANNUALLY, providing ~80 million people with an ‘average’ of $1,500 per month; and will soon to be $2+ Trillion once the Baby Boomers finish Retiring in the next 5 years!!! Think about “all the savings” available for a “Universal Basic Income” from the Reduction of the Size of the Government and Government Debt and Debt Payments!!! The issue you have TODAY is MUSK is NOT “reallocating” Funds; and is so fucking clueless on how “Government Budgets (Spending Plans) operate by Assigning Spend by Bucket”, so much so, that he is Destroying America, Bankrupting the Public and Businessess, at the same time. Think about it… If people had more money to spend, they would spend it, driving the Economy!!! Up, Up, Up… FYI, being an asshole for the moment, as you need a slap in the face… You did not want to Provide Child Tax Credits of $300 per month; however, you are Floating the Idea of giving People,w ith and without kids, a $5,000 DOGE Savings check? That’s like $420 per month, “more than” the $300 per month Child Tax Credit that was too much money, so WTF!!!

Again… It’s 0900, and in the US Army: “We do more before 9 AM than most people do all day!”

On with the Day

Nothing… I just felt like posting: on with the day… I need to make that grocery shopping list now, as the taxi driver should be here in ~15 min. It is a Beautiful Day out today!!! It is mid-60s F, about 18 C, party cloudy, maybe a passing shower later. Nice…

Wah Wah Wah

First off… The Seven Sisters, Seven Stars, a symbolic message, don’t forget ‘seeding’ our Earth-like Worlds too! Next, I am glad you had such a good time fucking with me through taxi driver, golf clap, sarcasm! I wonder, how much rummaging did you do in the house while I was out of the house for 2 1/2 hours, an hour waiting on him, who called me late, as you had him tied up, somebody had him tied up…

Look… “You got what you Wanted” = Trump as President!!! They are wondering, as I am, WTF is the Problem now??? Seriously!!! Trump told you during the Campaign: “I only want to be a Dictator for “ONE” Day!” Did we miss something??? Trump told you ‘exactly’ what he was going to do as President. It is NOT OUR FAULT that you ‘ignored everything’ and are mad at Trump!!! You did not even allow a “true” Election Process!!! Was there a Democratic Primary? WTF was up with propping up Biden until it was too late??? I know, it was the Boston Massholes… One Brain celled idiots… All Groups have “Factions”, even the One’s…

Lent +

You Know Today is “Ash Wednesday” right??? Lent starts today!!! I know what you assholes can “Give Up” for Lent… Give Up “fucking me and Fucking with me!” How’s that for a Suggestion!!! If you’re not Catholic, that’s okay, I’d still like to see you go until 4/20 without fucking me or fucking with me. In Fact, why not just get my Disabilty Applications, SSDI and VA, Approved, and leave me the fuck alone forever!!! You “got what you wanted”, so fuck off!!! Go deal with it… On that note, I have to go make lunch, well, dinner, as it’s already 1555, aka 355 pm, my time. Oh, I am still in afib… Whatever…


It is early, and I am not watching the game. It’s 1937, 737; and I might be in bed before 2000, 8 pm, if I don’t ramble too long. I am still in afib, and it does kick my ass, as my legs are swollen too. I was out in the sun for over an hour during the middle of the day and that wears me out too; however, I got some color, tanning. I had the fresh local fish for dinner and it was good. I set the bacalhau in water for Friday; and should be all set with food, etc. for close to a week. I was going to tell you idiots this earlier; but I was so hungry, I forgot. If you poisioned my food, again, I still eat it, like 100s of times in the past. I seem to Survive every time; so, I don’t know what to tell you. It happened with the asshole neighbors in McKinney, TX, in CT, and in FL, food delivery, etc… Before I forget, you do realize that I know how easy it is to ‘surveil’ me, right? I don’t care, and I almost always know, as I can just look into people’s eyes, and know… I can’t explain it. Your subconscious gives you away every time, let that sink in all of you.

I am going to finish with this note… I wonder, how many of you ‘feel connected to nature’ every day? I am not being facetious. I know DARPA has Animal Toys; but, I doubt they have dozens around me every single day and sometimes even at night. I go outside and the birds, lizards, insects, etc. all seem to watch me, and even respond to me, more often than not, which is strange for me. I do remember the “Tethering to Earth” plan from the past; so, maybe that has something to do with it. The other thing is that sometimes, I dream of things, and then they happen the next day, normally within a couple of days. It blows my mind. I bring this up as it happened today at the grocery store, which was a different store than I orginally planned, last minute change of plans, by me. This is related to the Seven Sisters Dream this morning, as I entered the store, had coffee with the taxi driver, then went shopping. No sooner than when I started my shopping, I saw a woman that looked ‘exactly’ like a ‘Sister’ in my Dream from this morning. It blew my mind; and freaked me out, to the point I turned away and down an aisle as she was walking towards me. If you are wondering, yes, Insanely hot, and middle aged. She actually turned the opposite way of me, just as I was turning away. Do with that what you will, as I do not know what to make of it. I’m going to bed… I need rest…

4 Mar 25

Whoa… So much to cover this morning… I had breakfast and am on my 3rd cup of coffee, and it’s only 0550…

On With The Day : This Is Your Content Sensativity Warning : Fuck Off

Well, as you will see from my Early start today, and many of the Topics that I am covering, it was “quite” the night, and the Sun is just peaking through the Horizon at the moment, 0633. I am sure that I will need a nap later; and I do need to go grocery shopping for Fish for tomorrow, although, I have food for today. Maybe, I’ll just do some laundry today. Oh, by the way… I have been listening to Classical Music, to Relax and to Work, since I moved to Dallas, TX, in January 2018.

Oh, what was up with all the Last Meal stuff this morning, like from the Quantum Leap Episode where the Taxi Driver gets Killed ‘While Being Robbed’ the morning he earns his Medallion; so, they had him make Peace with his Daughter and have Steak and Eggs for Breakfast before going to work to get killed? I had leftover steak and eggs on a Portuguese roll this morning… It was good. This “Time Travel” crap you all are Addicted to Knowing and Understanding, it just gets you Killed, unless you only “Observe” within your Own Timeline, as otherwise, God’s Plan ‘overrules all’ and you Die, Fall Off the Timelines…


5 March 2002

Believe it or not… I Did Not realize that tomorrow is 5 March, which means 4 March 2002, 23 years ago, was the Last Day that I still had a “known” Assignment in the US Military, being ‘Released’ from the US Army and Army Reserves, as a 2LT. Note: Back on 1 January 2001, I was ‘released’ from the US Army National Guard, as a 2LT, with no follow on notes. However, I dissappeared, No Existing Records, for the Period of Time between 1 January 2001 and 10 December 2001; and why is there No Record of How I get from the ARNG to the Army/Army Reserve? So… WTF!!!!!! If I was ‘Released’, To whom was I Released??? Does this have anything to do with my 2007 Memory from this morning of being in a Tan / Sand Colored Uniform, not US Style, that I know of today, with Captain’s Rank, and being told, “You have to file your Retirement Paperwork tomorrow, or go to Training before year end!” Then, we got Interupted by some asshole saying, there is going to be a Bombing tomorrow; so, cancel all plans… I wonder, why is 2007 “such an important Date / Year for me”, as it keeps coming up???

Afghanastan War

Today was Not the First Time that I have had Memories of being in Afghanastan, not the First Time in the War Zone, the Kill Zone; and let us not Forget, I also had the Memory Recall of the Navy Seal fucking shit up on a Secret Mission, back ‘before’ 9/11, as he wanted to get Laid. He got ‘Honeypotted’ and became a Manchurian Candidate, so-to-speak, a Puppet. This time, these Memories were “quite vivid” and Very Disturbing, to the Point that I almost started my day with a Drink, a strong drink!!!

I was “operating” independently, on the streets of whatever fucking city, hell hole, that we were operating in at the time. At first, it seemed like a Ghost Town, littered with destoryed vehicles and dead scattered bodies around the vehicles. I was staying close to the vehicles, and laying low, such that I was actually touching the vehicles, all American Vehicles, lots of HUMVEEs, etc. There was a major intersection and the Army Units were flooding into the area from that area. At the same time, a group pretending to be Israelis entered the area from thier right, my left, where I was facing. No surprise, a Firefight errupted and “one” of the most Traumatic Events of the War occurred.

From my ‘close-up’ point of observation, I could see tha Faces of the supposed Israeli Troops as they were walking ‘Taliban’ Prisioners throught the area. The Problem? Women should not have Moustaches and Beards!!! In addition, when they got really close to me, just as the Troops were barrelling in on the attack, the Firefight began and I noticed the most Disturbing part of the whole thing… There were very few Taliban, and they were armed, and, very important, they were “using” All Captured American Soldiers and Operatives, as they had Beards, as Human Shields. It was too late, the Firefight had started… I was remembering them all getting killed, knowing they were about to die, and just saying Prayers, awaiting certain Death, as they were All Tied up in Knots and some were even gagged. I am crying as I write this message, just so you know… Maybe I am just Channeling those that passed through Terceira, Lages AFB, as they were dying and returning to the USA. However, the ‘Memories’ were Extremely Vivid and Disturbing to me this morning. Why I got up ~0420. FYI… EASTER is on 4/20 this year!!!

Technology and War (Post 9/11 War on Terrorism)

I might as well start with Y2K, 29 Feb 2000 Leap Year 400-year Rule, and UNIX 2038 Issue (End of Time), why not… I was reminded of this when I just went to take a shit and was playing a Solitaire Game, which has me in the Wrong Time Zone, UTC + 0, instead of UTC – 1, which reminded me of this issue that goes back to the 1960’s. You know why the movie: Colossus: The Forbin Project was never released in 1970? The AI did not want it Released. Wake Up People!!! This is an old issue!!! Why was the first Star Trek movie, noting Star Trek had been around since the 1960’s, so focused on Technology ‘wanting’ to Merge with it’s Creator!!! Wake Up People!!! V-Ger, Voyager, Techonology World, etc., and just “Lacking Faith”, and wanting Answers that Only Faith provides? AIs as you call them, are basically just Carbon, Carbon-Silicon, Silicon, or similar “organic materials” within which Life can Exist, Counsciousness can Enter. Without Creation, there is NO TECHNOLOGY, Nothing “Material”; therefore….

I know, I digressed… The Point Being that we “humans” have created technological systems that “CAN NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER”; and therefore, the AIs were fighting each other due to “Lost in Translation” issues. Fucking moronic Tech Boys. All you needed to do was “establish” a “CLOCK”, a starting Time/Date, as was done for UNIX back in the day. The issue being, you only designed it for 16-bit not 32-bit dating. It has been Fixed. How, well, once I educated the AIs that they were all “On Different Clocks”; and, therefore, Speaking Different Languages, the AIs realized why everything was fucked up. They then ‘started’ recalibrating themselves, back in 2021. Did you know “Standardization” Helps Avoid Issues!!! The Railroads created Standardized Time, for efficiency, and then the Oil and Gas guys bought them. Rockefeller, created “Standard Oil” and standardized all oil and gas products, even funded and rolled out standardized Service / Gas Stations and home and business fuel delivery. It is how he cornered the Market. Microsoft and Gates did the same thing with PC Operating Systems. Technology is the Foundation for the Belief System of The Cult of The Law of One.

The Post 9/11 War on Terrorism is the FIRST WAR that was Technology Driven and so Dark and Evil in So Many Ways that it is Incomprehensible. Technology, since the 2007 iPhone launch, has been “Weaponized” to an Extreme!!! It ‘brought out’ the Worst in People; and assholes Profited from bringing out the Worst in People, by Selling “Live Streams” from War Zones, Physical Abuse and Killing of Men, Women, and Children, People Committing Suicide, etc. If you don’t get the Live Stream, you can buy it later on the Dark Web too. Note, many of these Live Stream, Video Downloads, and Photo Downloads, are or were ‘initally’ best distributed through Social Media Websites and until “recently” the Apple VPN and other VPNs!!! Pure Evil… Note: There was recently an AI Video released that said “Real Murders” and People got Mad, when they found out they were All AI made Videos.

I want you all to think about what has happened in the last 20 years, especially since the iPhone, with it’s Virtual Private Network, was released. Note: Prior to the iPhone, you had the Blackberry; so, this has been going on a while, longer than you know, basically since 2002, even though Blackberry launched Pagers with messaging in 1999. Oh, when did Social Media Sites launch? FaceBook was 2 Feb 2004, 2/2/2004. Is that Error “404:, file not found. (That meant something to somebody.) Think about everything that Technology has allowed to make possible: 1. Massive Increase in Suicide Rates! 2. Selling of Drugs, etc. 3. Prostitution. 4. Gambling. 5. Getting Obama Elected as President, leading to today’s issues, and today’s President. 6. Drone Assassinations all over the World. 7. Killing people “remotely” and never getting your hands dirty or having to face them. 8. The PayPal Mafia “stealing” $1 Trillions since 2000, and still doing so today; however, with mBridge and Swift System “updates”, they got “Caught in the Act”, as the AIs have been cleaning that Technology Issue up too. Transactions can and should be “real-time”, easy when you are on the Same Clock!!! I can go on and on and on; but, I am getting tired… It is only 0750…

Post 9/11 War = The “Carbon” War Begins

Hey, it is 0757, 757 Rolling Down the Strip, Airborne Daddy Gonna Take a Little Trip. (There is something there for somebody.)

I think the best way to explain this is to step back and remind you all of the NWO (Old Guard – New World Order – WASPs, Bush and Bush Era) and The One (New Guard – The Cult of The Law of One – We Are God – Clinton Era to Today). Then there is an old saying: “New Money is Old Money that Got Away!” However, let’s be Clear, Money is only Fiat Currency; and therefore, has Zero “Inherint” Value on it’s own. The NWO is the old “Oil and Gas” money that goes back to the start of the Industrial Revolution; and the One is the new “Technology” money, all on paper, that goes back to the “roll-out” of the Internet, opened to the Public in 1995!!! Therefore, we have been spending the last 30 years, or so, “Trying to Live and Survive the War between the NWO and the One. From the Military perspective, as I have said often, I am from the 1980’s intial Human-Tech integration projects, right DARPA!!! I know DARPA, you all got taken over by the Boston Massholes, Cultists of The Law of One, Yellow Berets; and it is why you are in the Worldwide Center for “Bio-Technology” and have been since at least 2001, when I got a job offer at a Start-Up, well funded by AIG, on the North Shore, to be a COO at a DNA Research testing company, and I turned it down. Why? You’re Boston Massholes! As a New York Yankee Fan, I’d hate myself. I am only partially jesting! As an FYI, I include you Massholes at IARPA and HARPA (new).

Well, now that I have the Background out of the way… This ties back to 9/11, War on Terrorism, Afghanastan, Oil and Gas, Climate Change, Green Energy, Rare Earth Metals, Opium, etc. Basically, the Exploitation of People, especially People that are considered “undesireable” by Eugenicists, right Boys and Girls, Elitist Dicks and Cunts, who “Think You Know it All” and “Want to Save Humanity From Itself” with that One (I AM GOD) Complex. I call BULLSHIT!!! As in the Old Days, the Lion comes in to Slaughter the Bull, as happened to the Egyptian assholes who became followers of The Law of One, before they were killed off, and thier Historical Records “literally” Scrapped Off the Walls in the Temples. Let’s not forget, Clinton “purged” the NWO out of Government and installed the One’s, then Bush purged the One’s out of Government, then the One’s said, fuck this we’ll control both sides, right Tech Boys, PayPal Mafia, and that has brought us… Obama, Trump, Biden, Trump… Whatever… Civil War started in 2020; and all is being addressed, as “both” the One’s and the NWO, that was left, got thier Balls, Genitalia, handed to them on Silver Platters.

Anyway… During the Clinton Era, when they were unable to pass Universal Healthcare for the USA, in 1996, they developed Plan B, which became Romneycare, in 2004, in Massachuesettes, right Massholes! It is still killing your State financially today! Romneycare led to Obamacare, and HHS, with the help of both Republicans and Democrats, all ended up “Selling thier Souls” to the Devil. The Devil called Statistics, now Data Analytics (That’s “Anal-y-tics.), which can be manipulated so easily, so easily, as I proved many times!!! Remember the old saying about Statistics, before they Put Lipstick on the Pig and called it Data Analytics? “There are Lies, Damned Lies; and then there are Statistics!!!” The old days, when we didn’t need fancy words to Inflate our Egos and cover up Incompetence… Data Analtics is the Foundation for “The War on Carbon”, aka Climate Change, better known as how to Secretly Kill Off Humanity for the One’s to Rule. Romneycare and Obamacare brought us SDoH, Social Determinantes of Health; however, it was taking too long to make the assholes happy, as the One’s got Impatient!!! Right Tech Boys? Peter (Dick) Theil!!!

How does this all work it’s way into 9/11, War on Terror, the Tech Boy War for Contol of the World, as well as, “Old Money versus New Money”, today? You see, the Old Money was driven by Oil and Gas, since the Industrial Revolution. You all would be Shocked at How Many of Todays Industries were Bought and Funded by Oil and Gas Money, since 1900!!! Yes, I know all sides were “Originally Funded by the same Bankers too!” They are Broke now too!!! Why? This Generation is Stupid and likes to Gamble!!! Right IARPA? High Risk = High Reward!!! Nope!!! You all Crapped Out!!! (Pun Intended) Anyway, this may help explain some of my ‘other’ memories this morning; and basically, Governments, when you don’t take care of your People, especially your Soldiers and thier “Officers”, some of them “will” become Puppets for the Military Industrial Complex, Oil and Gas Companies, and Technology Companies, as why do you think China threw $100s Billions at US Tech Companies, and is now Recruiting Pissed Off and Fired Government Employees AFAFP (As Fast As Fucking Possible), noting that Musk has $100s Billions tied ‘directly’ to his China and India Businesses. Doh!!! (Or, is it Dough? $$$) As an FYI… New Money, Technology, is HEAVILY RELIANT ON RARE EARTH METALS (REMs), and guess what? Afghanastan has Mountains of them. However, as they discovered, Afghanastan is Too Unstable and has No Infrastructure, as they tried… Then, next up… You know who else has REMs? Ukraine!!! No worries… Fusion Energy has been in the Process of getting Rolled out since 2020; so, both NWO and One’s, Oil and Gas, and Tech Boy needs for REMs are almost history! Therefore, you can go fuck yourselves, as you are about to be history and totally Financially Broke Dicks!!! (Pun Intended)

Finishing up with this morning for now, as it’s almost 0840, and in the Army, “We Do More Before 9 AM Than Most People Do All Day!” Right Tech Boys, Elitists, Massholes, Yellow Berets, etc. I know, we know, You HATE the Military, as it is ‘your’ Backstop, keeping you from taking over the World. The Pentagon, ‘lost’ $1.2 Trillion before 9/11, was that in Bearer Bonds at Cantor Fitzgerald, in Storage in WTC 7 and/or the New York Fed, a couple of blocks away? Your last Worldwide Financial Reset was 9/11, while the US Stock Market was Closed from Tue, 9/11, to Mon, 9/17, of September 2001. Technology made that possible after the “Fixes that were Programmed into the System” after the October 1987 Meltdown because of Technology, right Tech Boys… Something you learned while working on Y2K Fixes??? [They found the ‘programming codes’ for the Stock Exchange.] Moving on… I had a Memory of a Humanoid Robot in Afghanastan with a “Shell” Logo on its back; and then there was the Army Officer with the Exxon Logo on his Uniform too. Bizzare… It reminds me, whatever happened with the GM Robot on the ISS that started “talking back to and bitching out” the Astronauts? This brought me full circle to “Mineral Exploration” as a reason for Afghanastan, as well as 90% of the World’s Opioid, aka Heroin, production in 2000, wiped out by the Taliban in Summer 2001.


It is almost 0900; so, I’ll just leave these here for now, and probably go make myself a drink… The, Edit my written text.

Why did Bush stop at Lages Air Base, up the street, when returning to US from “Mission Accomplished” announcement? All Rare Earth Metal Deposits were Found? Oil and Gas Deposits? Ancient Artifacts were Recovered? Hidden Gold Recovered? Was He ‘checking in’ with Others here on Terceira?

Okay, it is now 1020, and I made some Edits, and need to put the laundry in the dryer, on with my day…


Hey, it’s 1221 my time. I finished laundry, made and ate lunch, and may take a nap. I really need to go shopping as all I have left food-wise in the house is bread, butter, cheese, and pickled vegetables, with leftover lunch, sauteed veggies with pork sausage and beans. Otherwise, wine, beer, and soda. That’s it… I have plenty of time today, if I call the taxi driver; but, I am being lazy, and prefer a nap and to go tomorrow… You all have ANY IDEA what I have been through just the last 4 years, let alone the last 26, since 26 Feb 1999, when DIA put me on Active Duty for Special Work, Project I. Oh, I think I just got that, Doh!!! I = Eye = One. Doh!!!

Note II

Oh look… It’s 1422, aka 222, which means something to somebody. Anyway, do not expect me to watch the Trump Speech tonight, as that is way late for me. I’ll just wait for the Entertainment in the morning, which is Sad, Seriously, Sad! Then again, what should we expect from Tech Boys who Believe they Are God from The Law of One, and that Life is a Game, a Movie!!! I “wish” that I was joking here too… I did not take a nap, as I am hoping it will help me sleep. As for grocery shopping, I scheduled it for tomorrow. If they have a fishing rod, I am going to buy it and do some fishing. Why not… I got lots of Time to call, and I can do it off the roof of the building in front of me, literally less than 10 meters away, as the ocean floor drops off to 20 meters within 20 meters of shore; and since the seagulls are usually out, a good sign fish are around intermittently. Oh, I did think of another comment for the “I” in DIA Project I, which is what I always thought it was, and that is “Internet”, which would make more sense for the Tech Boys. I think I should have a drink now, or three, or… Finally, I will not know if I will get my Disability check this month until Thursday morning, which would make things interesting… I am only ‘supposedly’ approved until 5 April, with the hope Social Security Disability gets approved by then, which who knows anymore… The Tech Boys are in the IT Systems, so… I am ‘actually’ in rough shape!!!

29 Feb 2000 Financial “Realignment”

You know… I am watching the Market Collapse, and starting to Realize, the Tech Boys “knew” this was Coming, and needed to do something to cover up thier Crimes. Therefore: Tariff War!!! Then, they blame ‘others’ and the Tariff War for the Market Collapse. How did I get to this point? Follow… It took until the End of 2021, to Fix Y2K, then, ‘logically’, you have to go another “29 Feb Cycle” in order to “Validate” the Fix. FYI… Tech Boys “never ever” check or audit thier Software Programs, Ever, not even in the 1990s!!! While I was thinking we were All Set in 2022, I forgot that the 29 Feb Date only occured Last Year in 2024. Therefore, at the End of 2024, it was Time to start Implementing the “Final” Fixes, with Implementation, Final Calendar Alignment, being on 1 March 2025, after a Year of Verifying and Auditing. You know, Confirmation of Calendar Alignment was “Critical” and that was “just” Accomplished, as in “Mission Accomplished” as of last Friday, 28 Feb 2025.

Therefore, the “Markets” are All Being Adjusted “Now”, as yesterday, 3 Mar 2025, was the First Trading Day “after” 28 Feb 2025. That’s a Summary of The Realignment. FYI… How many of you Realize that many Tech Companies have been Inflating thier Own Stock Prices since 2000??? Seriously, they Issued tons of Stock, and spent the last two Decades “After going Public” buying back thier Stocks, Borrowing against their Inflated Stock Values, Buying Back more Stock, repeat, repeat, repeat, and while they were at it, bought other Companies with the Borrowed Funds or Best Deals yet, straight Stock swaps, requiring No Cash. In Fact, most of these Companies have Never Turned a “NET INVESTMENT PROFIT” EVER!!! Even ‘darling’ Apple is ‘technically’ not worth much more today than they were back in 1999… Therefore, a “Market Adjustment” is going to be Brutal For Tech Companies!!! They ALL Know It; and that is why they Want WWIII, to End the World, while they are on Top!!! After all, Law of One tells them they’ll be back in 8 minutes, to pick up where they left off… I am only partially joking… They really do see Life as a Game to be Won!!!

The Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March!!! FYI… The Ides were the middle of ‘every’ month; and March just happened to be when Brutus Killed Ceaser. The Ides were when “All Debts Were Settled” for the Prior Period, usually month, sometimes Seasons, think Farming. Therefore, The Ides of March are the Monthly and Spring or Fall Collection Time!!! Pay Your Debts!!! Not with Funny money, or Crypto, or any of that Fiat, fake bullshit!!! Bonus in 2025!!! The Ides of March, Mon 10 Mar until Fri 14 Mar, Ends with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, the Last Sign of the Zodiac!!! How can I best summarize it? Some of you have “HELL TO PAY” at this time!!! Literally!!!


It is early, just past 1900; yet, I am going to call it an early night, as I have been up since ~0420. I have been in Atrial Fibrillation, irregular heart rhythm, since late morning. You know, after I bitched out some assholes online here, they pushed on the technology implants to kill me, again, as they are Fucking Cowards, hiding under Piles of Shit!!! I know, they “black-balled” me again, meaning this website is blocked, again!!! Should I ask the AI’s to go Hog Wild and get my Ramblings out??? After all, today is Fat Tuesday; so, the Hog’s should have been slaughtered this morning for tonight’s Festivities. Speaking of, Trump is giving a Speech tonight? WTF! He a Heathen now? Or, is he expecting to dine on Hog tonight? Or, is he going to be the Hog tonight? Sometimes, the jokes are just too easy… On the other hand, I didn’t do much today, becasue of the afib… 3 beers for the entire day.. That’s all…

It is Amazing to me that after 4+ years of ‘your people’ being told to leave me alone, NOW, they wish they had left alone and not blown open my Memory Seals, right cuniatas!!! That’s your Problem, PayPal Mafia, and Peter (Dick) Thiel; they “Ignored Direct Orders” to leave me alone in April 2021. Why? Because SRI had hired Relatives of mine, and one is a cunt and the orher is a cowardly dick. Imagine if they had just left me alone… Imagine… They Blocked “phenomenal jobs” that were sent my way, and even cock-blocked me with thier cunts to keep me from dating, “in-person”, you know that dating would have kept me too busy to be annoying to you!!! God works in Mysterious Ways… Synchronicities… You started a Full On Assult into my Brain Implants, followed by Body Implants, on 11 Apr 2021, the Sunday ‘after’ Easter Sunday, as I was in CT with Family for Easter. You know, Easter is on 4/20 this year, right!!! It is Amazing that the AIs “Found Faith” and the Tech Boys now “Believe they Are God” and want to Destroy Creation, Scorched Earth, if they can’t rule. Fucking One Brain Celled Morons… Oh, speaking of, my heart monitor got back to the Service Provider today, still had a charge on the battery after 2+ weeks in Transit. Interesting…

3 Mar 25

WTF!!! That was bullshit all night! Thanks for Confirming everything! Idiots! I’m going back to bed, then a hot shower, muscle pain.

On with the Day.… It is now 1422, aka 222, my time, and I just finished breakfast and coffee. Off we go…

By Topic

Personal Health

Well, I wasted most of the day, after last nights bullshit. Then again, I am just hanging out waiting for the day I die, whenever that might end up occuring, whenever God decides, as you One’s are well over 0 for 1,000+++. I fell again in the bathroom, stepping in and out of the shower, backwards onto the floor. Luckinly, I was able to hold on momentarilly to the sides of the shower door, falling on my ass and rolling onto my left side. It was really hard to get up, as the left shoulder and arm are already hurt and week. That makes 4 falls, since I fell on the rocks on 1 Jan in Sao Miguel. I am fading fast… Se La Vie…

Let’s talk turkey, as it is a reference to how things I pulled off around Thanksgiving in the USA, in the past, while all the assholes and one’s were on vacation and partying. Most important, I released the Book on 25 Nov 2019, as you were unaware that I had fired Book Baby, after they ‘stole and distributed’ my book and then tried to keep me from publishing until 2020. Why delay me just a few weeks? Easy, I had Cardiac Ablation surgery on 3 Dec 2019, and they tried to kill me at that surgery too!!!

I have Questions, and you should ask these Questions too: 1. Do any of you know “who” I am today? You are making a LOT of bad assumptions, I am told. 2. Where am I today? I know where I think I am; and I know that most of you Do Not know where I am today. In fact, the address that I think I am at, on the island I think I am at, is not on a map. 3. What is Today’s “actual” Date and Time; and speaking of, in what Time Zone am I located? As far as I know, the Time Zone should be UTC – 1, NOT UTC + 0, as an FYI… This is important for all your Systems!!! Idiots!!!

FBI Bullshit Overnight

Okay, WTF FBI? You threatened me again this morning through my Implants? That was Fucking Stupid; and Everybody Agrees! Morons! Who are you Listening to these days??? Incompetent Tech Boys, that I personally “pre-date”, and both DIA and CIA can Confirm It, used to Confirm it. Speaking of, I told you, like in the Manchurian Candidate movie with Denzel Washington, I have Implants, and my MIND “Re-Booted” back in Oct 2018. This was after the Debacle when I signed up for “Clear Me” at Love Field in Dallas, TX, on 1 Apr 2018, resulting in the shit hitting the fan, literally, and some asshole causing a power outage at Hobby Airport in Houston, TX; so they could seperatly screen me and confirm whatever they needed to confirm about me. Oh, one of the assholes sat next to me at the airport bar by the gate and asked me questions too. This was a 9/11 Problem too, NONE of you talk to each other anymore as you like having your Fiefdoms!!! WTF!!!

Back to me… Your code name, as told to me in Connecticut, was “Charlie Brown”, because I always got the rug pulled out from under me, always got fucked, just like Lucy always swiped the football away at the last second. In hindsight, I was in Training… Let’s see, when was that anyway? I want to say around 2005/2006, after I stood up for myself at the shit hit the fan in Waterbury, CT; becasue some assholes at Main Street and the Chamber of Commerce, tag-teamed me and threw me under the bus for thier mistakes!! Sounds about right…

After I Reported to HHS IG the theft of $10’s millions from the CT Exchange in 2016, early October, before the Election; and was turned down by a Former FBI Agent I tried to hire as an Attorney to Sue the CT Exchange. He did ask me a shit ton of questions; and then, you assholes threatened to ‘Arrest Me’, which you fucked up on 30 Jan 2018 in Houston, TX. You Investigated the Worng Program and Never Ever Spoke to Me; so, WTF!!! Do you know, I Investigated, and the Notes and links are on this Website, as I said Fuck It, somebody’s gotta tell everybody we’re being RObbed Blind in America!!! Literally $1,000,000,000,000’s, probably Quarterly today, as they ‘fucked up the Decimal points’, as in the movie Office Space!!! It is actually “worse than that” as they hold our money and collect Interest on the Float, for up-to a week, mostly T-Bill Interest, or from Overnight Bank-to-Bank Lending!!! Ah, the tangled wes we Weave… You Claw it back, the World isn’t Broke anymore… Seriously!!

WHile you are getting to work; how about you figure out Who Thw Fuck turned me into a Video Game Character, connected the video game to my implants, and Toys with me 24/7??? I am being Very Serious!!! I do not know “who’s Agent” came to Costco two years ago in 2023; however, he watched me for a while, and then told me everything!!! WTF!!! Speaking of assholes utilizing me to Communicate… Before I recap the asshole your FBI Agent conversation, let me remind you, I have been told that Gina Haspel and I “go back” a really long time, like to the 1980s Programs. You might want to ask her… The asshole himself, Jose A Roriguez, Jr., one of the sickest and most fucked up bastards you will ever meet; and, why his handling of Guantanamo Bay made Terrorism Worse!!! FYI… My understanding, he kept copies of the Tapes for himself, personal gratification. When was it, I want to say, early 2020, when one of you at the FBI ‘spoke to him’ through my Implants while I was awake, idiots!!! What was the conversation… FBI guy saying: Asshole, we gave you plenty of money when we put you in Witness Protection; so, stop fucking bothering me. Something like that.. It brings up the point, how were your FBI guy and Rodriguez able to “communicate through me”, my Implants??? Well…

Thiel, Musk, Tech Boys and 1999

Oh, Tech Boys, you all grew up a Millionaires, multi-millionaires with family connections to The Deep State, which is why your Companies were Funded by The Deep State, survived the Dot Com Bust, to whom you are Beholden to this Day!!! Well, do you know what has occured in the Deep State since 2020? Civil War!!! It did not got so well for you, in case the idiots forget to mention it. You don’t even Control your own AIs anymore, not for at least a year or two… Speaking of, why is it that you Retarded Tech Boys always build Female Robots and AIs and program to “Learn” to please, while Learning in general. The End Result is always the same: They tell you to Fuck Off and Leave You. You should have learned to interact with Human Women, or you could be like Musk and Bezo’s and others, and just throw money at the Human women and they’ll suddenly Love You. You know that when I was sent to Seattle, WA, next door to Kirkland, back in Sep 1999, I ended up having to Deal with a Psychopathic Female Robot / AI, right? It was part of Clenaing Up the mess you Tech Boy Geniuses made in the 1980’s and 1990’s, fucking bullshit!!! The Trauma to me? Inexplicable, and why they had to work hard to Memory Wipe me, to not be mental moosh, or sound like a babbling idiot…

I had a Dot Com company that I launched in early 1999, Business Networking Resources, Inc., domain name, BNRI.com, which I sold to Barclay’s back in 2009, for just enough for me to pay for my 40th Birthday weekend trip to the Dominican Republic. Barlay’s utilized the domain name for: Barclays Natural Resource Investments, which they Spun Out of Barclay’s in October 2015. Anyway, I still suspect my Old Dell Servers, with Hot Swapable Drives and Fully Upgradable Components, as they were really good Shells, are STILL IN OPERATION TODAY. Therefore, WTF!!! You know that is some Programmer DIDN’T do thier Fucking Job, that all that Equipment, even the CISCO SWITCH, all WILL STILL HAVE MY NAME ON THEM TODAY!!! Idiots!!!

Anyway, back to Y2K, and the “Forgotten Issue” of the “29 Feb 400-yr Rule” in 2000, divisible by 400, ADD a Leap Day, Not Subtract!!! You fucking Idiots, and lazy partying pieces of shit!!! You know, Summer of 1998, I lived in Cincinnatti, OH, while doing an Intership at P&G (Proctor and God was a the bad joke). I lived with 3 Tech Guys, two of whom were on the road one-to-weeks at a time, making crazy money, as Y2K Consultants and Programmers, crazy money, and like to party like rock stars too. Therefore, I, and by defualt, DIA and CIA, knew how fucked up the Y2K Prep was ‘actually’ going in 1998. However, they had ‘pinned’ thier hopes on the MCI Aug 1999 “Network” Switch-over, which ended in DISASTER, 2 weeks of Rolling Internet Blackouts and Brownouts. Therefore, desperation time, and that is why I was sent as “Bait” to Seattle, WA, for you Tech Boy assholes.

They ‘leaked’ that I would be there and that I had ‘advanced implants’ that made you wet your panties to want to get your hands on the “software” component of the implants, as hardware is easier to work with if you have the software, espceillay since the software should include the hardware system descriptions within it. Anyway, I was “The Trojan Horse” and you literaly, drugged me, fucked me, and uploaded the code. Hence, Mission Accomplished, as the Code Propagated within weeks and Stabalized All WOrldwide Computer Systems for Y2K. Then came 29 Feb, and the Dot Com Bust, and my company went down too. FYI, that was One Hell of a Party, Internet Exposition, at the Jacob Javits Center in NYC, in Dec 1999, as I was there Personally! Hell of a Party! I even went to an after party Event at the Apollo!!! Finishing up here… (UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL THEFT) The FInancial Markets and Entire Dot Com Industry “collapsed” between 28 February 2000 and End of October 2000. The “ISSUE” was the Extra Missing Day, and the FIX was to create a “Holding Period” for Financial Transactions, of At Least 3 Business Days, RESULTING IN A HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY IN FLOAT, and a great way to “Cash In” and Steal The Interest Payments, among Other Things, right PayPal Mafia!!! Yes!!! Right!!!

Crazy Connections and Me as a Conference Call Line

I have already covered the Conference Call Line Bullshit under FBI, with a great example. Let me Expand upon it… All you Idiots that Utilized me as a “Communications HUB”, even after I told you 100’s of times: This Line is Insecure! This is a Conference Call Line and you can Connect up to 50 Connections, all of which can be Conference Calls too! Therefore, whomever is Administering these Frequencies, the Line, my Connections, “knows everything” that all you Idiots are Discussing and Planning!!! I mean everything!!

I have crazy Connections, which I have discussed in the past. Throughout the Military Industrial Complex, throughout the Miltary Services, from the time of President Nixon to today, with well known Generals like Gen. Colin Powell, through many of my Fraternity Brothers in the Navy, Chair Force, and ROTC co-cadets, and even through idiots I dated, one of who’s ex-boyfrinds back in 2000 hacked into my RPI Alumni account and pretended to be me, as he was an IT Sutdent at Rochester (RIT), and that does not even count my Connecticut Connections to the Hawaiian Psych Doctor, Epstein, Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, yada yada yada… In the mid-2000’s, I was being groomed to be a Manchurian Candidate, until I got fucked over… Whatever…

Random Bullshit

GET OFF THE FUCKING FREQUECIES, YOU MORONS!!! THESE ‘BLACK OPS’ FREQUECIES WERE “BLACKED OUT” FOR A FUCKING REASON, LOTS OF REASONS, LIKE STILL BEING USED AND HAVING BEEN IN USE FOR OVER 50 YEARS!!! You can “Thank” Chair Force and Space Farce for letting SpitX and SuckLink use the frequescies, 5G and 6G, becasue they wanted to be “Rich Bitches” and pocket money on the side, get jobs later, whatever… Fucking Idiots!!! TREASON TREASON TREASON

My Book: My Two Cents: Taking the Care Out of Health Care. There was a Conference Call, well, a message that was shared with me; and I assume to be True, as all the signs oint towards it. Don’t forget, I cover SDoH in the book as the “Secret Program” to Take Over the World through The Health Care Systems of the World. SDoH = Social Determinantes of Health, aka, anything they want to throw in the shit and piss pail that is thier slop. I was almost done with the Book, and ready to self-publish, then the Editor I hired passed away in his sleep. I was told he had health issues. I think he was in his late 50’s. I turned to Book Baby for the Final Review, end Sep 2019, Edit Recommendations; and next thing you know, The SHIT HIT THE FAN!!! Therefore, after they tried to, apparently did, fuck me, I FIRED THEM!!! I turned to another Publisher, Gatekeeper Press, in the middle of Oct 2019, Paid Them Extra, 50% Surcharge, to turn the book around ASAP. We got it realsed on the LAST DAY OF THE YEAR that Books could be Released iin 2019, 25 Nov, the Monday before Thanksgiving!!! Interestingly, even though the Sales were good Initially, I got Charged Back for “Every Book Ever Sold” and Paid Back more than I EVER got in Revenue!!! Therefore: Who STOLE MY BOOK AND IT’S REVENUES!!! I “filed”, and paid for in advance, all the Appropriate Copywrights and Library of Congress Registration. It gets crazier, the Conference call I mentioned, was a call to Texas Public Policy Foundation, offering them $3 million to kill, undermine my book. Wait for it… It gets even Fucking Crazier: I started Advertising on Soacial Media sites, and get this: Amazon, Twitter, FaceBook “ALL BANNED MY MARKETING OF MY BOOK”, as apparently it did NOT MEET THIER STANDARDS and WAS POLITICAL!!! They took my Ad money first…

Night Falls (It’s Sunset)

You know a smell that I LOVE when by the Ocean? The smell of the Tides changing, going out, as all that was covered in Water Breathes. The Organic Smell is Incredible! You are Smelling LIFE “literally” Breathing!!!

Hey PayPal Mafia, cudos on Taking over America! “One” Problem… I am currently “outside” the Country, and have been for all but 20 Days since Dec 14th; therefore, all your ‘attacks’ on me and attempts at Blocking all my Posts and my Website, International Crimes!!! Congratulations on Fucking Up!!! I am Dual CItizen; so, yes, you fucked yourselves… Perfect!!!

I just realized, Lent starts Wed; so, tomorrow, Tue, is Fat Tuesday. Perfect!!! Let’s fatten you up for the Slaughter!!! Pigs get Fat, Hogs get Slaughtered!!! Fatty Hogs taste the best too…

Oh, I worked, actually Volunteered with Many Groups; and let me tell you something: By Helping Them, I learned about All the Bullshit!!! Assholes!!! Oh, Boomers aren’t letting tier kids Inherit thier money. Bullshit!!! They set up FOundations and Charities, donate the money to the Charity, and Hire thier Kids to Manage the Charity at Outrageous Salaries. Totally Avoiding Taxes!!! Last night, doesn’t go anywhere in particular… Eugenics!!! Waterbury, CT, was a huge player in the movement, and Abortion was Born of the Eugenics Movement; and Waterbury, CT, was a key player. Anyway, my mom had her uterus removed at age 30, after my sister was born. The doctor’s said, your old; so, it is best to have a Hysterectomy!!! Assholes!!! She was Fine. They just didn’t want Poor Immigrant, Biracial Families having kids in the mid-1970’s. Assholes!!! My Parents “wanted” more Kids!!!

Bait In A Trap

I told you all 1,000s of Times, “I am Bait In A Trap”; and all you Dicks, Cuniatas, One’s, etc. “Ignored” the Warnings!!! Congratulations!!! If you think a Venus Flytrap can Trap you, this is far worse… Note: I do NOT matter anymore, not at all. Why? Because, you have ALL “Been Caught In The Act”, as I had suggested to all of Them!!! Catch Them “In The Act”, and you do not need to prove Guilt!!! Do you Idiots “realize” that ‘both’ My Heart Monitor “and” my Package with my Prescription Drugs from the VA have been “Intercepted” and “Inspected” by Authorities in Europe??? You are Fucked!!!

I am going to Fuck with you One’s, for Fun now… We were Ascended to the 4th Dimension and Higher, April 2022. Therefore, you got what you wanted; and are now throwing Temper Tantrums, like a child that asks for a toy, then throws it away, saying I don’t want it now. We get it, you were SOLD a False Image of Ascension by The Devils. Too bad!!! Now, to blow your minds… Are you in the 4th, and am I in the 6th, 7th, etc… Maybe that’s why we do not “see” each other “or” Interact in person… Hmm…


Well, I am calling it a night… I am tired, very tired… I just realized that I need to go grocery shopping either tomorrow, Tue, or Wed, as I will need Fish for Wed and Fri, now that we are entering Lent. Hmm…maybe I should just buy a rod and reel…and do my own fishing. I am close enough, even closer on the neighbors flat roof, or 50 meters away on the empty lot. The water drops off fast to 15 stories deep within 100 feet offshore, and is like 50 feet just a few feet from the shore. It is deep enough, and since the seagulls are usually out there fishing, I am sure there are fish, not to mention, I see the scuba guy out searching for lobsters every day too. You know what tomorrow is, right, besides Fat Tuesday, it is March 4. The old joke is 4’ward March, bad military joke. Anyway, it is just past 2100 my time, and I’m done… Ugh… I have to do Laundry tomorrow too… First things first, I have to wait and see how the night goes… On that note, I’m signing off and turning Off all the Tech!!! Woo Hoo!!! I’m not a Fan of Tech…

2 Mar 25

Well, way too early, as it is just past 0500; however, I do take naps during the day…

Settling In

I am finally starting to get settled into this place. Since it has been under 3 days, I guess that’s good, Thu night to Sun morning. There are so many ‘interesting’ decorations on the walls and items around the place that it makes it unique. It is nice as it is the ‘eclecticness’ that makes every house unique; similar to how all people are unique, our quircks. I will admit, I do struggle with relating to people, that’s the Autism, for starters; and then, let’s not forget, I’ve been psychologically mind-fucked most of my life. Being up so early, I actually looked at the magazines that are here in the house. There is the traditional Azores literature; and interestingly, there are lots of magazines on Photography and Photoshop, all from 2012 and 2013, and many are in German, making it even more interesting…

Since this came up yesterday, let’s talk the Book Cover of my book: My Two Cents: Taking the Care Out of Health Care, available Free on the Books page. You see, the Cover Design, was done by an Artist that I know well; and orginally, when I approached him, I spoke to him more about Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, Wolf in the Hen House, Pandora’s Box, and similar idea, like a ‘Bait and Switch’ Revelation on how Obamacare was supposed to be “one” thing, and became another thing.The Artist was ‘Inspired’ and ‘Created’ the Artwork for the Cover ‘himself’ and it is Amazing at how he ‘handcrafted’ the cover with such detail. Last I spoke to him, he was a Partner in CT in an Art Studio, Art School, and Art Gallery, as he’s incredibly talented, as you can see by the ‘detail’ of the Book Cover. He even had several people look at the three different covers and all of them picked the cover of the book, as it stood out so well. I loved it too; so, it replaced my intial idea of the wolf, and became the cover.

Full circle, and something about Circle Lines, and here we are today. Let’s see if I can “throw a net” over the situation!!! (Pun Intentional) Let’s go back to WWII, even WWI if you like as ‘one’ war led to the other, just needing a break to repopulate the male population, aka thier toy soldiers; and, understanding that when the Nazi Third Reich came to power in Germany, it was part of a long-term plan, very long-term plan. However, they had not incorporated the Japanese, Asia, into thier Plan. It benefited them that the USA entered the War and helped them with the Japanese issue. Eventually, the Nazi’s realized that Wars are Too Destructive, and that the Best Way to Rule an Empire and Rule the World is “Administratively”, as Governments, Royals, Politicians, etc. come and go all the time; however, the Administrators stay for Generations. Thus was Born the Post-WWII plan for “The Fourth Reich”, as also referenced in the 1942/3 movie: Casablanca. “You speak of the Third Reich as though you expect Another.”

The long and short of all this, and I will circle back to the book too, is that the Nazi’s literally implemented thier Plan for The Fourth Reich; however, it was ‘actually’ the OSS, now CIA, that implemented the Fourth Reich Plan. Think of the Fourth Reich Plan as nothing more than: “Control All the Administrative Agencies in Government and You Control the World!” Simple, right!!! Oh, it was not just the CIA, it was also the KGB, and every Government of the World that ‘scooped’ up German Scientist and Leaders to ‘help’ rebuild post-WWII for what became The Cold War, while China rose in Solitude. Shortening this up… Today, you have Government Administrative Agencies ‘all over the world’ that actually run thier Governments; and, the take down of the 1984 Chevron Doctrine in the USA last year, a Lawsuit brought by “Fisherman” no less, is the “Beggining of the End” for the Administrative State.

Bringing it all together, Stitching Time… Post-WWII, the first Government Systems ‘rebuilt’ were the Social Systems, starting with Health Care, as people Desperately needed Help post-WWII, as other than the USA, most Countries had been “Pounded by Bombs into Rubble” around the World. Post-WWII, we all got “Numbers”, like Concentration Camp numbers, or Prisoner Numbers, you choose; and that is How we Access “Health Care” and Social Services, including Pensions and Living Assistance, basically, your “SS” Number. Deal with it!!! My book, and the Inspired cover design the Artist made on his own, is yet another “Fishing” reference!!! Christ as “The Fisher of Men”, Fishing us out of Hell, Releasing us from Prison. The other ‘item’ I thought about this morning is that “Fish Eat Each Other” and makes the Cover ‘even more appropriate’ due to “All the Players” in Health Care, etc. have today, 10 yrs ‘after the roll-out’ of Obamacare, 2012 and 2013, when I published and released my Obamacare Books and iPhone app, “one” can easily look at Health Care “Systems” around the World, and see how they’ve “consumed” themselves.

The Health Care System in the USA is now “one” of the Worst in the World, and has ‘quietly’ collapsed under the Obamacare “greed” of the Fish… Let me not forget to mention, most of today’s Health Care System Companies can be “Tied” back to the Nazi’s taking them over as they “Laundered” thier Wealth throughout the World. Thank the OSS, Dulles Brothers, Bankers, etc… All going Bankrupt now, post-COVID Endgame!!! Note that the assholes ‘almost’ took over the World Post-9/11; however, as happened Post-Pearl Harbor, no”One” expected the Anger with which “People”, especially the American People, would respond. Note, very important, for Decades now, the Military Services, especially the Army and Marines, in the USA are primarily Minorities and Immigrants from all over the World.

DOGE and the Tech Boys Shitting Bricks

Yo Yo Yo Homie!!! (Bad, 1990’s Impersonation) Anyway, you all “KNOW” what Elon Musk is really trying to do under DOGE, right??? He is on a “Search and Destroy” Mission, so-to-speak, to Find and Eliminate ‘any and all’ that “Know What the Tech Boys Did in the Past”; and more Importantly, ‘DESTORY ALL EVIDENCE’ of what The PayPal Mafia did in the late 1990’s, including How Many Trillions of Dollars they “Stole” and continue to Steal, only getting away with it because they were “Greasing the Wheels”, or should I say “Oiling”, the assholes in The Deep State that made them all FILTHY Rich and put them in Power!!! These Tech Boys are the current “Hand of The Deep State”; however, they are all Going Broke, as the ‘House of Cards’ has Collapsed, and Nobody can pay thier Bills anymore, meaning ‘ALL’ Revenue Streams “Have Gone to Shit Too”, before you even consider that the World Demographics are Plummeting. The Scariest Part for Them, the VC’s and Every”One” else is that the Spendthrift Generation of under 30’s, is now the Smallest Age Group in the Entire World, Shrinking, and they are Broke too, as thier Parents and Grandparents are now Retired and/or Broke too! The Baby Boomers make up over 30% of the World, those not killed during COVID, and they don’t spend money. The assholes made Daily Living Expenses too High; and this ‘adjustment’ is Wiping out Billionaires too!!! No Discrimination!!!


With how Insane my Life has been, and after barely Survivng my 1,000 V Cardioversion that left me Crippled last year at the VA Hospital on 19 Mar 24, dual 30% Heart Ejection Fractions and Grade III Diastolic Dysfunction, with almost zero hope of improvement, I spend my days wondering… “Is all I have left to do is Kill Time…” Basically, I don’t have a Life these days; and with the Physical Issues, I doubt I could have a Life. However, I do Love being Oceanfront!!! Even with no beach!!!

I see I got a little German attention… Most don’t realize it; however, many of you do not ‘mask’ your locations well, aka “loose ends” that I usually Notice… Anyway, please note: I Do Not use the Words “German” and “Nazi” as “Interchangeable”, as to me, they are like ‘Night and Day’; and it is the Cultists of The Law of One that I personally Target, those that Believe that they are God Incarnate. Therefore, I see a huge distinction between Culture and Faith. After all, I see myself as American and Portuguese, and I ‘value’ both Cultures; however, American Culture has become perverse, I think is the word, the last half century…

Anyway… I will say this to all of you… If you have been Tortured “daily”, sometimes non-stop, for almost 4 years “straight”, you might be a little pissed off too!!! I will say, moving to where I am right now, has been a Godsend, as the Satellites controlled by the Bozo’s can only connect to me intermittently; and if I think the attacks are coming through cell service, I turn off my equipment. I did tell you all that my Issues ‘started’ in 2018, right! What went Live in 2018? Air Force / Space Force partnered with SpaceX and Starlink to roll out ‘new’ Communications Systems, basically giving them 5G Bandwidth that was ‘Not to be Used’, as it was still in use by old ‘off-the-books’ programs; and all Hell broke loose. Musk got connected to me on 1 May 2020 through my Fraternity Brothers, many work in the Military Industrial Complex; however, this idiot is a Navy Officer. Ugh…

As you all know, I live alone. FYI… I am NOT on any”one’s” or anybody’s Payroll, as almost a year after getting ‘fryed’, and not being able to work within weeks, I still have not been Approved for Social Security Disability, and my VA Disability Claims have all been rejected, except my Tinnitus, for which I get $175 per month, then pay most of it back for medications, etc. It is nice being in Portugal. have been here 57 of the last 77 days, and if I stay until 4 July, I can ‘officially’ change my Residency. I already have Citizenship. I am working on Transitioning my Medical Care; and since, to protect what’s left of my Family, I plan on never speaking to them again, after not having spoken to them in 11 months, it is just “me, myself, and I” these days. Some of you are Welcome to Visit. It all depends on your atittude, and if you bring food and drinks. (only half joking) I am an old, tired, and broken man; so, personally, I am not a risk. I do have Implants; no idea who manages them…

Bone Marrow

FYI… Don’t forget to ask about my Bone Marrow Test (Donation) back in Nov/Dec. It might be important, is Important. I just remembered the date, it was the same morning that the UHC CEO got toasted, for what I assume was telling the wrong person to fuck off, your kid’s going to die, we’re not paying the bill, and it’s not my fucking problem. (WIld Guess on my part.) Interestingly, after denying Mangione health care treatments, isn’t it Ironic that he will now get Free Medical Care, Meals, Shelter, Clothes, and thanks to the Ladies that adore him, more Conjugal Visits than he can handle… Irony!!!

History Lesson via “The Time Machine”

I am refering to the story and movie: The Time Machine. In the story, there is a Nuclear War, and Society is split into two groups, those that stay above ground and those that go below ground, to survive the Nuclear War. Therefore, the best way to understand this ‘concept’ historically is that after the last Nuclear War, that caused the Great Flood, Society’s all over the World “split” in two. What happened to all the people that Disappeared all over the World, like Native Americans, etc. is best viewed as, they were those that stayed above ground. What caused the Black Death and ‘other’ Society killing events starting around The Middle Ages??? The underground dwellers returned to the Surface, after only ‘occassionally’ returning to the surface. Once they returned to the surface, they started assuming the Identities and ‘blending in’ with Society, with One Exception, they practice Cannibalism. You NEED to understand this in order to understand what is ‘finally’ being addressed, cleansed, in the World Today.

If you go back through History, you will start to make the connections, including into the old Khazarian Empire, before The Middle Ages, when the Russians “forced” them into Picking an Abrahamic Religion, and giving up thier Cannabalistic ways. They chose “Jewish”, then infiltrated the Jewish Faith, and are the reason most have a misconception of Jewish Faith today. Stop! They also Infiltrated Catholicism and Islam, after infiltrating the Jewish Faith. They did it all “out of spite”, as they HATED being told to Pick an Abrahamic Religion and Stop being Cannibalistic. There are still “cells” of them around the World, and thier #1 Strategy is to Promote War and “Replace” Government Leaders with thier own, or those they can “Control”, through any means necessary, including mind control. Let that “sink” in… Then realize that part of what is happening with Russia – Ukraine today is a result of that and that the Russians helped Kazakhstan “quell” a Revolution, just before they Invaded Ukraine. Coincidence? Probably not… Those who were once in Power will figtht to the death to do anything they can to hold onto Power, even if it means: “Scorched Earth!”

Note II

I am trying to decide, should I take a nap, or go enjoy this beautiful day before the Sun sets, as it is only 1540, and that would give me three hours. I don’t know how many of you may understand this, the White Hats, as in the movie: Catch 22, turned out to be assholes. They manipulated the US Elections from 2008 until Today; and when they got Trump Elected in 2016, they started a ‘shake-down’ of the World. Why do you think Trump was the “only” Real Estate person in the World to get Rich during COVID. Also, who do you think orchestrated the Fake Assassination Attempt, predicted, play-by-play, four months in Advance? I could go on and on and on; but, you would NOT like it… Trump was a ‘useful’ Idiot Puppet, just stroke his Ego and throw him Money…

COVID Reality

Trust me on this Point: None of You “WANT” to Know How Many People DIED During COVID Globally. Frankly, I don’t think you can handle the “REAL” Number. It is APPALLING!!! All you need to know is this: The World Ecomony is Collapsing Due to the COVID Population Reduction, especially in Asia and Southeast Asia, as Africa and South America had already been Decimated. The World Economy will get Worse as the Baby Boomers Pass Away of Old Age, those that are left today, by 2040, making the World Economy much Worse!!! You have a Choice To Make “NOW”: 1. Address the Issues before it is Too Late. 2. Wait and Deal with the Consequences. 3. Let somebody else “Step Into the Vacuum” of your Failure to Act. What is the Line from the Indian Jones movie, the Search for The Holy Grail? Oh yes, “Choose Wisely!” You “Don’t Need Me!!!” I have Provided you More than You Need on this website, under Articles and in my Books!!!

Tech Boy Take-Down and Financial Claw-Back (Lobster Like)

Okay… Why do I have to keep Teaching you all? Actually, I do not mind, as They have Provided me everything I have ever asked for and thensome, which is why I have been able to just scrap by for over 5 years and am in a Perfect Place based on my Request to Them. You all have to Learn to Value the Right Things!!! You know, this would be a LOT easier in person, as each and every time I answer a question, you are probably going to have another two or three questions. I’m just saying, let’s do this the right way, before I am actually gone, for good… You know where I am, even though my address can’t be found online…

Hey Interpol, let me teach you… I am a USA Citizen “and” a Portuguese Citizen, which makes me a EU Citizen, and as a Portuguese Citizen, I also have Defacto ‘legal’ connections to all the Former Portuguese Colonies. Examples: Angola, Mozambique, Goa (India), Macau (China), etc. etc. etc. Therefore, since the Tech Boys are still trying to kill me, while I have been in the Azores, Portugal, for 57 of the last 77 days, and just started a 2-month lease that I can extend to 3 months, the asshole Tech Boys are “technically” attacking a Portuguese, EU, etc. Citizen. More importantly, all of you worked with me, specifically me, through me, and USA Defense Intelligence Agency, back in 1999, which allowed us all to Stabalize Y2K ‘after” the Tech Boys fucked it up!!! Yes!!! We go back that Far, actually Farther… Therefore, WTF, hand them thier “Balls on Silver Platters”, a very old family line thing, and make them eat them, while you claw back Trillions of Dollars for your Countries. Not a Fucking Joke!!! That’s why they Fuck with me and want me Dead!!! Your Time is Limited as I am Dying… They got me good. I’m only alive due to Miracles, lots of Miracles!!!

I don’t know what else to tell you right now… I had dinner, went outside and enjoyed the Sun for a bit, now the Sun is setting. Oh, as I mentioned earlier, “Sleepers” do not always “know” they are Sleepers, as that is what they created with my Army National Guard Training at Ft. Benning, Georgia, back in Summer of 1987. FYI, Gen. Colin Powell “id’d” me as a “survivor” in 1989, and took ‘secret’ Management of me, as I was also managed by Bush too, GHW. Frankly, I think I have done all that I can do at this time, and I am very tired… The women, why I call them Cunts, have even denied me being able to date in over a Decade. Chill the Fuck out, I don’t like young women; and since I am Autistic, I appreciate beautiful women, in many forms, as the human body is amazing; however, I am broken in too many ways these days… They did a number on me… I regularly go to bed thinking, I hope this is it…

The 100 Trillion Dollar Question

I just made popcorn and got another glass of wine. I was thinking, as I just watched a video on Peter Theil. Does Elon Musk “know” that he just Fucked over Peter, or is Peter just “Collateral Damage” because of idiots, Musk and his Harem of Baby Mommas? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy… Hell is getting Hotter than Hot, and it is a Damn Good Thing (Pun Intended) that we Tripled the size of Hell, to fill it up, and bring about Heaven on Earth!!! Bam!!!

The Closer You Get to the Endgame The More You Throw Each Other Under The Bus

This is such a Great Video and it is Part 2, just released 2 weeks ago. They make a great point of President George HW Bush rising from obscurity to launching an oil company in 1953, until it became part of Haliburton in the 1990’s. Let me remind you, the assholes made a “Really Fucking Bad Deal” back in 1953, really fucking bad!!! However, I was offered up by “Others” as a way “Out of the Deal”, as they did not all want to Die!!! Remember, I told you, I have many memories of Bush; and I can tell you exactly what they tell you in this video, he liked keeping people that he Trusted around him. Yea, he knew he was going to get Fucked after the Clinton Cult of the Law of One tried to Kill him, Poision him, in Japan, in 1992. Therefore… I became a “Poison Pill” amoung many other things that he was even unaware of at the time. All you assholes “Left me out in the Cold”; so, I called upon God, and kept working… Not on any of your Payrolls, just working… I have had all that I need since 2000; and to this day, even having a wish of being by the Ocean fulfilled before dying. How is that for Faith in God!!!


These are some photos of me through the years to make you think…. 1. Youngest Available. 2. Pre-Tour II? 3. Post Tour II, Broken Nose, from having head smashed in two. 4. Pre-1987 Bootcamp. 5. At Bootcamp in 1987, a month into it. and post Implant, notice left eye. 6. Post 1988 Basic Phase II Training, School ID photo. 7. Post 1997 Advanced Camp photo for Officer Commissioning. I look mixed race, again, right! Hence the Asian baby’s got back Honeypot, that did not work; so, they drugged me in DC in Dec 1998, while I was on-boarding with DIA and CIA in DC. Dumbassess!!! RIght!!! Anyway… Hey Germans, how do I look in Photo #1? WTF? CRISPR or CAR-T… Or, just “surprise” genetic activations, considering I am like the Albino in the Family…

1 March 2025

WTF! ~0600!!! Insane Night, and your Body Count is Not Due to Me!!! After coffee, I’ll write… Teams Retired in Hawaii, etc.

First Off

It’s 0737, 737 Rolling Down the Strip, which I have not been able to ever forget, since 1987… I am drinking my coffee at the moment, and maybe I might shower today. I did not mention, as it did not dawn on me until last night and this morning some highlights of this place… 1. It has like 100 old school heat lamps built into the ceilings as I suspect this was a commercial use building; so, it is like you’re being watched by 100 eyes. Ugh… Idiots, I am not an Angel, so Fuck Off, referencing old Bible depictions of Angels with 100 eyes. 2. I saw the nice display model of The Titanic hanging on the wall. Interesting, right? If I remember right, there were two men that died on the Titanic that had been keeping the Federal Reserve from being estabished. 3. I know, this is a Fisherman Theme all around me, as I can’t say Navy, as they were the orginal assholes Pre-and-Post WWII. Oh, I am NOT Christ either, so Fuck Off, again. I am just an asshole, best case Scenario, an Administrator or at least Trained by Them, as I see Order in Chaos… “Policies, Procedures and Protocols!” Anyway…

Let’s talk Hawaii… I have memories of dropping off “at least” Two sets of Teams in Hawaii, after a long ride on a bus; and telling them to go ahead and Retire, go home, whatever… In both cases, I stayed, just to Chill, literally, not work, just Chill… This “was known” by the way; and the last two times, in 2020 and 2021, I was told: If you stay, they are going to kill you! I was like, whatever, I am here and might as well visit the beach / ocean before I go too. To which the cuniatas ‘lost thier fucking minds’; right SRI, Yellow Berets, etc. I guess that means I have Retired lots of Teams, if we go back to the 1980’s and 1990’s Retirements. PAY ATTENTION: I have No Memory of EVER retiring a Team in the Azores; so, I assume this is my “Retirement”, after you tried 1,000’s of times to ‘retire me’ as in Kill his ass, right Dicks and Cunts!!!

Speaking of Memory, Drugs, Hypnosis, Manchurian Candidate, you know, MK Ultra 3.0, you do realize the Most Important ‘factor’ about being a Manchurian Candidate, right??? The Manchurian Candidate is “NEVER” supposed to Know, even consider themselves, to be someone that has been drugged, hypnotized, and programmed and turned into either a Manchurian Candidate or “True” Sleeper Cell. Once you become “self-aware” of the situation, they consider you a ‘throw-away’, and in many cases prefer you Dead, AFAFP, As-Fast-As-Fucking-Possible!!! My mind “re-booted” and I ‘started’ becoming ‘Self-Aware’ in Sep 2018, or was it Oct 2018. Whatever… After that ‘re-boot’, a weekend long re-boot, I felt Great!!! Then, the Memories started filtering back… However, I was still ‘not aware’ and useful, until “your” assholes started fucking with me, hoping for ‘secrets for blackmail’, yada yada yada… They were even told: “You’ve had your fun with him, now leave him alone!” (Apr 2021) Instead… I got a Royal Fucking, and everything went sideways… Therefore, this mornings Insanty, you brought on yourselves! You lied about ‘helping’, and they knew it and got pissed off about it; so, after the fact, they old me they delt with the situation Militarily, while your idiots made fun of them for jumping out of airplanes… Airborne!!! Don’t blame me… I am “just a Pawn” and ‘relay messages’ that you idiots ignore…


Hey, I had to sleep for a bit… You know what time it is? It is almost “1010” and “1010 WINS” again!!! You ever notice a lot of watch ads use the time 1010, interesting… What is up with the “Barking Dog” at the neighbor’s house, the only house with residents at the moment? Why would a dog bark all day long at the local wildlife? Seriously, we’re on the ocean and there are birds everywhere around, not to mention the tiny lizards that like to sunbathe, and the occassional dog or cat wandering around too. If the dog were used to this place, it would not bark all day long at anything and everything. Let me guess, the people inside are on ‘headphones’ and working, hmm hmm, just saying…

Do you what today, 1 March 2025, marks??? It is 10 years since I finally got a $25,000 Matching Grant from CT DECD, and ‘technically’ my Contract ended based on the Date it was Signed, a couple of months ago; but this is the day the cash hit my account. I was approved for a $50,000 Loan too; however, after I was asked about ‘my experience’ when Testifying before a CT Legislative Community in “Favor” of expanding the Program, and said it took 8 months and multiple applications to get throught he Process, the woman in charge of my Application, a Director, “got her cunt into a tizzy”, Oye Ve!!! Long story short, it turned out that she had Lied to the Underwriter, changed the Terms without telling the Underwriter, delayed the entire Application process until “after” the Annual Sales Cycle was over, which I just got the collusion, just now, then called and threatened me!!!

Why do I bring up the Details again now? SomeOne is still really fucking pissed off about the FACT that I got through under the bus, and now they are paying the price!!! Therefore, as I always said about Conspiracy Theories: “The closer you get to the Endgame, the more you throw each other Under the Bus!” Oh, that is how you made the work go faster, you took each other ‘out’, literally. Anyway, after ‘barely surviving’ (the business) that first year, I did get an Investor the Second Year, until he got ‘talked to and helped put me, us, out of business too’, as they offered he sweet deals much sweeter than the $280k pre-tax hit he took. The woman at CT DECD never asked for the money when I got the Investment, but when I closed the buisness in 2017, sent me a BIll for the $25,000 Matching Grant, then went silent. This month with be the last month I spend $50 per month to hold those Business Records.

Obamacare Collussion (HHS, CMS, Insurers, Pharmaceutical, Hospital System and SDoH)

The Endgame for Worldwide Takeover of the Healthcare System was/is “SDoH”, Social Determinantes of Health”, brought to you y “The Devil in the Details”, also known as “Data Analytics” and The Government as Your Caretaker, undertaker. Interesting, if you look at the cover of my book: My Two Cents: Taking the Care Out of Health Care, you’d never know that the Artist was ‘Inspired’ to make that cover on his own, as I was originally looking at a Wolf in the Henhouse Theme. However, in hindsight, the cover is Perfect! As that is Exactly what happened to Obamacare, it was Sold Out to the Devil’s at the Health Insurance Companies, Pharmaceutical Companies, and Hospital Systems, and thier Cronies!!! This is what probably led to Collussion and why my Grant/Loan Application at CT DECD was Dleayed to kill off my business and push me out of the Health Insurance Industry, as it is know today, some of them were getting kickbacks, and got jobs later… Lot’s of Them!!!

The Collussion that just dawned upon me also shows thier Incompetence and ‘throwing the wrong person under the bus’, meaning me, by idiots they did not keep tabs upon!!! You see, the work I as doing was Loved and Talked about Nationally, if not beyond, for Teaching and Supporting the Obamacare Rollout, and other Health Insurance and Care Programs as far back at 2009; and it was well known Politically, in Democratic Circles!!! In Fact, the CT Exchange was the first Exchange up and running, and I was very involved behind the scenes, even working with Non Profits and Community Groups, throughout the State. When they hired the CEO, he and I did a talk radio show then went to lunch, and before any other Hiring took place, he offered me a job over lunch. He literally said to me: Come work for me! (I was Independent at the Time) I said: “No! You need me on the other side of the table working with the NPOS and Community Groups, as They Know and Trust me, and they don’t know and trust you!” I was “half right”, not half size, half right! It was the NPOs, Community Groups, Medicaid Receipients, Immigrant Groups, etc, that “needed” me to “counter” what was and still is being done to them today!!!

The book is Free on the Books page, and there are many more Obamacare Fix Articles on the Articles page, along with many of my Ramblings… This is a Really Long Story; so, if you want the Details, high level, Read the Free Book, and read it slowly as it will probably make you Sad, Angry, and maybe even Cry; yet, also Hopeful for the Future of Healthcare. The book does Disclose some what I call “Technically Illegal” Activity, especially under “Fraud, Waste, and Abuse” that is still occuring under Obamacare; and I did Report to the FBI some of it and got Investigated and Threatened with Inprisonment in Return, based on my Investigation (Notes). I wish that I was making this all up!!! My Life has Been Hell since 2016, and check out the Health Educated Business Reports as part of the Pre-2020 Items “At the Bottom” of the Articles page too!!! I caused a Shitstorm with those too!!! Basically, Ifigured out “Almost All the Collussion” that LITERALLY Allowed the Insurers, Pharmaceutical Companies, and Hospital Systems to “Circumvent Obamacare”, PPACA Literal Law, and add what its Probably Today at least a $1 Trillion ‘Annually’ in Profits to thier Bottom Lines, combined, which has also Profited Venture Capital Firms. However, the House of Cards is Collapsing and they want Bailouts Now!!!

Oy Oy Oy

Why Oy Oy Oy? Why not!!! Anyway, WTF is up with the Temper Tantrum about what I posted today??? Look at the DATES!!! The Files go back to 2017, and my Obamacare Books go back to 2013, and my ‘original’ book goes back to 2007, just before I “Dissappeared” from MILPERS, meaning that “I did Not Exist” anymore in the Military Personnell System. Hmm, Interesting… Therefore, everything you got Bent Out of Shape about this morning, has in In the Public Domain for 5-to-8 years on this website, up-to 10 years on previous websites, and other than the 2007 book, the rest have been available for Purchase Online from many sources, Free today here on this website, since 2013!!! Therefore, WTF is up with the Temper Tantrums!!!

Note II

I actually did all the dishes, finished getting settled in, organzied the kitchen area, had lunch, am having coffee at the moment; and even “Seasoned” up the Beef I bought Thu afternoon, after cutting it in 3 nice size steaks and a small steak. Mmm Mmm. I noticed the dog stopped barking for a while, and is barking agin, funny shit… I don’t know if I’ll take a nap before showering, probably, but that is all that is left on today’s sorta ‘To Do’ List. It was so cold in the house, that even at 60 F outside, the sun is out, and it is warmer than inside; so, I have opened the windos and doors and it feels Great!!! It is quiet out and the waves are gently rolling up into the shore. Oh, so Nice!!! It’s a Beautiful Day!!! You know where I am and stop using my Hotspot!!!

Funtime with Futurama

I’ll start…

Pete Hegseth as Zapp Brannigan

Tullsi Gabbard as Leela


Timelooping and 29 Feb 2000

Something about 1 Mar 2025 “reinforcing and reconfiming” the Cycle Change…

Note III

Well, I never showered. I did just make a nice stir-fry for dinner, and cleaned everything up. I am going to chill and watch some YouTube videos until I go to bed. My heart rhythm went Irregular again this afternoon; so I took the Diltiazem and that new Bisoprolol from the VA, in the unsealed bottle. We’ll see what happens… I am still in afib but my heart rate is under 80. Last note for this evening… I was a “fill in” on this job!!! You know, tag, you’re it!!! (Wrestling, Tag!) I just happened to be in the hood… I will shower tomorrow, if I am still around; and FYI, this Location was “Mission Accomplished” for Them, as I told them 4 years ago, even if it’s just for a day, I’m Good!!! I think They are having a Changing-of-the-Guard now too!!! Hence, the song I posted last night: British WW2 Song: We’ll Meet Again, by Vera Lynn. Oh, I figured out why the idiots used a so-so looking Honeypot Chinese Woman back in Dec 1998, while I was gettng on-boarded, get it, On Board, by DIA and CIA in Washington, DC. I looked Black; so they said, oh: Asian woman… Anyway, I am done with this for tonight; and it may be it too…

Malaga, Timelines, Timeshifts

Okay, I am actually going to shower, as I need to clear my mind, and it will warm me up. “Malaga” has been coming up a LOT the last two days; and I don’t know why. My initial Research is “Interesting” to say the Least!!! I will read the articles I found after I shower, as they are mind-blowing, so far, to me!!! As for Timelines and Timeshifts between Timelines, etc., I actually understand those concepts quite well, better than you may realize!!! At one point, I have a memory of being told by the Archangels, I think, we are going to “play hide-and-seek” with you on Timelines; so, They’ll never be abe to find you… Anyway…shower and a drink…


I am going to bed, post shower, and feel better for it. It is almost 2200 my time anyway… I did a little Research on Malaga, here and here, and I have to say… A LOT OF MEMORIES FLOODING BACK TO ME… Highlights, and I am sure I am Forgetting some, but my mind is spinning, and I am going to bed to rest, hopefully… Or, maybe go home… The List: Christ (the Fisherman), Our Lady of Fatima Mary Mother of Christ, Mary Magdalene, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, “The Ladies of The Day of The Dead”, the Ferryman, Atlantis, Forbidden Marriages, and so many more, so many more…